The deck is littered with MapleBeard's cast-offs.
After spending hours cleaning up the strewn lawn so I could mow, I returned home tonight to find it doesn't appear I did anything...

But at least it looked good when the important folks were touring the grounds. Looks like another full day of raking in my near future.
This is a pic of MapleBeard shedding this year.

The many oak trees across the street haven't even begun yet, just their vines have turned. These were all taken Monday.
They said it would rain n get chilly Tuesday, still waiting! Got a window open...
Wow, those California fires near San Diego n Malibu sparked by the Santa Ana winds are scary crazy! The ABC national news special on now reported it's the largest evacuation in Cal history, of 500,000 people. They've got tents pitched in the sports stadium. Five people reported dead, hundreds of homes totally burnt.
The Fire Monster is one of the worst! Makes ya feel pretty fortunate to have a home to sit n blog in. Always some one to pray for- Lets hope the disaster attacks slow down!
LOL I like how you call him Maple Beard.
Xray, that's right, you weren't blogging yet when I first intro'd "Maple Beard" on my Blog in March 2006, (3rd pic) here in the archives,
-may need right click to get that whole link-
You can clearly see a face-like resemblance, with arms. Of course at the time the "Lord of The Rings" films were finally out on home-video I'd been watching. I noticed you are a LOR fan too-
Calif is getting slammed, tis true
but not as bad as the Rockies, by your red ( HOT) socks.
we stand in faith, believing for less loss of life, and endurance.
I love your Maple Beard tree. Boy what a Welcome to Boston game!!!
David, If only the fire could take three strikes n be out too! That First game was a runaway, alright- Today's may be another story-
Skye, Thanks, I love MapleBeard, myself. Last night's Game was a Skunk-Score on the Rockies for sure. Where's the challenge? Maybe tonight's -but of course I work til 3am.
Snag - I'm sure your back is hurting from all that raking.
As for Cali, some of the fires are being reported as arson. I know they said the police cap'd one moron who was trying to light a fire. People are so stupid.
Btw, it looks like Boston will be having a World Series parade quite soon. Might just be a sweep.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
I sat and watched the whole game for you last night. Now it's off to Denver.
Neo, it's nuts to start fire for fun, so many dead n out out on the street. Hope they catch them-
The Sox got a couple more to go, we'll see-
I saw a Flyer, Randi Jones bash Bruin Bergeron upside the head pretty bad today- nasty!
Skye, it worked, thanks for rooting! more to come-
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