When water looks like space...
What a mirage of texture-
It plunges me deep into thoughts difficult to express. I'm reminded of Claude Monet's impressionist work. It seems that may be what heaven looks like, wonderous, mysterious, endless, beyond our plane. It's meerly a gift the Creator allowed me to see n pass along to my visitors.
Looking here I can almost forget the work-week I don't want to return to, my rushed week getting ready to travel to my niece's wedding this week-end. I need to iron out clothes n details, map the way, n miss sleep. But the experience will be worth it. I don't get to see the extended fam folks often, or they me. I'll get to drive thru peak foliage, also.
More reflections soon to follow in future posts.
Snag - hmmm that water looks so still and calm. Looks like a nice place to reflect. :)
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Neo, I really don't hang out there as long as I'd like. Mostly just drive by. I like how it looks different depending on the sky, tide, n wind. That's right down the hill past that house getting built (The view it now blocks).
Snag - Gotta love that. Beauty always gets surrounded by obstructions. Always something in the way that is more important to people than nature. Pretty lame huh?
Neo, it should be a crime, but they call it progress!
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