We still haven't built up a lasting snow accumulation here. We're currently in the middle of more wet n icy precip, the third stormy round. I finally broke out the Halite for the steps after slipping pretty good on yesterday's ice under today's rain on the way in.
It's nothing like the ice-storm in the mid-west today being reported on World News Now on abc, which is causing heaps of road-misery by taking lives, but the power did just go out for a few minutes here. I just had to reboot n lost some stuff I was working on.
Last week Tiv started a meme for Gail Pumphrey, a recent victim of Domestic Violence. My version is still being drafted, but I expect to post it one of these days... when I have time to get it together again- (Keep in mind I'm still playing with dail-up here until I can hit the jackpot).
WTWC2? Now we're having church shootings in CO. Does the crazy n foolish killings n home-grown terror ever stop? I wish these people would wake-up n realize this is a very bad idea to act out on. It solves nothing! This life is not a game where you get three lives n no one bleeds. It hurts n kills innocent, uninvolved, random people who have families.
Going to school, the park, shopping, n church, is now all reduced to a crap-shoot game of luck. You survive because you're at the right place at the right time.
Life is short enough, already!
How do we stop the novelty n popularity of this social phenomenon?
Meanwhile, the holiday clock is down to 15 days, Unless you're doing Chanuka already. Time is flying by, n I'm oblivious to the Holiday Spirit. One could even state correctly I am anti-Christmas.
I just don't have the energy to invest in it, especially when I know I'll have to work, n the visiting will wait until days after. I just hope they don't suddenly change my days off that week so I miss out on the important people, too. My job is famous for being unpredictably scheduled at the last moment, (one day before the upcoming week), n even revised during the week as events occur (people leave or get ill).
Making real plans this way is near impossible, so I just have to take a wait n see approach.
Now off to eat the soup, get ready for tamali, shower, n zzz's.
I hope you're all more joyful than me...
i was pretty anti-christmas myself until my boys came along, theres nothing like that innocence to refresh the spirit! i love you mom!!!
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I moved to Florida for a reason; no ice or snow; but we do have bluehairs & cottontops! They drive like there is ice & snow on the roads, but there isn't!!
I read about the shootings in Colorado. I saw on MSNBC.com that an armed woman security guard & an unarmed vietnam vet, took the gunman out. They both credit the Holy Spirit with their survival.
Blessed Be.
BBM, Well, playing Santa can be fun, n telling them they have to be good or get coal slows them down a bit, too! LvU2
Neo, Maybe part of my prob is I'm so short. I prefer squirt guns. I have a real old one which looks like a Baretta.
Fleen, I bet you spend alot of driving time complaining about the other drivers, after being used to jettin around Beantown, that must be the pits-
I just struggle sometimes with the commercialism. Its not what Christmas is about... Christ is.
Also, its just family time. Hopefully my family that I never see will be in town so I can see them!
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