Sunday, April 29, 2007


Great, but unrealistic advice:
"Do whatever you want, Honey. It's your life!"

Photo by SnaggleTooth April 2007

If I were doing what I wanted, what would it be... ?
- Instantly removing all the winter dust with a magic wand...
- How about having the rest of the chores getting done like that too...
- Watching a good film not seen before...
- Fixing all the stuff around here waiting on bountiful free time n funds...
- Getting new toys to play with like a good Digi-cam, new faster puter, better programs, new games, new DVD player...
- Spending all day working on interesting art, music, n writing projects whenever I feel like it...
- Catching up on sleep to the point where I don't feel tired...
- Go hang out with cool old buddies I miss...
Seems most of my current wants have to do with having too little personal time- not a surprize! The last time I had a week of free time was 2005.
Reality is:
I owe the Elec Co every penny I earn because of the electric heat n all this chill. I can't afford any extras now, like truck fuel for joyrides to work. I barely have time to get errands done. (Stores close early on Sundays).
My arms do not want to pick themselves up for more than a few seconds at a time until they recover from what they've had to do this week. The frig, dusty curtains, shelves, n floor are begging to be washed, but my arms won't move! My energy level is zippo right now!
But I'm gonna get up off my butt now n get out for lunch supplies before the market closes at 9. Then I'll spend hours doing laundry needed for work. I'll try to get ahold of some people before their bedtime, then be up until the wee-hours getting random chores off the list.
I'd really like to say, "Screw it," n just play! Or just sleep, but the price of the catch-up run after that is too steep at this stage of my race. (Note: I need electricity because I like hot water... n being able to blog is nice, too)!
Yep, I'd rather just be hangin'


Photo by SnaggleTooth 2007
Here's the greenest part of the hill!
Never know when you'll need a floatation device...
I did not place this plastic infllatable ring on the piling. I'm not sure who did, or if it matters. Amazingly, it stayed right there all the way through the big storm. It still really amuses me everytime I drive by it- (it's stuck).
Whatever floats your post...!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Day3 NEstorm Effects

Here's a few scenes from my immediate neighborhood due to last week's storm.

Photo by SnaggleTooth 2007

Boat ride anyone? I mean, cold bath anyone?

Photo by SnaggleTooth 2007

The seaweed indicates where the high-water mark came up to (into the Boulevard). Homes on this road, right down the hill from me, get flooded often. That's the swamped boat in the water on the right in the BG.

Photo by SnaggleTooth 2007

The R's rear, lower deck is a bit storm-cluttered up, as seen today from my bathroom window. It may take a week to get the branches out of my yard (not shown).

Photo by SnaggleTooth 2007

One block over from me the road was closed because of a little hang-up. Note the hovering tree-section hanging on the power cables, as mentioned in the previous "Nor'Easter" comments section to BBM. Well, I got to practice my three-point-turning on a narrow road!


As you can see I got some progress made today.

It took a couple hours to pick up trash in less than 50 feet of the woods! The worst I've ever seen... It was very disgusting, germy, n smelly stuff I found. Glad I got some of the crap out of there before bug-time. Also there was alot of glass bottles, some broken, can-tops, n other potentially harmful, sharp objects to animals n children. (Thick gloves n pick-up stick needed!)


Every place I went around town today, I found myself picking-up n emptying out large plastic Ice-coffee cups. The Center area was still littered, the forest roads to LH beach were littered, looks like no one cleaned anything for Earthday! I'll have to complain about this apathetic attitude of homeys in the local paper.


I hope your neighbors are cleaner than mine!

Sunday, April 22, 2007


A gorgeous day went on for the Sunday here, Warm in the 60's, sunshine n clouds. People were outside everywhere, walking the dogs, talking, riding bikes in t-shirts, n putting boats in the water. You'd think maybe a few would think of the Earthday Theme n help pick-up some of the bountiful garbage around here, but they didn't. Not one volunteer. It's all right where it's been still, Much of it on this street blown around from the fire-openned house-shell when it's windy, which is most of the time.
I like the extra daylight, I actually had a chance to go outside for awhile. I did some errands, n then walked down to see BBM n J. - I wish you could put the two-year-old's energy in a bottle, cause I sure could use some of it today!
Work wore me down to a frazzle again. My work-week now always ends after the three buziest order nights of the week, and after the first day of the new pay-week, meaning: they can keep me as long as they want the night before the days off without danger of OT-
I've been averaging an exhausting 10 hours per Saturday night. It's a wonder I can move at all today. Thank the multi-vitamins and the salt-bath.
The heat is turned off. I got to open the door n window a little while. The Robins are back in town, singing away, and all the little critters seem happy the weather is being kind finally. I know I am!
My dream-scapes are getting nasty again, messing up sleep which I need badly. The Virginia-Tech College shootings have affected many folks. I tend to feel very deeply and care alot about the human pain caused by these out-of-control, destructive, time-bombs our society has managed to create. The more I try not to let it affect my daily life, the more my subconscious-mind reminds me that I am affected, in my sleep...
Now if I can just get to sleep early, n rise earlier, to get out n get the stuff done tomorrow- I might get more pics for ESR-Bloggy up here. If the ghosts of the murdered will let me...

Friday, April 20, 2007

It's Blown Over TG

Our local Nor'Easter effects lasted 5 days here-
Friday the 20th finally brought some sunshine. was warm inland, but here by the sea it's still in the 40's- about 35 overnight. Unfrozen, I'll take it!
Surge tides was the biggest problem here, along with tree branches everywhere. I'm just greatful my shoes have a chance to dry-out-
Lots of probs all over NE. Coastal homes from Maine to Mass, riverside homes, businesses, power-lines down, much sogginess and havoc wreaked for many.
Down on the Lower Cape in Chatham we have a new island separated about a hundred and fifty yards from the mainland, which used to be the Southern "Second Village" of the Nauset Beach penninsula. Those folks will be traveling to their cottages by boat where the road used to be from now on-
Ariel pic to see it at The Globe article on it.
Waterworld, here we come!

Sunday, April 15, 2007


The week-end after Easter is blowin in a big Nor'Easter storm in New England.
Finally got some time to work on the 2-do list n I can't get any outdoor clean-up underway. I'd much rather putter out-doors than inside. Guess I'm having a slight case of Spring-Cabin-Fever just knowing the weather will take a few days to clear-up.
I'm still hoping I'll get in the yardwork before the insect population begins inflating, n plant growth makes raking more difficult. I also like to clean-up the woods trash before bees start making hives in it- and I can easily get it out from the brambles.
The house interior was so dark today due to the heavy overcast I didn't do much. I'm reluctant to turn on lights during daylight hours...
Out for errands about 6p I noticed the storm surge at high tide all the way down N. Blvd to Camp already up into the salt-marshes there. Small white-caps were tossing in the wind n pouring rain out in the little M-cove, (where three small boats are already optimistically moored n now getting swamped). When I got home at 8p it was still up to only about five feet away from the road section which often floods. (The surge makes it look like the tide didn't go down at all in two hours)!
The New Moon coming Tuesday is giving us an astronomically high "Spring" tide, so tomorrow the water may reach the top corner of the previously pictured wall by the boat ramp again!
Winds predicted up to 60mph. n I can hear it- All the stuff out on my deck is clanking about in brunt of that gusty wind as I write. Hope my little trees make it through all the rolling around- I'm saving this every few minutes here in anticipation of power outage... Wonder where I last stowed that little battery-powered TV, may need it.
Flights all up the Eastern US have been cancelled. In Boston the Patriots Day Parade has been cancelled. Also, the colonial re-enactment of the shot heard around the world in Lexington, MA (the beginning of the American Revolution), is cancelled due to the storm.
The Nor'Easter won't stop the other main event for Monday, the Boston Marathon and it's fund-raising for Cancer research for Dana-Farber Institute. My Dad was a regular there n pal A.T. also owes alot to the place and it's people. One of the Astronauts, Sunita Williams, aboard the space station, who qualified, will strap herself into a treadmill out there n run a simulated 26 miles.
Storm Tides keep on blowin, Marathon Mondays, keep on running!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Got Marshmellows?

Photo by SnaggleTooth February 2007 ...



- Do Peeps count?



I've set up a new blog to show off the view I recorded on film from the deck in February, as reported in the ESR post "Too Toasty."
This is the hottest point, ("2") , of the progression currently on display in the online collection: "PhotoEssay07."

Bunny Hopping

Work had me jumping the day before Egg-time from 4 pm until 2:30 am. Holiday orders should have twice the people to accomplish production, but of course a few key personnel unnexpectedly decided to change careers. Well, it is a tough, underpaid, unappreciated job we do to feed the masses... (My arms n legs may fall off-)
My sinuses have been running a marathon all week too, so I declined a few dinner offers trying to avoid being miserable and more allergic infront of folks. It's possibly a catchy virus, so I'm paranoid of infecting babies or preggo's n can't taste a thing, anyways. That didn't stop me from eating some "Dove Dark" eggs- my fav!
After praying n reading Luke's Easter story again, It was all I could do to get out of the house for a short visit to BB J's n a market run. Tons of people were at Stop n Pop for a holiday- Then back home n onto phone calls, then finer projects. Here I am at 7 am the day after, n still wide awake... Pretty sad!
Just starting to consider relaxing-
The higher price of fuel this week has priced me out of any moderate drives. The weather here is still very icy, n more snow is possible this week in the forecast. I'd like to stop paying for heat pretty soon. The sun is shining in the window, but it's only 35 degrees F! Easter was colder than Xmas this year- Perhaps the Earth has tilted over another 25 degrees n we haven't wanted to notice- Maybe I'm just incoherently tired n ranting...
Oh alright, I'll hop into bed next! ZZZzzzzzz....... . . .

Monday, April 02, 2007

What a waste!

Photo by SnaggleTooth 2007


Saturday night there was a huge, 4-alarm fire at SEMASS, the Waste-treatment plant. I learned about it at work, when some one with a scanner called in n told an older co-worker. It's been mentioned on the TV news also, but because no one was hurt from the fire or toxic smoke, it's not a main story anymore. That's a good thing.
I lived very close to that site a few years back before it was built amid controversy. Some folks complain they can smell the burning trash while they cook on the outdoor grille. It's a waste to energy facility where they burn garbage to produce energy. It may contribute to pollution n the greenhouse gases, although there's an arguement the filters prevent problems.
Now I've time off to clean-up a bit around here. I'd been getting all the winter's recycle stuff packed up to put in the truck, n it's dump time, but now I'm wondering if I'll be able to bring in my full trash barrels n recycles there this week on the way to work, or if I'll have to stock-pile it even longer. The drop-off area is next to that building. It just figures to have to wait again on something I finally pushed myself to get done... I really hate that!
There's no town pick-up here, it's all private service n you have to pay to get recylables picked up, too. The plant is within a few miles of my work location, not far off my regular path. The Dump sticker is way cheaper than pick-up service, too. It just happens that this week it's inconveniently smokey. I'll have to miss more sleep to call Town Hall to see what's up over there at some point.
What timing... as I stare at the huge pile I was to unload...

Sunday, April 01, 2007

O Que é Isto?

Photo by SnaggleTooth 2007

Bloggidy blah- de-da. Que serah, serah. Ha ha, made ya look. Hadta read, didn't ya? How addicted to blogging are you... I know I am. This is pure n utter nonsense. no useful information what-so-ever, para nada!
Still reading? Some one needs a better project to do, n it's me... n you too. Oh wait- reading IS a good activity for the brain, even recreational. Okay, so maybe this whole thing isin't a total waste of my time after all.
I believe I've achieved my goal of how to make a stupid n silly post about nothing (Seem like something)!
A real post follows this poor excuse for a fool's joke. Made ya read. Now back to our previous program of somewhat normalcy (which can be boring).

April Fools

Photo by SnaggleTooth 2007


Nothing like a good joke to catch you off guard, n make you feel silly. I can be sporadically silly without regret due to my paternal lineage. I have no problem coming up with my own original spoofs to play with.
This day can never pass with out remembering a few important people who made me have the silly moments the members of my sibling group are famous for.
Moments such as oldest Bro jumping up yelling at little kids "look, whale!" while pointing at my big sis surfacing in the lake... Or the fake chocolate-covered candy (soap) in a dish left on the kitchen table for all to enjoy (hack)! How about green or purple pancakes, or better yet onion-flake pancakes! (I don't recommend doing this at home) But this stuff all happened at mine- Not too funny for the victims, but a good chuckle for the planning board. The kids planted re-sealed empty candy boxes around for Dad, who had a weakness for candy.
I tend to stay away from launching bad food attacks, having fallen victim many times, although I will color food occassionally. Growing up where I did, on April 1st, you quickly learned not to eat anything you didn't make yourself.
Both my Gramps n Dad were funny guys, always joking around, keeping everyone on guard. Their influence is my silliness excuse for the day, n these postings.
Please feel free to share the most memorable past practical jokes that happened in your family... or lack of them-
Happy Fools Day~