It's a Tough Job

... But somebody's got to do it!
This could be politcal commentary at it's pictoral finest, (or someone decided to trash their little dingy n it wouldn't fit into the dumpster on the Village pier)!
Yesterday the sun came out for about a half-hour, before the Thunderstorms MB warned me about over the phone arrived. As fate would have it, I emerged from the supermarket n was greeted by the wonderous sight of a bright n wide rainbow directly-ahead past my truck, aimed straight up into the cloud-cover!
I stopped in my tracks a minute wondering in the glow. Drats, I was camera-less- But it did remind me of a promise made by the Creator to Noah, that never again would all people get wiped off the planet with water, no matter how bad they were getting...
On my way back across town, I took the "Boulevarde detour" around the village main beach, n noticed the same rainbow, much fainter in brilliance over past B-Point. by the time I got home n back with a cam, the wonder was barely visable. Now too close to sunset, I snapped off a couple, anyway, (not shown yet) but apparently, a pic wasn't the light-show's purpose. After five days of drenching rains, I was being reminded of mercy....
It does seem, however, that more n more people are turning bad on others. Another sense-less double-murder-suicide today. So much war, shootings, bombings, violent death around us. It's difficult to keep up with the latest event, there've been so many! So much wondering why. So many funerals for the undeserving.
Sometimes it's tough to keep paddling on through the current flood of murderous evil we're witnessing in this life, feeling powerless to stop the tide.
Maybe it's time for a bigger boat. Maybe even another Ark, 150 cubits long-If only all the troubling mayhem of our world could be washed away, leaving only the good ones safely stowed away for the future. But our kind should have already learned that lesson...
Now we have to live in the midst of the danger, may the Creator have mercy on us, n show us a way.
Happy Day, MB! Lv-U
That picture is too funny.... and one I'd expect to see under the funnies on the web. But then, with our current administration's bumblings of the past years, I wouldn't be surprised if that really were the harbormasters boat in the first place.
Sorry for the long absence.... work has been tooooo busy this month, and I finally have about 30 minutes to myself before the phone rings off the hook again.
Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day, and thanks so much for stopping by to wish me one as well.
Oooops.... the darn phone is ringing again..... will it ever stop?
Take care!
thanks mom! i saw on NECN about the guy they found dead in the baby.. the video showed the coast guard bringing the body in on the pier. poor guy. perhaps that was his dingy by the dumpster there.
a 14 year old girl was shot dead in springfield recently. wrong place at the wrong time. poor family!! i can't even remember how many murders springfield has had this year. and boy am i ever grateful that i don't live anywhere near there!!
here's to a beautiful week!! and no rain by the looks.. perfect weather for just before the tourists arrive!
don't forget to pop over the the movies if you can this summer.. this is the tenth year of them down at the bandshell!! hard to believe.
Snag - Maybe it's time to build a space ship and find a planet with inteligent life! Then maybe people could get along and leave the hater's behind.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Ellen, Thanks for making it back to comment. Don't worry, I forgive easily in blogland! (Just come back-)
I'd like to see the harbormaster paddling that one, myself!
Shut the ringer off n let the machine get it... could be a customer, ya-ya...
MB, In our Buzzard's Bay (the water) we've been feeding the fish way too many people lately!
Alot of killing all over the place, let's hope it stays away from our homes n kids!
Now the weather's good enough to do what I couldn't on days off, now that I have NO TIME! Still waiting on seed planting!
Wow, the O-Movie Co. is 10? (n JP is a Selectman already)!
Neo, It would be a long trip, but Alpha Centari is lookin pretty good!
Well, at least you got to see the rainbow, even if you didn't get to capture it on camera ;)
Snag - I hear Pluto is nice this time of year. ;)
Zoey, I'm sure it looked much prettier n brilliant in person, anyhow. A telephoto lens would've helped also.
Neo, I'm betting that human life already exists in the AC system, n we could survive there. That solar system is the most like ours. (But watch-out for the beasts)!
I hope I make it through these Mem-Day orders at work, it's humungous!
It is always good to know there is hope. Also that promise was that we would never be destroyed again but saved (through Christ Jesus.)
I love finding God's glory in nature, and often do not have a camera. When I do its like 500 photos of the same :}
I would have never know that was a boat, we use things like that around here to mix concrete. :)
Xray, Nature is why I live here away from the big city. I enjoy the natural surroundings. Have you read David's poem on Hope on Sugarloaf Mtn yet?
Skye, That little dingy looks like it would make an excellent sand-box or plant-container. (or cement mixer-box, eh?)
Snag - Ugh, don't remind me. I have to WORK the holiday too! :(
Neo, Awww- you'll just have to party early! Hope your's went OK! (I'm not recovered yet- from work, just out now)
Snag - As much as I'd like to start drinking at 9am on weekends; ;)
I'll have to wait. :)
It was worth it.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Neo, I was invited to a bar, but allergy n tylenol pills made me decline, drats, darn tree pollen! So you waited until 9:01?
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