Sunday, November 28, 2010


Image by SnaggleTooth Nov 2010




I can see:

Jack B. Nimble is doing a flying split over a hot space-ship. He's of Russian decent of course...


"Very Good!" Doctor Freud proclaims. "I see you have a few issues with angry emotions of Id wanting to leap from the cover of your subconscious... The landed space ship is obviously due to your degree of Penis envy. Also, I conclude, you are missing your Mother."


"That'll be three-hundred und fifty dollars US, I'll bill you promptly. Session over. Next!""


As a teen-ager in Metro West of Beantown, I actually had a friend who's Dad was a Pychco-Analyst. My friend kidded around saying stuff like this all the time. Then I got to study a bit of psyche in college. I miss my old friends alot. But yes, at holidays I miss my Mother alot! The doctor is correct about that...

Online Rorschach Test


Tell me, tell me, what do you see?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanks Time USA

Image by SnaggleTooth Nov 2010
Folks gather to gobble,
Turkey n stuffing.
Eat pie with abandon,
Abandon diets to gorge
The Pilgrims in Plymouth
Had a grand harvest meal
With the Massasoits
Long ago circa 1621
Before the nation
USA was conceived
Thanksgiving was born
Became family tradition
We look forward to
Favorite family dishes
Long missed faces
Football n family games
In 2010 we're happy
Not to travel,
Buy bargain presents
N cut down expenses
I'm grateful to have work
When so many do not
But tired of working nights
N having no holidays
I long to have time
To relax n visit
To see everyone
N gather to gobble again
About 300 years later
I visit folks online
Have sit alone to dine
N technology is the past time
I'd like to thank
All you folks of Blogland
For keeping me company,
For visiting, n commenting
Have a good holiday!
I have to work...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Photo by SnaggleTooth Nov 23 2010
It's not often I'm awake in the morning sunshne on the deck on a 60F degree day in November, so I was sure to take a few pics as proof. I've been having a fun week of issues with Litttle Truck, n only got a half-hour of sleep before going to the shop about 8am.
The downstairs folks are away, but I'm still not getting enough sleep! I got back home n the shop guy called two hours after I'd fallen back asleep. Then I tried to watch a show as I layed down for an hour, but it kept getting interrupted with breaking news from Logan airport , at key plot points of course, so I missed them all.
But it wasn't a totally wasted day, despite my grogginess n stinging eyes.
MB stopped by for a short visit on her way back from an assignment on the Lower Cape. We went down the hill to visit BBM n the Little Ones for a bit. Then I had to leave to go get Little Truck again, before the shop closed.
I wasn't feeling too good after that, but got some laundry done, then kept falling asleep while trying to process some pics, such as these. Finally I felt good enough after 2 am to make some food, n after 4 am now, I'm doing a bit more clear thinking. I'd rather have been more functional, n less tired. Can't adjust that night schedule so fast-
Another Day Off coming up before the busy work-order holiday shopping week-end has me over-worked again. I'm hoping to get to more sleep n fun stuff like instruments, painting, n leaf-raking in this round.
The woods across from the deck are quickly becoming bare, except the evergreens n a few shrubs. The day was nice but I didn't get out for a walk, n clouds came over later in the day. Now, The cold is coming back in again.
Well, at least I got a visit n got to see some sunlight with my bloodshot eyes this am...
Happy trails travelers!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mystery Character

Image by SnaggleTooth Nov 21 2010
"Mirror, Mirror, on the floor,
I've seen thru your fog before...
Am I a little girl looking down
who has blue, fluffy hair
in barrettes, n wears an orange skirt?
Or a blue, cartoon alligator facing forward,
wearing a green bowtie,
with white eyes n nostrils?
One so meek,
the other quite violent-
The shadow of today's mystery
looms large over my shoulders...
as I seek a clue.
I wonder what pressing this button will do...?!"
Photo by SnaggleTooth Nov 21 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tiny Odd Peek

These are not good photos of small stuff painted while goofing around awhile back. My cam is detail challenged, unfortunately.
I have this thing for drawing n painting animated guitars. (see this ESR oldie also). To me, they are characters... ( blues guitar...)

I haven't done alot of cats. These are quick scetches on a montage of odd subjects in a landscape I have from when I was experimenting with new water color tubes I'd never used.
Usually I spend more energy on unicorns. (See the ancient ESR Uni). This one's altered for ESR of course. Same one as this uni version).
Last year I wrote a poem "Time Vessel" n put up a purple-ized uni work from a photo too.
Someday I'll get better reproduction equiptment. I have tons of old stuff in storage, n some of boats n seascapes, etchings, n drawings. Most of the best stuff tho belongs to other folks.
The best part about the messier scetches in paint is- some have my fave expressions even tho the form is simplified, like in this bad pic detail of an ancient oil paint scetch made on the back of canvas textured wall-paper circa 1980.
Plus, I get to keep them...
(One of these days I should get good pics of sculptures too...)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bare Trees

Photo by SnaggleTooth Nov 2010
Through bare trees I see the sunrise
Lives go past as I sleep
Lessons to learn
Errands to run
Love to seek in faces
Traffic to navigate
Whirlwind society
Rushing to time
Illness to fear
War to conquer
Reality to escape
Through bare trees I watch the sunset
.Photo by SnaggleTooth Nov 2010

............. Poem by SnaggleTooth today

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Image by SnaggleTooth Nov 2010
Well, I told you I was getting strange stuff lately! I don't even know how to describe what this silly, goat-eared face is doing over architecture with gleaming fin-like ribbing skirting it, or why!
All I can tell you is I can get very different forms simply by flipping an image 180 degrees before applying the rotating mirror, after simplifying form, changing texture,n substituting the color palette, then flipping it back.
Image by SnaggleTooth Nov 2010
This red-masked face with yellow eyes at least is smiling over it's ground etched, feathery, Incan-esk primitive image of a Bird-god. .
Back at the beginning of the month, I got out in that sun n found my shadow in the D-bridge railing, stretched to strange proportions considering my short height. for three weeks straight ever since, it's been raining on both my Days Off... Rain this week too!

Photo by SnaggleTooth Nov 2010

The shadow portrait collection may someday get it's own blog, If I ever get time to search the files all down. (Another back-logged project waiting for a new computer... on a stretched budget will take awhile).
Looks like lots of rain... n few new pics again. I'm stretched even waking up before sundown this week!
TG I can find sunshine in BlogLand!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Image by SnaggleTooth Nov 2010
Upon the Altar of Light, the two, glowing, sitting doves are deceiving... For all is but an illusion-

Ohoto by SnaggleTooth Nov 2010

Who could've guessed the "Con man" skiff in the pretty Fall reflection had it in her!
Been a few posts since I played the effects. Been getting some pretty strange stuff!
Have a fun week-end!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Vets Day 2010

Photo n Image by SnaggleTooth
According to Wikipedia, this holiday began as Armistice Day in 1919, enacted by Woodrow Wilson, after World War I. The Armistice ending the conflict was signed by Germany on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.
President Dwight Eisenhower changed the wording from "Armistice" to "Veterans" on June 1, 1954. It's also known as Remembrance Day in other countries.
Recently the trend has been for businesses to stay open, n few employees, except federal workers now get the day off. Our local schools are closed for the occassion. There's parades n remembrances planned all over.
My Dad was in the Army for a few years prior to the Korean conflict, after college n before getting married. A classmates brother was listed MIA in 'Nam. I'll never forget the effect it had on him. I've known many veterans who served overseas, n made it back to tell the tales, including one hometown girl I grew up n hung out with.
Veterans deserve honoring, n have impacted all our lives. I don't get free time to celebrate veterans on the holiday this year. Again, I forego festivities in order to work. My post is the extent of my observance ability.
In honor of the service given by all veterans in all wars so that our modern day society has remained free after so many threats.
I salute you!
Image altered by SnaggleTooth

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Reflection Leaves

Photo by SnaggleTooth Nov 2010
Believe it or not, I still have a some autumn leaf pics up my sleeve from last week. Here's my fave of the batch of the D-bridge abuttment on the M-cove.
We're still doing cold rain. Yesterday before I slept I got to see the first snow collecting on the roof next door, tho it quickly melted away.
Time for more sleep again...

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Barge In

Photo by SnaggleTooth Nov 2010

Taken from the top of the bluff hill over looking the village pier, this is a pic of a huge barge going thru the channel toward the Maritime Academy. On the side, "NY King" was easily readable at this distance. It was at least 3 stories tall above the water, n prob almost 200 feet long. Those little sailboats near it out there are appoximately 25 feet, (how I made my estimate). This is from my last Day Off. I seem to've had good timing to sight this rare spectacle here.

Image by SnaggleTooth Nov 2010
Back in the paint program, I simplified the forms n got this one. I think it has a very Earthy n restful effect on me... because I'm yawning as I look at it.

Image by SnaggleTooth Nov 2010
From that point I apply a color change effect, n get a vibrant abstract, which I find interesting, tho without recognizable forms. This one wakes me up! Well, off to do some chores before bedtime, n tomorrow is expected to be a low order night after the busy week-end.
Hope you're having a good Week-end!

Friday, November 05, 2010

Frog Head

Image by SnaggleTooth Nov 2010
"I see..." Said Froggel. "Just because I have eyes similar to Earth amphibians, you wish to nickname me Frog Head to amuse yourselves."

"Really, I'm quite unlike a frog. I have a red colored, hooded head, a single yellow nostril, n a red-lipped mouth with two, oval, pearl teeth showing. "

"Instead of a frogs white under belly, I sport a tattoo of a purple Mirth-monkey with open arms to invite friendship from all. Yet, you tease me..."

"I will now cast a double-blue aura cloud... until I'm again feeling sunny."


Photo by SnaggleTooth Nov 2010

(Yep, Froggel was born from this pic of the sunset over M-cove yesterday-)

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Leaves in November

Photo by SnaggleTooth Nov 2010 .
The weather is again in tune with the month. We're chillin' out in the frozen zone this evening, n looking at the past peak leaves in the lower 40F range. Most of these pics were taken Tuesday Afternoon (which was an old, Moody Blues tune I canl play on the guitar- but cramps my hand).

Photo by SnaggleTooth Nov 2 2010

Next week at this same time, it will be pitch dark out already due to the clock back an hour switch, n it'll be extremely difficult for me to be awake in the sunlight, tho I'll chase it as best I can in my low-sleep condition (working nights- No I'm not into Vampires, except in movies).
Photo by SnaggleTooth Nov 2 2010
Mischief went out for a little while before she got cold n elected to come back in- which hardly ever happens! Usually I have to pick her up to get her in the door.

Photo by SnaggleTooth Nov 2 2010

I took some pics while the sun was shining thru the leaves. Maple Beard is almost bare, n I really need to rake the loaded yard n road. If only I weren't so sore from work, I'd get to it quicker. (work was a hell week).

Photo by SnaggleTooth Nov 2 2010 .
In the late sunlight, the woods lit up like color magic- perhaps for the last time until next fall. It's beginning to feel alot like winter today. Time to find the gloves...

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Photo by SnaggleTooth Nov 2009 .
Election Day USA is also Day Off. Looks like a few Democrats have been bumped out by early reports.
It's a no brainer that folks have been unhappy with the lack of progress affecting their lives after the last batch were voted into public office, n that a shake-up in business as usual was at hand...
Massachusetts again is an exception to most of the nation. Many of our Democratic imcumbants are projected winners.
What do I think of this whole political mess? I won't get into much of my personal opinions on specific politicians local or federal. Usually, I find myself voting against the greater evil, not really for anyone. I believe there's so much diversity to represent in our system of elected representation, n so many issues to sway voting, it's a wonder any problems ever get solved!
The way this country runs reminds me of the Galactic Senate in the Star Wars films. The past few weeks I've been watching those six films again. Surely George Lucas was drawing upon the workings of the US House n Senate Chambers when he wrote those scenes into the script. What I believe the fictitious Senate had in common with our current system, is that altho much is discussed n debated, it's rare that anything is agreed upon, n progress made...

Image by SnaggleTooth Nov 2010
At least we haven't voted the Dark Sith Lord into power yet... (Have we?) ...