Happy Memorial Day Week-end, folks!
- Thankyou to all veterans of the USA, past n present. May all you've worked for remain perpetually for future generations. I truelly respect your vocation n sacrifice.

...For most folks, sadly, this week-end is nothing but a party excuse.
Where I grew up Metro-West of Boston, we used to trek down to the main road for a ferociously loud n long parade before our BBQ every year.
What a hellacious work week-end I just endured! My arms hurt just typing. Not only have we been getting the sporadic seasonal heat, but it manages to only be bright n sunny on my work-days lately. I spent my available cloudy daylight time today trying to tie-up some loose ends out on the deck. I puttered with plants n finally cleaned fans. Tomorrow may be 80 degrees F as we had for a few days last week. If so, it'd be preferable to have the option of an indoor breeze I did without yesterday.
I can't just turn on last years fans uncleaned in here, like normal people. Sending the winter dust all over the house is a big no-no with dust-mite allergies.
One of my co-workers came in with badly swollen eyes this week, n I work to avoid that painful symptom at all cost. Keeping contaminants out of the eye is priority, constant washing with bottled tears a close second. I lent the poor girl some drops, n hope she decides to go get her own. Avoidance as preventive maintainance is most of the allergen battle. (Hmmm, I should look that one up in Portuguese).
The major pollen head-aches are currently Oak n grasses. It's forming a visable scuz-layer over the cove's glassy surface today. Tomorrow's day off expecting rain showers again, hopefully washing the air out a bit.
I haven't managed more than three continious sleep-hours in a row since the neighbors came in Thursday (It's Sunday). N they all wonder why I'm grumpy...
Before I can get even some goodies cooked to eat up tonight, I still need to re-assemble all the fan parts I left to dry all over the kitchen table when the daylight dwindled. For some one trying not to do stuff, I seem to have no shortage of things piled up to fill my time.
Now lets see if I can handle holding my arms up to use that screw-driver again...
Hopefully I can find some rested free time before this summer's over, if the party-people will let me...
Without the freedom, there would be No Party, folks!
... Remember the sacrifices -
Well stated! Freedom On, Party Down!.
Happy Memorial Day! I hope yuo get some bright and sunny days off soon! :)
Allergies suck. I hate it when I come out from work and my clean car is covered with a layer of pollen. Ugh. I highly suggest getting a prescription for Patanol eye drops for your co-worker. It worked wonders for me.
Enjoy what time off you have left!
Skye, Thanks- I'm glad you made the connection- (n are having fun)!
K, Thankyou! From your keyboard to the weather-Angel's ears- Tomorrow Sunny but working, weather-controllers let's synchronize our schedules...
Xray, I hose off the truck every day! Not only does this co-worker not go to the Doc, she doesn't speak English. I tried to tell her about Patenol- Last time I had to get some cost $125 for .2oz (no insurance). I've down-graded to OTC Visine A this year, not bad stuff either- n it's cheap!
The few quiet hours just after they left was heavenly! (I napped).
Visine A burned my eyes, but I am glad it works for you.
Yesterday Dave and I did nothing, and that was so peaceful.
Thank God for naps.
i've developed allergies this year more so than last.. and i've acquired a sweet tooth for chocolate both thanks to the baby... i was wondering when i was going to inherit those family allergies! lol
Snag - I made it a point yesterday to raise my first beer to my friend and raise a cheer to our veterans and soldiers currently serving. Without them, we would have nothing. They have my deepest thanks and support.
Hopefully they got some good grub yesterday and a cold beer to wash it down with.
Good luck with the dusting!
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Happy Memorial Day! Take it easy!
Xray, Wow, you must be reacting to the preservatives or boric acid! Bummer! I'm also on tears for dry-eye, got many kinds that I can use, luckily.
I love "nada" days! (don't get many) bet it was great for you two.
Have a good week, too!
MB, Got mine after that troublesome second child (you)! There you are... Sorry you had to get it worse now- how depressing! I'm so used to the groggy head-aches n allergy pill/tylenol-popping, avoiding morning pollen clouds, hosing off the truck, driving with the windows shut.
Well, at least the trees are the worst part n almost done. Then there's only hayfever left to deal with. Never leave the house without kleenex, ever!
Neo, Thanks! Bet they all appreciate the toast, n being remembered. I hear about 10 more troops were lost to memorialize, Bless them all!
There's no end to dust, as you know. Mostly I wash to keep it from becoming airborne, water ties it down. Wish I had cleaning-person bux...
Janus, Thanks for the suggestion! I putter around way too much in my free time... a habit I got from my Dad. Luckily I don't have a dish-washer to re-arrange. (Don't ask)!
Honestly, the older you get, the more allergies you get!!!
Fleen, It's actually known to be a progressive auto-immune disease "Atopic Disease" and continues to add new allergens, symtoms, n severity as you go along.
Thank God for benedryl, or I wouldn't be here-
It appears that perhaps both Mom n Gramps had it (hives).
I get pretty bad head-aches lately, then the eyes sting, n hives are itchy (all day today).
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