Christmas Moon

The Full Moon rising on Christmas Eve reflects a luster on the cove's water.
The shopping werewolves were out in force at the store plaza as I scrambled to the market for supplies before they closed early at six o'clock tonight. Alot of excited children with adult hunters cut me off everywhere I went.
Even the post office closed early, so I missed it, n wonder if more cards are waiting for me there. I'm planning on sending mine all out late again. The Season doesn't end tomorrow, after all. There's a whole week of jolly fun leading up to the New Year.
At work this means huge orders to fill. I worked OT last shift, so having trouble doing things, but giving it a good effort despite my sore hands. All I want for Xmas is my hands to be able to play guitar, n they can't today, while I have time.

All the snow melted away in the torrential downpours last night. The sky finally cleared today, n after I picked up my poor toppled spruce tree in a barrel out on the deck, I had enough daylight left to get the lights on the two little trees. Better than having no tree- n alive, too.
It almost feels like Christmas, even tho I'm spending it by myself until I go to work tomorrow. They gave us all lame ornaments which look like candy-chocolate, but are glass- bummer, I was hungry, too!

I've been wanting to try pics of this place all week. Every neighborhood has an over-decor-achiever! Here's our Winner,
(Judged by me).

In this neck of the woods, it seems Santa Clause is a god revered by children n adults alike. Something's gotta motovate them to be good! So, all you bleary-eyed parents, I advise you take an afternoon nap as soon as the kids let you.
Got lots to do, before I can relax tonight. Go ahead n have a blast without me...
I'm waiting a few days for my fun, but that's not what the day is about, anyhow.
... ... Happy Birthday Baby Jesus !
Awww... sorry for your lonesomeness... hope work ain't too bad.
those are some great pics mom! sorry we couldn't spend more time together yesterday, but i love you very much and can't wait to see you over the weekend!!! i'm very excited MB is comming down and i get to meet my nephew for the first time!!! we'll really have to get those camera's snappin'!!
I saw a house well I guess there was one under all those lights Christmas eve when I ran to the store for some fresh strawberries.
Xray, work always stinks, except the people. I just wish they'd stop asking what I did for Xmas! But thanks.
BBM, Thanks. Time is always against me. Hope we don't get snowed out of our plans!
Skye, I find it's very difficult to capture what the Christmas eye sees with my digi cam, lights always look better in person! That electric bill will be up there...
Beautiful pics sis!!!
Hope you had a nice holiday...
Fleen, thanks. What holiday?
Hoping that Christ the redeemer continues to bless your socks off!
David, I could certainly use some of those points redeemed... thanks
Christmas, of course!
Fleen, I had "After Xmas"!
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