Harvest Time
Equal time has been given to the puppy n n kitty folkz, n now I can get on with my week...

What a pretty 3-D Box-window pan-composition overlooking the backyard these folkz got.
You guessed it, another New Hamphire trip pic. There's more to post later along the blogway-
TG for time-off! MB came to town over the week-end to visit King Richard's Faire. I only got to say "Hi" To her n Little E for a moment, but she dropped off the mother-load of organic produce from the CSA farm her n J have a share in (she blogged it).
Am I so stuffed right now!
I haven't had this much fresh food to eat in ages. I made myself the greatest salad today. The greens were so needed. I've been lacking iron because of the national spinach-ban, E-coli problem. My energy level's been draggin without it. To buy all the ingredients separately that I ate today for a one-person meal would've cost a small fortune!
I'm in a cook-up race to fix or eat what'll go bad first. Usually I'm not ambitious enough after a work-shift to do much hand-food-prep work, so I'm tryin to get it all done before work-time again. It'll be easy n healthy eats all week this round...
Bon Appetite!