My ancient design here began as a simple little Val-day card drawing, then was recycled by cropping the head, enlarging, combining it with another eye ("I") design, then ultimately it was layered over a different background (not shown here) and made into t-shirts a couple years back. It may look familiar to my nieces...
It's alot simpler than my painted in color examples. I was searching for another old piece, still unfound, when I bumped into this IP version (in progress) in a file. The scan isin't cleaned up on it here, oh well... just thought I'd call on one of my Uni s for luck today...
Snag -Nifty sketch. :)
Thanks Neo, one of my favs, n good luck too!
by ancient she means 20 years old....! we were giving these things out as valentines when we were little!
Just before I moved down to ATL, my friends got together and threw a going away party. The card they gave me was a sketch drawn by one of the girls, and it was of a unicorn. I was told that unicorns were a symbol of good luck. It must have worked!
Love your sketch, and have a cousin who is deeply into horses who would love it as well.
When I was little, I was totally obsessed with unicorns. I would have loved that on a T-shirt or anything else you could put it on.
Welcome Gothamiage, thankz for stoppin in. MB is correct, this was an early scetch in my unicorn faze. I like oil painting them in original fantasy scapes on all types of media now.
Hi MB, didn't all kids get home-made valentines like that to hand out?
Hi Ellen, ya I'm one of those horse-crazy girlz n been drawin n paintin 'em since I was very small. The popularity of uni's became very convenient for my skills. I need lots of luck lately!
Hi Tstop, glad to meet another Unicorn-crazy one, thankz for the peek! I've got tons of designs I'd do shirts on, but getting screened t-shirts made's pretty expensive lately. Wish I had my own shop for em. Someday, I hope. I do hope to make bux at it sometime.
Everyone here seems to have such good taste!
i think when we were little it was more common. as we got older though the store boguht ones were more popular... but we were always very proud of teh hand made/ hand colored ones we did!
btw T. is my neighbor... she lives 2 houses down :)
Only 2 houses? I thought she was at least across town...!
Oh yeah, btw I thought T's post today on the "ripple effect" was pretty good!
Love the pic! I adore unicorns. They were a big part of my imagination when I was younger, but I still love them. I hope you share some more with us! ;o)
Hi Jin, you too, eh? Oh why didn't I open a unicorn shop way back? (bux first would help). Well- I've done tons of 'em, but they all belong to other folkz now, except for the rejects, a few paper copies, n a few glarey photos. I just have so many files it's tough to find the photos, takes time. I made a video of some work once, but it's analogue.
Got plenty of supplies to paint more, (usually takes about a week) just been a bit too distracted to do art-work lately besides crafty presents...
I think it looks awsome. You are so talented.
Thankz CityMan, I was waitin for ya to notice it. Your little girl prob will like it too!
Hi Morgs, Glad ya like it. I did that back when I was about your age, only the original's small n the whole beast.
Very cool - and I bet it looked great on t-shirts too!!
One very talented chickadee.
CJ finally made it to the art post! Ya, now I just gotta get the world to pay attention n pay me for it...
Makes me feel like a bit of a show-off tho...
Yay! I was so hoping to see some of your unicorn work! You've made my day!!! Thanks, Snag.
JanF, glad you're having fun with my Uni's, Thanks for the comment four later ('09)
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