Monday, December 31, 2007


Photo by SnagglrTooth 2007
I could use some of that...
I used to live next to this brackish river over twenty years ago, when the kiddies were small.
The holiday visiting is finally done. I've been loaded up with great family photo gifts n some new memories. The babies had fun, the adults entertained them.
Now all I have to do is keep on ticking down that card list, about 15 more to go!
I do hand-written notes, which not only take thought, but non-sore hands too, (not today).
Tonight there's a snow storm in most of the NorthEast US, but right here on the coast, it's cold rain. I was relieved not to be driving on ice home from work. Cold rain is pretty nasty in any case!
River, take me away... (zzz time)

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Wow Patriots!by Snaggletooth
16 - 0
Way to go!

It's good to be a Patriots fan these days!

Tom Brady now has thrown 50 touchdown passes, record of greatness in the sports history books.

The NY Giants have just failed to stop their unprecedented undefeated season by an NFL team!

38 to 35, undefeated... what a way to end a regular season. The Giants put up a good effort.

What a dream...


I'm not in the habit of watching all the games, but this one, folks, was worth it to any New Englander!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Let There be Lights n Lights

Photo by SnaggleTooth 2007




A detail of the right side same display is shown in the post below. I couldn't fit the whole thing in one shot, because the left of that yard was the toy soldiers n reindeer also pic'd separately below. I just wanted to mention that Santa hat in the chimney in the spotlight flies up, then down the chimney at intervals, but the shot I took of the Santa going up came out too blurry to use. There's also a large, plastic carousel which is difficult to make out in that front yard.


Alot of people got those new air-fan driven blow-ups of snowmen n the snow-globes. I went by the new house across from the school up the road on that day, n the whole yard was full of deflated plastic, which made me giggle a bit...


My lights look awesome from the Boulevarde n also going up the hill the other way, when it looks like a large floating tree instead of the two it really is. My pic of them is dimmer than it looks in person. I can't figure out how to set a longer exposure without the flash yet, (keep reading that manual)! I'll leave my lights on until after the New Year. I get to work through that holiday also.


That display is now dark n being dismantled.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Moon

Photo by SnaggleTooth Dec 24 2007 ...

The Full Moon rising on Christmas Eve reflects a luster on the cove's water.
The shopping werewolves were out in force at the store plaza as I scrambled to the market for supplies before they closed early at six o'clock tonight. Alot of excited children with adult hunters cut me off everywhere I went.
Even the post office closed early, so I missed it, n wonder if more cards are waiting for me there. I'm planning on sending mine all out late again. The Season doesn't end tomorrow, after all. There's a whole week of jolly fun leading up to the New Year.
At work this means huge orders to fill. I worked OT last shift, so having trouble doing things, but giving it a good effort despite my sore hands. All I want for Xmas is my hands to be able to play guitar, n they can't today, while I have time.
SnaggleTooths deck trees ...
All the snow melted away in the torrential downpours last night. The sky finally cleared today, n after I picked up my poor toppled spruce tree in a barrel out on the deck, I had enough daylight left to get the lights on the two little trees. Better than having no tree- n alive, too.
It almost feels like Christmas, even tho I'm spending it by myself until I go to work tomorrow. They gave us all lame ornaments which look like candy-chocolate, but are glass- bummer, I was hungry, too!

Photo by SnaggleTooth Dec 24 2007...
I've been wanting to try pics of this place all week. Every neighborhood has an over-decor-achiever! Here's our Winner,
(Judged by me).
Photo by SnaggleTooth Dec 24 2007

In this neck of the woods, it seems Santa Clause is a god revered by children n adults alike. Something's gotta motovate them to be good! So, all you bleary-eyed parents, I advise you take an afternoon nap as soon as the kids let you.
Got lots to do, before I can relax tonight. Go ahead n have a blast without me...
I'm waiting a few days for my fun, but that's not what the day is about, anyhow.
... ... Happy Birthday Baby Jesus !

Friday, December 21, 2007

Milestones or Moonstones?

While some other bloggers have recently written about celebrating milestones, I realized I do too good a job of down-playing and ignoring mine.
I'm good at pretending nothing is going on here...
For instance, Mr A. recently wrote his 300th post, is having a two year blogger anniversary, had a birthday, n is celebrating finishing an undergraduate degree. Good, even great, for him! Cudos! Applause! Congrats! Party-time!
I've also done those things, but without mentioning them on ESR-bloggy. My 300th post slipped by me at "WTWC?" (stands for: "What's This World Coming To?").
I didn't even look at the dashboard that day, too rushed.
I passed my two-years blogging anniversary five months ago! Now I'm almost at 2.5!
My B-day zipped past largely unnoticed except by those who know me well, way back at "Zzzzz" Yes, I slept thru most of the day. If you read earlier comments you could've figured it out. Although not directly referred to, I hinted about it. I feel pretty old lately, n that's where the title "A New Age" seemed to fit a post, also ambigously referring to my new digi cam n dvd player, (birthday presents) after waiting to have these items for eons!
My undergraduate degree with high honors (BFA magna cum laude) in Visual Design was obtained way back in September '92 after taking my one remaining science requirement, "Astronomy" as a summer course. This worked out well to be able to take my kids star gazing through the telescape out in a field at the university, because it was summer vacation as a single parent, warm out, n very late at night!
I celebrated my graduation with my extended family members earlier in June, but it didn't feel right, because I knew I wasn't finished with that one needed course. Also, I got upset every time I thought about the fact my Dad didn't get to see me graduate, having died a year earlier from the Big "C". I didn't feel like celebrating at all.
Even still, I'm in the habit of not acknowledging my milestones. I also look at the night sky every chance I get, even though my eyes are beginning to lose focus on the stars due to my age.
I don't celebrate the way I used to. I don't go out to clubs, or drink and smoke anymore. I don't feel like calling people, n generally have trouble feeling happy about my accomplishments. I've been waiting too long for a well deserved ellusive pay-off. It gets discouraging!
I'm still waiting for the monetary success to catch up to my accomplishments n skills success.
Meanwhile, it's cold, a rainy-sleet night outside, Christmas is about here, n I get to ignore it, except for everyone's greetings!
I have a very bad habit of not reacting. I'm just not feeling it yet. I don't get to celebrate, n I'm resigned to the fact. My lights aren't out on the little trees.
Most of my stuff will be sent to others late, for this I apologize, but one day off just isin't enough time to do it all.
I'm sore n exhausted from my job. I probably should be sleeping instead of trying to get to the holiday chores on the docket for my over-night hours. But I'm not much of a slacker either...
Merry Week! ... EEK!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

RR Bridge

Photo by SnaggleTooth 2007 ...

I took these on film in October, the same day I was in Buzzard's Bay (the village in Bourne) n took the burned down restaurant pics.
Photo by SnaggleTooth 2007
The RailRoad Bridge over the canal is a classic photo subject of the Cape. It lowers to let the trains cross, n rises to let the large watercraft through the channel. It's run n maintained by the Army Corps of Engineers. Trains are pretty scarce these days.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Outa my way!

SnaggleTooth's truck ...

Is it me, or are Xmas shoppers on the road trying to plow into my truck?

After narrowly escaping about ten incidents of folks going too fast with icy spots everywhere, I'm ready to stay parked at home n avoid stores until January!
If 50 mph on the forest road is so slow some one has to zoom past me, I think we're having a prob with stressed out people in a huge hurry...

I can understand the snow day put a few people off the holiday schedule-
I had to wait an extra day for my paycheck due to the snow, then on the way home I couldn't deposit it because the center of town, where my bank is located , was blocked off for heavy equiptment snow removal overnight! Now I'm reduced to missing sleep n trying to do all these errands on a busy Saturday, with traffic, full parking lots, lines in the stores, no ground beef left on the shelves, n total aggrivation with darting drivers every where I try to go...
I'd rather stay home n sleep until these people get over the holiday road-rudeness!
Now here comes a NorEaster. I hope it's all rain here, cause I have to drive in it.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Wow, am I glad I'm not scheduled to work tonight!
Window view by SnaggleTooth Dec 2007 We're finally getting nailed with tons of white fluff stuff in MA.
It didn't look too bad from the window. By four O'clock pm EDST, when I got outside, there was six to eight inches plus plow-droppings to shovel before the daylight was gone. It's not letting up yet, either, but I'm looking to have less to do before work tomorrow.
Porch view by SnaggleTooth Dec 2007

According to tv news (watching Storm Force 7 today), all the city commuters in Beantown are in gridlock nightmare n everyone will be late out of school n work tonight. It's taking hours to go a couple miles, Tobin to rt 60, down rt 93, n through the tunnels. Lots of stuck cars, abandoned cars (prob out of $fuel), sliding, n fishtailing. Not me... That's why I don't want to work up there, n commute from here.
Even going the seven miles I do to work would be too many tonight! Some things are just not worth it. The errands aren't done, I can't get to the store, post office, gas station, ect.
Photo by SnaggleTooth Dec 2007
Doing this is easy. The tea is hot. The soup is cooking up a new batch of steam for my troubled sinuses. I'm staying in, where I've enough to keep me busy for quite some time.
I'll save slip-slidin away for tomorrow-
The Eagle has ---, there's an iron eagle on top of this lamp!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Seasonal Holiday Interruptus

Photo by SnaggleTooth Dec 2007
We still haven't built up a lasting snow accumulation here. We're currently in the middle of more wet n icy precip, the third stormy round. I finally broke out the Halite for the steps after slipping pretty good on yesterday's ice under today's rain on the way in.
It's nothing like the ice-storm in the mid-west today being reported on World News Now on abc, which is causing heaps of road-misery by taking lives, but the power did just go out for a few minutes here. I just had to reboot n lost some stuff I was working on.
Last week Tiv started a meme for Gail Pumphrey, a recent victim of Domestic Violence. My version is still being drafted, but I expect to post it one of these days... when I have time to get it together again- (Keep in mind I'm still playing with dail-up here until I can hit the jackpot).
WTWC2? Now we're having church shootings in CO. Does the crazy n foolish killings n home-grown terror ever stop? I wish these people would wake-up n realize this is a very bad idea to act out on. It solves nothing! This life is not a game where you get three lives n no one bleeds. It hurts n kills innocent, uninvolved, random people who have families.
Going to school, the park, shopping, n church, is now all reduced to a crap-shoot game of luck. You survive because you're at the right place at the right time.
Life is short enough, already!
How do we stop the novelty n popularity of this social phenomenon?
Meanwhile, the holiday clock is down to 15 days, Unless you're doing Chanuka already. Time is flying by, n I'm oblivious to the Holiday Spirit. One could even state correctly I am anti-Christmas.
I just don't have the energy to invest in it, especially when I know I'll have to work, n the visiting will wait until days after. I just hope they don't suddenly change my days off that week so I miss out on the important people, too. My job is famous for being unpredictably scheduled at the last moment, (one day before the upcoming week), n even revised during the week as events occur (people leave or get ill).
Making real plans this way is near impossible, so I just have to take a wait n see approach.
Now off to eat the soup, get ready for tamali, shower, n zzz's.
I hope you're all more joyful than me...

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Angels Wanted

SnaggleTooth's votive candle
My votive candle has been working overtime the past couple of days.
I light it while I say special prayers for those who need miracles.
A guy who I like, respect, n who's made my difficult job more bearable on many occassions, had a devastating accident at work two nights ago.
Having fallen from about a twenty-foot height outdoors in the dark n frigid cold, he sustained many severe injuries including broken neck n back bones. When he was finally found in the dark shadows he was unable to breathe.
JPA is still clinging to life after having been brought back with the paddles, being med-flighted to Boston, n having surgery.
His chances of living and recovery are iffy. The nightmare condition he'll awaken to, when he does, will be a constant battle full of physical n cognitive function challenges.
He may miss out on watching his two young boys, who live with the mother, grow up.
JPA will certainly not be back to help me with the big machine or my attitude any time soon. If he ever walks at all, it'll be amazing!
His still being alive now is already a prayed for miracle-
Just a few more for him angels, please...
UPDATE: Dec 07 2007
J regained conciousness. He went in for surgery number two today.


Photo by SnaggleTooth Dec 2007
Now we're beginning to freeze our buns off around here. At least winter isin't totally missing this year... The NorthWest just got slammed with snow, n tomorrow New England's expected to get in on that snowy action. Here on the Cape, it'll prob go to rain, as did storm one, last round.
I've already received my customary sinus infection with bloody nose bonus due to hanging out in dry, heated places. Sinus head-aches are the pits.
Luckily, people keep cooking turkey n giving me some leftovers so I can make soup to go with bread from work. I'm on my second bowlfull, n the garlic is beginning to clear-up my head. That's good, because I've got much to do, n little free time as usual.
This week, I can't seem to stop repeating a cliche` phrase as the new disasters unfold daily on the news.
"What's this world coming to?"
A whole bunch of buildings n autos burn up in a huge fire-ball fuel-tanker accident-spill in Everett, MA because of a negligent driver. Dozens out of their homes, but at least no one was killed.
Then another young mall murderer in Nebraska, who easily walks in with a large rifle, performs eight random killings, n suicide. He wanted to be famous... But there are so many of these mental-health tragedies, (He needs help, doesn't get it). How will the future pick them out of the array of murderers in the news this decade?
These types of school/mall killings are sadly becoming cliche`!
Back to the grind...

Saturday, December 01, 2007

A New Age

Photo by SnaggleTooth 2007
I'll never get sick of the sunsets I get to watch around here!
N here is another one of the front harbor beach to share with you taken from the hill on the bluff overlooking the pier n beach.
Sometimes I can use all the inspiration I can get, other days of the Day Off variety, tend to boil over n make a mess before I can get to any kind of finish point to set it aside for later. Today I wish would last 72 hours. My free time is too limited. I'm learning some new lessons with a new toy or two, n still tired from missing sleep three days this week already.
Reg Readers may notice this pic is of different quality n format than you're used to, because yes, lightening has struck! Eureka, I've got a new, little digi-cam! N lightening even struck twice in the same spot, because I also finally got a new DVD player. Now I just need to dig out all those disks I stashed away when the old combo-VHS one died back in '06.
There's got to be at least thirty new films on my backlog list, out on home video, still unseen. Spidey 3 got knocked off-list this week. the rest will wait until after the holidays, cause the mad rush is starting to churn-up the amount of 2-Dos to do-doo. In the meanwhile, I can't wait to watch the FireFly series one more time again, ending with the "Serenity" movie. I saw it awhile back on the itty-bitty puter player which had broken since, also. Just where did I store that... N If it's in the plastic-sealed-off rooms, never-mind!
The Polar-Air Express has finally hit locally, n we're almost wind-chilled solid. At least it'll be warm at work by the hot machines tomorrow... The weather dude says it may snow a bit overnight then, so I may need to slip-slide it back home. But prob I'll never finish all I'm trying to do while I work to stay warm in here today.
Run, run, run, keepin warm a tough one...