Handicapped Parking
I'm actually having a better week-end than expected.
My idea of good is forced rest...

My knee got smashed pretty bad on cement this week, n I showed everyone with the questioning expression why I was limping... looks pretty bad! So the boss took pity on me n gave me Sat n Sun off. I was so surprized! They do need me to cover a co-worker's vaca next week, n hours will be long.
I just hope I didn't do any permanent damage. Only time will tell. I'm trying not to run up doc bills if I don't have to - no insurance. I know about ice, heat, elevation, n compression treatment, hope it does the trick. I can stand, walk, n bend it, even have made several trips up n down the stairs (carefully of course) with groceries. So I'm certainly badly bruised, swollen, n scraped, but the joint is still functioning. The injury is slowing me way down, which I need, I guess, but just don't like. The knee is painful when moved some ways or touches things too.
It's a pretty cool day, overcast n windy, in the low 60's (F), n wearing pants is a challenge with the knee discomfort, but needed.
Ernesto is barreling through the East-coast states south of my area wreaking havoc with water levels in North Carolina, Virginia, n DC today. They've had some pretty dramatic flooding rains there.
We expect the rain to arrive after nightfall n throughout Sunday here. I'm grateful the storm's been down-graded to a tropical depression, not expected to cause damage in our area as a hurricane would.
Also Hurricane John on the West coast is leveling parts of Baja California in Mexico . I wish the residents of the California USA's coastline minimal damages from that storm this upcomimg week! I have old, childhood friends in the San Diego area right near the beach-
So most of the errands are done for the week, n today I'm loafing around with the leg elevated. Soaks are next, maybe I'll get chicken soup stewing soon, now that I have time for it, n not good BBQ weather.
King Richard's Faire outdoors in Carver begins this week-end. Those folks are gonna get soaked tomorrow! Also, I'd be a bit paraniod of the Triple-E mosquito threat were I to go there. A nine-year-old boy in next-door-town Middleboro died from the deadly disease this week. It's a scary situation, n I wonder how it'll affect Faire-goer traffic there this fall.
Cranberry workers will be taking a risk of the disease also.
Well, back to watching old movies from the collection.
(on Jurassic Park III now- love Spielberg films)
Hope everyone is enjoying some down-time,
... n the storms are kind to you!
hope your knee's feeling better after the weekend!
Yup, just the powers that be's way if telling you to slow down and rest for a few days. I only hope the neighbors took off over the bridge to Cape-parts unknown so that you could actually catch some much needed zzzzz's.
How horrible about the mosquito's deadly transfusion. I notice that we are putting "Au de Deep Woods Off" on more regularly here because they are merciless in their attacks. Don't want to risk catching West Nile, Lyme, or any other kind of funky blood disease. I know that you can't and wonder how you get through bug season.
And yay, hooray that Ernesto fizzled out before reaching the Cape!
Snag - If you hurt your knee on the job they are responsible for the bills. If they say otherwise raise a stink. Hope you're doing better.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
MB, Thanks! It's still very bruised n painful, but the deep purple colors have turned brown. I still have a large, raised inflamed lump of something (smooshed cartilidge?) bugging me, I hope it self-repairs!
TG work slowed down-
Ellen, n slow way down I did! Yes, The offenders have left for the city n I got some sleep before work.
I have a problem with those sprays-do I tend to wear long clothes n be careful about when I go outside, Guess I've been lucky this year with the bites, have had very few.
Yay Ernie took a vaca- !
Boo Floence looks ominous- Watch out North Carolina coast!
Neo, how did that comment slip in before mine ? oh well!
On the way to work (not at work) n cause I'm over-tired from work doesn't count as paid by them, n I won't lie so I'm stuck!
I'm in alot of pain trying to keep working on my feet all night! At least OT has cut back a bit, if only the throbbing would follow suit...
I'm Back!!!!! (somewhat)
hope your knee feels better.
love you
Hi leen, long time no commentz! Welcome back!
Snag - Sorry to hear that. Hey where'd ya go? Miss ya!
Have a great weekend!!!
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Neo, I'm just draggin trying to cover for a guy on vaca this week, n I'm noddin off just trying to read a few at night. Doin 8 days in a row again!
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