Massachusetts is having a great sports season.
...The Boston Red Sox swept away the Angels n will begin the ALCS to compete in the World Series contest Friday. The descision is still between the Indians or the Yankees. I hope I get to watch some of the games. Today is Day Off, n of course there's no games on.
...The Patriots also have a hot streak going, undefeated at 5-0. All the sports fans are pretty happy at work these days, until they run into that one Yankee fan... Now if the Celtics n Bruins could join in the fun it would be a truelly amazing year for BeanTown.
...I don't try to predict who'll win the Series, cause it's just bad luck, n last time I thought they'd get it out loud, the Yankees killed 'em nastily in the ninth! I won't say it again, n will remain cautiously optimistic, as all Boston fans should've learned to be by now.
...I still think what determined the Sox's WS win in '04 was the room full of people
(priests n Monks included with the good family folks) at my Uncle's funeral all toasting n praying that they win for Mike, as he waited patiently n never got to see it in his lifetime, n never lost faith.
...If they don't win this time, I won't be surprized. If they do, may skill n luck determine the outcome.
...On another sports tac, the news about the
Chicago Marathon is devastating. Unusual 90 degree F heat causing cancellation, hospitalization for hundreds, n death for one- such a terrible event due to the weather n a shortage of liquid for the runners. That wonderful feeling of accomplishment was ripped away from thousands of runners who'll never cross the finish-line.
...A girl who lived at my mom's years ago having already done the Boston Marathon, went to run that race in Illinios, n talked of freezing her butt off. Usually Chicago is cold n windy in October. But as we now are certain, all weather predictablity bets are off the table. After the Tsunami, n Katrina, how can anyone pretend to know what will happen, where, next?
...Sometimes winning doesn't matter as much... as survival-