Wow, am I glad I'm not scheduled to work tonight!

It didn't look too bad from the window. By four O'clock pm EDST, when I got outside, there was six to eight inches plus plow-droppings to shovel before the daylight was gone. It's not letting up yet, either, but I'm looking to have less to do before work tomorrow.

According to tv news (watching Storm Force 7 today), all the city commuters in Beantown are in gridlock nightmare n everyone will be late out of school n work tonight. It's taking hours to go a couple miles, Tobin to rt 60, down rt 93, n through the tunnels. Lots of stuck cars, abandoned cars (prob out of $fuel), sliding, n fishtailing. Not me... That's why I don't want to work up there, n commute from here.
Even going the seven miles I do to work would be too many tonight! Some things are just not worth it. The errands aren't done, I can't get to the store, post office, gas station, ect.

Doing this is easy. The tea is hot. The soup is cooking up a new batch of steam for my troubled sinuses. I'm staying in, where I've enough to keep me busy for quite some time.
I'll save slip-slidin away for tomorrow-
The Eagle has ---, there's an iron eagle on top of this lamp!
If its not too bad out, you can make a snowman and/or a snow angel. That's what I like about snow. Follow that up by some hot chocolate with marshmallows :)
I really don't miss the snow at all. However, I do feel bad that my daughter, born in Florida, will not get to experience the wonder, miracle or enjoyment of a good snow storm. Remember, sledding down Abermarle hill, jumping off the porch roof onto the front yard during the blizzard of '78, making snow angels?
Those are some great shots of the fluffy white stuff. Looks beautiful!!!
Of course there is the downside to the beauty with people still having to live their lives and not being able to slow down to enjoy it - but rather get upset that it should mess up the schedule.
I do remember the annoyance too.
Meanwhile... humid as here!
Xray, wish I had more energy after shoveling for two days, now work until 3 am- well, at least it looks nice.
Fleen, The wonder of a Snow Day off school, or running out n enjoying it without worrying is truelly a gift of being young.
Of course I remember all the toboganning, treking to the hill, n the blizzard drifts, also how sore n heavy-wet I'd get!
I'm so sore now, from plow-droppings it isin't funny!
CJ, good to hear from you. Miss the winter's of Can do ya? Hope you're enjoying summer down there while admiring these pics. Really dry in here, but muggy-uggies can be a pain, too!
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