Say Cheeze
Mozerrella to be exact... Cheeze at the beach...

We've been having a normal-type of spring week in New England. The weather's been great! Of course here on the Cape it's still cool n windy, but we've had a bit of sunny, warm afternoons n the plant-life is growing rapidly. the Forscynthias, Tulips, n Rhododendrons are dominating the blossom scenery.
Tree pollen is abundant n it's been making me a bit groggy-headed. My challenge today was to get to the store to get the allergy pills without them. I had tons on the docket of out-door chores to do, but fate was against me as I hit one delay after the next in the errand list.
I had to wait in several suddenly-formed long lines, for a CS out-of-paper lost sales receipt, n then the one-hour-photo guy made me come back later twice when I was trying to finish outings for the day. (I think if pics aren't done in time I deserve a discount...) My entire day was a comedy of errors testing my patience n wasting the few hours of daylight I had to operate in.
Now I'll have to try to squeeze more into my days before work this week. I still have seeds to get planted, the lawn to mow again, more sticks n leaves to remove, n Memorial Day is two short weeks away. After that, the things I'd like to get done will be less likely to get done to my satisfaction. The landlord will do some of them very lamely n wrong... (like dumping crap in heaps in the woods) City people just don't get how we do things here...
Memorial Day Week-end on the Cape means invasion of the out-of-towners, n all errands becoming ardous. Even just trying to drive down the street to pick-up my mail will become difficult. All the empty homes n spaces around me get filled in, n I suddenly feel like I need to hide. I'll have to talk to all kinds of people asking questions about me everytime I leave my apartment, so everything I try to do will take alot longer. Feeling eyes upon me in all my outings will change my preferences n behaviors.
I like beach weather, but I abhor the crowds of rude people "on vacation" while I'm not. I'm trying hard to enjoy the next week n two, because I'll have no personal, outdoor peace until after Labor-Day again.
All my day-off daylight has been sapped away, n only one more remains before the impending tourist flocks arrive. Even today there were more folks around during my travels. People were walking, shopping, surfing, fishing, sitting in cars at the pier n beach, just everywhere, but mostly townees, n not tons of strangers as expected Cape-side very soon.
Now back to my program of long, dark nights wide awake with no way to get the yard done... (The curse of the night-shift workers...)
Have a fun week- I'll enjoy every single moment of silence.
Mmmmm... cheese at the beach. Now there's something you don't see every day... sadly ;)
Can't wait for Memorial Day. I'm looking forward to heading back down to Jersey for a week or so. Always good times.
Hey thanks for checking my blog out.
Goes to show you can't get away from cheese, or tourists.
Good luck making it through the season!
Zoey, an unopenned pak, too... too bad it was unrefrigerated. I'm sure it's gull-goodies now! Got some decent beacheds in NJ, eh? I'm sure it's always more fun to be a tourist.
Xray, You're welcome, can always use good reading. Sometimes it can be tough to find willing photo-subjects. Thanks I hope I make it with my sanity intact!
I saw your comment on Carmi's!
Love the name of your blog!
Have a great day!
Hi Lee Ann, Thanks for coming by! I've seen you all over the place, n at the Castle too! Have a good one yourself!
Snag - Gotta love it when people just cram in front of you and slow down your plans. I dealt with that tonight, you just want to shove them out of the way and tell them to wake up. Especially when they are yapping on their stupid cell phones. Zombies with technology....
Have a great weekend, I'm off till Sunday.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Skye, Beautifully typed backward-case to describe the condition! The never-ending battle of "hmmm...Yard-work or sleep today?"
Neo, The "Cell-phone Duh-Head driving" has got to go! How about, "Idiots with Technology on Parade?"! lol- I can't count how many close "calls" they've caused me.
Now if I'm late for work even once, I lose my bonus Walmart Card! (I'll cry)
I'm not off 'til Sunday- have fun!
Hey Snaggle e-mail me sometime no rush. Have a great weekend and I'll see ya on Sunday. :)
Skye, I'll get around to it on day off hopefully! No time to putter today... always sleep challenged on days 4-5 in-a-row... sleepy time n work early againzzzzzzz
There's no hurry, besides I usually tell people they'll see me when they see me. :)
Skye, OK, but soon- tamali!
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