I could use some of that...
I used to live next to this brackish river over twenty years ago, when the kiddies were small.
The holiday visiting is finally done. I've been loaded up with great family photo gifts n some new memories. The babies had fun, the adults entertained them.
Now all I have to do is keep on ticking down that card list, about 15 more to go!
I do hand-written notes, which not only take thought, but non-sore hands too, (not today).
Tonight there's a snow storm in most of the NorthEast US, but right here on the coast, it's cold rain. I was relieved not to be driving on ice home from work. Cold rain is pretty nasty in any case!
River, take me away... (zzz time)
I like it, I think the river can take me too!
I did make it home okay.. we got in the door a bit after 10 b/c of pit stops.
and thanks for the heads up about the snowstorm.. lol we hadn't watched the weather since prob thursday (if that) and had NO IDEA there was snow coming.. lol we forgot to look up the weather and woke up to 8 inches this morning. and it was perfect snowman making snow too.. too bad I had to go to work instead. such is life.
Happy New Year- Let's hope '08 treats ya better!
Happy New Year! Right now it is mid 60's & very humid. A cold front is coming in later today.
Wednesday is expected to have a high in the 50's. Early Thursday morning, the temperature could register in the 20's.
Good luck with the weather!
Xray, If only Tom n Huck could get away with a raft ride in this chill! hAPPY yEAR!
MB, Glad to finally get a RE! No flakes at all here, plenty of rain, n ice all over with scraping frost tonight for the way home.
8 is an auspicious number, I expect things to improve!
Fleen, sounds like you may need my scarf! Can't have it tho, cause we are getting more Artic air mass in this week. Long-john time again.
4:09 AM
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