Sunday, May 27, 2007


Happy Memorial Day Week-end, folks!

- Thankyou to all veterans of the USA, past n present. May all you've worked for remain perpetually for future generations. I truelly respect your vocation n sacrifice.

Photo by SnaggleTooth May 2007




For most folks, sadly, this week-end is nothing but a party excuse.
Where I grew up Metro-West of Boston, we used to trek down to the main road for a ferociously loud n long parade before our BBQ every year.
What a hellacious work week-end I just endured! My arms hurt just typing. Not only have we been getting the sporadic seasonal heat, but it manages to only be bright n sunny on my work-days lately. I spent my available cloudy daylight time today trying to tie-up some loose ends out on the deck. I puttered with plants n finally cleaned fans. Tomorrow may be 80 degrees F as we had for a few days last week. If so, it'd be preferable to have the option of an indoor breeze I did without yesterday.
I can't just turn on last years fans uncleaned in here, like normal people. Sending the winter dust all over the house is a big no-no with dust-mite allergies.
One of my co-workers came in with badly swollen eyes this week, n I work to avoid that painful symptom at all cost. Keeping contaminants out of the eye is priority, constant washing with bottled tears a close second. I lent the poor girl some drops, n hope she decides to go get her own. Avoidance as preventive maintainance is most of the allergen battle. (Hmmm, I should look that one up in Portuguese).
The major pollen head-aches are currently Oak n grasses. It's forming a visable scuz-layer over the cove's glassy surface today. Tomorrow's day off expecting rain showers again, hopefully washing the air out a bit.
I haven't managed more than three continious sleep-hours in a row since the neighbors came in Thursday (It's Sunday). N they all wonder why I'm grumpy...
Before I can get even some goodies cooked to eat up tonight, I still need to re-assemble all the fan parts I left to dry all over the kitchen table when the daylight dwindled. For some one trying not to do stuff, I seem to have no shortage of things piled up to fill my time.
Now lets see if I can handle holding my arms up to use that screw-driver again...
Hopefully I can find some rested free time before this summer's over, if the party-people will let me...
Without the freedom, there would be No Party, folks!
... Remember the sacrifices -

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It's a Tough Job

Photo by SnaggleTooth May 2007

... But somebody's got to do it!

This could be politcal commentary at it's pictoral finest, (or someone decided to trash their little dingy n it wouldn't fit into the dumpster on the Village pier)!


Yesterday the sun came out for about a half-hour, before the Thunderstorms MB warned me about over the phone arrived. As fate would have it, I emerged from the supermarket n was greeted by the wonderous sight of a bright n wide rainbow directly-ahead past my truck, aimed straight up into the cloud-cover!

I stopped in my tracks a minute wondering in the glow. Drats, I was camera-less- But it did remind me of a promise made by the Creator to Noah, that never again would all people get wiped off the planet with water, no matter how bad they were getting...


On my way back across town, I took the "Boulevarde detour" around the village main beach, n noticed the same rainbow, much fainter in brilliance over past B-Point. by the time I got home n back with a cam, the wonder was barely visable. Now too close to sunset, I snapped off a couple, anyway, (not shown yet) but apparently, a pic wasn't the light-show's purpose. After five days of drenching rains, I was being reminded of mercy....


It does seem, however, that more n more people are turning bad on others. Another sense-less double-murder-suicide today. So much war, shootings, bombings, violent death around us. It's difficult to keep up with the latest event, there've been so many! So much wondering why. So many funerals for the undeserving.

Sometimes it's tough to keep paddling on through the current flood of murderous evil we're witnessing in this life, feeling powerless to stop the tide.

Maybe it's time for a bigger boat. Maybe even another Ark, 150 cubits long-If only all the troubling mayhem of our world could be washed away, leaving only the good ones safely stowed away for the future. But our kind should have already learned that lesson...

Now we have to live in the midst of the danger, may the Creator have mercy on us, n show us a way.


Happy Day, MB! Lv-U

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Got One-

Photo by SnaggleTooth May 2007

My Timing at the Center fishing wharf was good last week as I happened upon a teen-ager's first catch of the year getting reeled in. All the fellow-fisher-kids were excited. It was bagged using a long, colorful, cylindrical lure. Actually, the baby striper was too small to keep, measuring under the required 22 inches by the state.

Photo by SnaggleTooth May 2007

But before getting tossed back into the Narrows depths where undoubtedly more of the striper school is hanging out, the proud guy's Dad snaps a shot for prosterity...
Mr. Cool there has a new troop of admirers as the lure wins out over the live bait.

We just had a four-day spell of sogginess. Hope I can get in some sunshine again these days off. It's been a long, sore work-week of greyness n wet shoes again. Thankfully the predicted storm was tamer than expected. My chore list is out the door n across town long, too! Tons to do. Yard's still too soggy to play with. The R's right next door are down already to spuce up, n had a loud day (waking me up every few minutes).
Sleep is at a premium, so I'm grabbing mine in a few minutes while they let me. I'm fishin for Zzzz's, (not Stripers)!
There's times I feel like that fish... Out of water, lured in, fooled, taken against my will, n can't wait to get back home. Scarred for life, n afraid of becoming some one's dinner ... That's part of the reason I quit fishing awhile back-

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Say Cheeze

Mozerrella to be exact... Cheeze at the beach...

Photo by SnaggleTooth May 2007
We've been having a normal-type of spring week in New England. The weather's been great! Of course here on the Cape it's still cool n windy, but we've had a bit of sunny, warm afternoons n the plant-life is growing rapidly. the Forscynthias, Tulips, n Rhododendrons are dominating the blossom scenery.
Tree pollen is abundant n it's been making me a bit groggy-headed. My challenge today was to get to the store to get the allergy pills without them. I had tons on the docket of out-door chores to do, but fate was against me as I hit one delay after the next in the errand list.
I had to wait in several suddenly-formed long lines, for a CS out-of-paper lost sales receipt, n then the one-hour-photo guy made me come back later twice when I was trying to finish outings for the day. (I think if pics aren't done in time I deserve a discount...) My entire day was a comedy of errors testing my patience n wasting the few hours of daylight I had to operate in.
Now I'll have to try to squeeze more into my days before work this week. I still have seeds to get planted, the lawn to mow again, more sticks n leaves to remove, n Memorial Day is two short weeks away. After that, the things I'd like to get done will be less likely to get done to my satisfaction. The landlord will do some of them very lamely n wrong... (like dumping crap in heaps in the woods) City people just don't get how we do things here...
Memorial Day Week-end on the Cape means invasion of the out-of-towners, n all errands becoming ardous. Even just trying to drive down the street to pick-up my mail will become difficult. All the empty homes n spaces around me get filled in, n I suddenly feel like I need to hide. I'll have to talk to all kinds of people asking questions about me everytime I leave my apartment, so everything I try to do will take alot longer. Feeling eyes upon me in all my outings will change my preferences n behaviors.
I like beach weather, but I abhor the crowds of rude people "on vacation" while I'm not. I'm trying hard to enjoy the next week n two, because I'll have no personal, outdoor peace until after Labor-Day again.
All my day-off daylight has been sapped away, n only one more remains before the impending tourist flocks arrive. Even today there were more folks around during my travels. People were walking, shopping, surfing, fishing, sitting in cars at the pier n beach, just everywhere, but mostly townees, n not tons of strangers as expected Cape-side very soon.
Now back to my program of long, dark nights wide awake with no way to get the yard done... (The curse of the night-shift workers...)
Have a fun week- I'll enjoy every single moment of silence.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mum's the word

Hope all the deserving folks have a good day, n aren't forgotten, presents or none.
...We're swimming in the ocean of life... Photo by SnaggleTooth 2007

Both of my grown children with the help of our Creator each gave me brand new, healthy babies to love this year. These are the best presents I've ever recieved! I don't need any of the other kind, for just love is always enough.

To all mothers, have a good day!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Every One Knows it's Windy

Photo by SnaggleTooth Spring 2007


It's day off, yippee! Not a very warm day, but although the 40's F prevail, the Sun finally came out for the late afternoon, coaxing me out for a precursory round of yardwork on the largest yard section.
Most of the branches have been collected into about 6 piles, which I intend to remove tomorrow. Amazingly the Sears hand-power mower is still in working order after wintering outdoors under a tarp. After a spray of WD-40, it cut through the sporadic new lawn growth. Photo by SnaggleTooth Spring 2007
Glad I'm not paying $2.95 per gallon, get to avoid loud motor-noise, n avoid walking through a pollen-cloud. I prefer hand-cutting any day. I'll use a small hand-sickle To get the tall stuff when needed, too. I hate the noisy tools the landlord uses all summer. I'm accustomed to doing alot of manual labor. This is a piece of cake comparted to my regular workday.
As usual, the humungus Eclesiastical tree dropped tons of small limbs on every inch of the back. When I saw the grass shoot up this week, I knew I should've raked last week. So it was easier than it would be in another week. Now I just need to do the small East n South sections of the yard, n the deck.
Photo by SnaggleTooth Spring 2007

The springly-sprouting around here just began a week ago. It's been a long wait...

I said a few prayers for the F-5 tornado victims in Kansas today, so glad our winds haven't been that severe!
A bunch of kids were out flying kites at the ramp today!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Go Fly a Kite

Photo by SnaggleTooth April 2007

I'm still surprized no one asked what that previous pic was of...
At the locals fav beach here, we have a wind-surfing club that goes out often. This year they've learned to surf using kites instead of the large, triangular sails, n fall down much less often. Looks like fun, doesn't it?

Keep in mind, they were out here in April, n the ocean water temp is still in the 40 degrees F range... pretty frigid! They're wearing long-wet-suits. This beach is notoriously windy. I had to kneel out on the jette rocks to get these shots.

This past week on the full moon day I got the second new addition to my immediate family's down-line since the new year. Congrats to BBM, Pook, n new Big bro J!
One more workday left to my week, I really could use more sleep so off I go... zzz ...