Now we're beginning to freeze our buns off around here. At least winter isin't totally missing this year... The NorthWest just got slammed with snow, n tomorrow New England's expected to get in on that snowy action. Here on the Cape, it'll prob go to rain, as did storm one, last round.
I've already received my customary sinus infection with bloody nose bonus due to hanging out in dry, heated places. Sinus head-aches are the pits.
Luckily, people keep cooking turkey n giving me some leftovers so I can make soup to go with bread from work. I'm on my second bowlfull, n the garlic is beginning to clear-up my head. That's good, because I've got much to do, n little free time as usual.
This week, I can't seem to stop repeating a cliche` phrase as the new disasters unfold daily on the news.
"What's this world coming to?"
A whole bunch of buildings n autos burn up in a huge fire-ball fuel-tanker accident-spill in Everett, MA because of a negligent driver. Dozens out of their homes, but at least no one was killed.
Then another young mall murderer in Nebraska, who easily walks in with a large rifle, performs eight random killings, n suicide. He wanted to be famous... But there are so many of these mental-health tragedies, (He needs help, doesn't get it). How will the future pick them out of the array of murderers in the news this decade?
These types of school/mall killings are sadly becoming cliche`!
Back to the grind...
I guess recently there was a major accident in your town that made teh regional news out here. 4 person accident and somebody died or something like that. so tragic.
and they say that kid lost his girlfriend and his job... apparantly that's enough to go on a murder spree. I just don't get it. shit happens like losing a job and a girlfriend.. but it doesn't warrant being so violent. I feel so bad for those families affected in Omaha
MB, some one was killed in a brawl at Stevie B's by the playground Mon am, n I drove by the taped off place surounded by cop cars on the way home. I'll have to ask around about an accident(?) tho- haven't heard.
At work they started locking the doors 'cause of that guy... So many disgrunteled x-employees, so many good targets! unreal-
MB, Ok, I learned there were two accidents on 6/28 near McD's- the first one you heard of was a woman had a stroke (died) n caused a big pile-up. The second one no one died, but a car rolled over landing ontop of the memorial for the first one!
Thank Buddy the Doxie for the low-down. He was there...
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