Bare Trees

Lessons to learn
Love to seek in faces
Traffic to navigate
Illness to fear
Through bare trees I watch the sunset
ESR is loaded with current local scenery, many made into strange n colorful altered images. Words describe some of SnaggleTooth's life n opinions. Most poems on ESR are spontaniously written into the editor. Enjoy the sights n whimsey.
Love picture and poetry. Isn't it amazing how the sunrise or sunset behind even bare trees can paint such a beautiful picture?
So much is happen
and yet you watch
the sunset
A whirlwind of life
around you and yet
you watch the sunset
For tomorrow you'll face
this all again and will
there still be a sunset
Yes - lots happens between sunrise and sunset and you have captured it perfectly.
The tangle of branches...and the glimpse of the water make a gorgeous photo, Snaggle.
I hope you have a little reality escape time - we need a little of that to preserve our sanity, I think. :)
Gran Annie, Thanks. Yes, it is, nothing like those glowing colors as the temp dips.
Ellis, I sleep while all that happens, as are the trees. Each day I'm awake at both those times, but am on a night schedule. Today I watch sunset while driving to work!
Lynn, Thanks, I miss all that stuff, but know ir's happening... I wonder if the trees know too.
Talon, Thanks. These two pics were taken out the same window in the kitchen. I really do need a mental health day- I'm well frazzled!
Snaggle, this is possibly your poem that touches me deeper than any you have posted. And all your poems are good.
Beautiful thoughts. Beautiful photos. Sunrise to sunset Snaggle goes about her day. Working while I sleep.
My favorite part is "love to seek in faces." What a sweet thought.
JanF, Really? Thanks for the compliment. Glad you enjoyed what sprouted after taking those pics. Sad tho, when that's the only natural light in my whole day!
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