
What scares me:
- losing my eyes or hands
- Croaking before I get to my backlog of art, writing, n design projects
- senseless violence n war
- riding fast elevators in tall buildings
- drunk drivers n other careless drivers
What doesn't scare me:
- halloween stuff
- ghosts
- animals
- being alone
- public speaking
What stuff scares you?
-wild animals
...knowing...not knowing
George W. Bush starting world war 3!
-not having my kids
-being alone in unfamiliar areas that are too quiet
-jerk-off drivers in the highway
Fleen, hope you're not too spooked out tonight n got to have fun!
Neo, having him in charge IS scary!
MB, I hope the road is good to you- 2 people crashed n burned on rt.95 in MA today.
Snaggs, off the top of your head. Give me a yes or a no...
I got over my fear of public speaking years ago... and now I get paid to do it sometimes. LOL.
Hope you had a nice Halloween :)
Fleen, No (n I'm over-tired now)!
Xray, yes, the thought of all lost is unbearable. Those poor CA fire victims...
Zoey, Getting paid for speaking sounds like a ton of pressure on top of it- The day of dress-up went ok-
Not being able to find the restroom!!!!
- a careless driver running down my kid while they're trick-or-treating.
Skye, that sound like a mal-nightmare!
VanArt, That's why you lead them around on leashes until they're 16... it is tough to let them out there these days!
Fleen, Hope it wasn't really bad-
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