Every One Knows it's Windy

It's day off, yippee! Not a very warm day, but although the 40's F prevail, the Sun finally came out for the late afternoon, coaxing me out for a precursory round of yardwork on the largest yard section.
Most of the branches have been collected into about 6 piles, which I intend to remove tomorrow. Amazingly the Sears hand-power mower is still in working order after wintering outdoors under a tarp. After a spray of WD-40, it cut through the sporadic new lawn growth.

Glad I'm not paying $2.95 per gallon, get to avoid loud motor-noise, n avoid walking through a pollen-cloud. I prefer hand-cutting any day. I'll use a small hand-sickle To get the tall stuff when needed, too. I hate the noisy tools the landlord uses all summer. I'm accustomed to doing alot of manual labor. This is a piece of cake comparted to my regular workday.
As usual, the humungus Eclesiastical tree dropped tons of small limbs on every inch of the back. When I saw the grass shoot up this week, I knew I should've raked last week. So it was easier than it would be in another week. Now I just need to do the small East n South sections of the yard, n the deck.

The springly-sprouting around here just began a week ago. It's been a long wait...
I said a few prayers for the F-5 tornado victims in Kansas today, so glad our winds haven't been that severe!
A bunch of kids were out flying kites at the ramp today!
the lilies are looking good! my gardens are springing back to life again too. and the grass by the driveway needs to be mowed as well.. teh back yard is mostly moss right now, and the front is all torn up, so not much grass there! let's hope for no nasty leaf eating caterpillars this year!! the past 2 years here have been bad with those. i guess b/c we actually got some cold that they shouldn't be bad or around at all this spring..we'll see i guess. all the trees are sprouting those stupid pollen things, and everyone is waking up with sinus headaches.. the worst time of year is upon us. hope your feeling alright down there!
MB, I'm planning to go to the store n check-out catepillar treatments tomorrow- quick before all the trees die off! Even the tube-flower vines got nailed with tent-pillars last year- prime time to head 'em off at the pass now-
I managed to miss te store tonight-
Everyone seems hit over the head with the allergies this year, n whining. I'm so used to it already! I recommend Loritadine 10mg every day it doesn't rain (walmart brand is cheap).
I'm okay, hope you are too!
I live in a townhouse community so I don't get to do too much yard work - most of it is done for us by the grounds crew. But I am hoping to plant some flowers again this year.
Ewwww caterpillars.
Those and spiders seem to be out and about this time of year.
ZoeyB, Good luck with your plantlings! Don't kill too many spiders, it's bad luck (plus they kill nasty bugs)
I'm unhappy without plants around me. I always do a deck garden. I only get to do yard work before the summer folks get here, n after they leave in the fall.
Have you found those tennis balls yet? $2.95 @gallon, are you talking about milk or gas? We have some places selling it for $.00 bucks, sometimes I feel like they should serve coffee with it. Enjoy the Day! :) p.s. me too going to beach or to see spidy man.
I find yardwork can be really relaxing sometimes. And other times I just find myself swearing at weeds and branches and wondering why I don't put rocks in the plass of grass.
Well.... we had our Spring a long time ago, and then it got cold again and killed off a lot of the seedlings and new growth. The trees and bushes are so confused over this, as are we.
We did get those gusty winds you spoke about, and are still experiencing them. Luckily no caterpillers, but the skeeters will be out in full force soon enough. Oh well.... part of the natural process we have to deal with, I guess.
Here's hoping your deck garden is as beautiful as last years!
SkyBL2U, Milk here is now $3.45, n the fuel is cheaper- The cow wins! So doesn't not paying for either... The matinee costs 2 gallons!
K, I don't mind the work as long as people aren't watching me curse! I had to curb it for the little kids coming home yesterday- happy plantlings!
Ellen, I hope you have better luck with the second round of plantlings. I bought stuff to kill the pillars that dare invade this year. Gotta be sparing with it to not kill the birds too. Still clearing off the outdoor pots from last year, n waiting to see how many perenials made it thru the deep-freezing. Most baby evergreen trees are alive. Started some seeds today. I hope to raise many new plantlings this warm season.
Happy plantlings to you too!
Only $2.95 per gallon. We're paying $3.50 and up around here!
I wanted to thank you for your recent and regular visits to my blog. Although I don't always leave a comment, I stop by here frequently... I get a lot out of your perspective. It's been a pleasure to get to know you over these past several months.
Snag - You'd love the neighbor on the other side of the parking lot outside my spot. I nicknamed him "Lawnmower Man." One of these days I'd like to tell him what to do with that loud ass leaf blower of his.
As for your piles of wood. A good camp fire sounds in order. :)
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Mike, well you beat up the cow, or is that more there too... guess taxes are pretty high in Ca, like in FL. Pretty good incentive to keep drivin the Harley!
You're quite welcome, I enjoy my visits there, thanks for comin by.
Neo, The landlord folks downstairs as well as all the neighbors do the loud machine stuff. I's forgotton about that book/movie! I do tell them what to do, but they don't hear me over the roar... There's a yard waste section at the dump. No burning permits issued here. my Dad used to do that- he had a 55 gal steel drum.
Hey Snaggle that was suppose to be $4.00 a gallon for gas but if we drive around sometimes we find it for 3.51 every dime helps. Mostly Shell has the higher price, Chervon is usually ok, just depends but with Summer coming who knows how much higher it'll go.
It has actually been kind of nice here the last few days. In the 70's low humidity. Although We are getting quite a bit of smoke from the georgia fires.
I agree, gas and milk prices are outrageous!
The rule of thumb is, the guys mow the lawn whenever I have the windows open for a bit to air out the place. That way I can sneeze.
cutting the lawn without loud tools, ahhh that sounds good for the soul
SkyBL2U, 4-bux? Yikes! They always jack it way up for tourist season here (3 weeks away) until Labor Day, just like happened last year... I'm sure we're headin up there too!
Fleen, Wow, sounds like our weather here since I had to go back to work. Been upper 60's n foggy at night (warmer). Humidity got in today tho- been sweatin bullets at work all day. I didn't realize the Georgia fires were Spewing so far!
Time to invent a hydo-car that runs on impotable water... (Then that would get expensive too, they gotta make their bux off us)!
Janus, I hate the 90 F days when they mow, because I have to close the windows n roast to avoid my eyes swelling shut, my allergies are horrible-
Yep, power tools, altho making one feel powerful, are now too expensive to run! 4-bux to mow my lawn would kill me... (hearing's shot too!)
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