Let There be Lights n Lights

A detail of the right side same display is shown in the post below. I couldn't fit the whole thing in one shot, because the left of that yard was the toy soldiers n reindeer also pic'd separately below. I just wanted to mention that Santa hat in the chimney in the spotlight flies up, then down the chimney at intervals, but the shot I took of the Santa going up came out too blurry to use. There's also a large, plastic carousel which is difficult to make out in that front yard.
Alot of people got those new air-fan driven blow-ups of snowmen n the snow-globes. I went by the new house across from the school up the road on that day, n the whole yard was full of deflated plastic, which made me giggle a bit...
My lights look awesome from the Boulevarde n also going up the hill the other way, when it looks like a large floating tree instead of the two it really is. My pic of them is dimmer than it looks in person. I can't figure out how to set a longer exposure without the flash yet, (keep reading that manual)! I'll leave my lights on until after the New Year. I get to work through that holiday also.
That display is now dark n being dismantled.
happiness to you!
blessings too
Getting inflatables is like asking for it! (hee hee)
I wish I could keep my Christmas lights up all year!!
David, Bless you, kind soul you are-
Xray, Where's that pin? Pop! Pop!
Fleen, you can, but folks might think you're a nut-case!
Some people here in the village use the white "Victorian" lights all year as part of the beautificaton project-
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