Harvest Time
Equal time has been given to the puppy n n kitty folkz, n now I can get on with my week...

What a pretty 3-D Box-window pan-composition overlooking the backyard these folkz got.
You guessed it, another New Hamphire trip pic. There's more to post later along the blogway-
TG for time-off! MB came to town over the week-end to visit King Richard's Faire. I only got to say "Hi" To her n Little E for a moment, but she dropped off the mother-load of organic produce from the CSA farm her n J have a share in (she blogged it).
Am I so stuffed right now!
I haven't had this much fresh food to eat in ages. I made myself the greatest salad today. The greens were so needed. I've been lacking iron because of the national spinach-ban, E-coli problem. My energy level's been draggin without it. To buy all the ingredients separately that I ate today for a one-person meal would've cost a small fortune!
I'm in a cook-up race to fix or eat what'll go bad first. Usually I'm not ambitious enough after a work-shift to do much hand-food-prep work, so I'm tryin to get it all done before work-time again. It'll be easy n healthy eats all week this round...
Bon Appetite!
please enjoy.. we've been so busy that often times the share goes bad in our fridge!
i'll email you the recipe for that salad in a few minutes.. i forgot. oops
How sweet of MB to bring you a load of fresh veggies... just what the doctor ordered.
I had a bread made for you, but by mistake I didn't put a note on it saying, "DO NOT TOUCH!", and Chris cut into it. Needless to say, I have started over, and should have one done by tomorrow, and shipped by Thursday. So sorry for the delay!
Enjoy your wonderful harvest in the meantime, and the bread will be on it's way up to you shortly.
MB, thanks so much. I can't imagine the guilt of throwing it out, (that's why I try to eat it all) Thanks for the recipe.
Haven't you seen any rabbit hutches in the neighborhood walks to give the (left-over) lettuce to yet? -I'm feelin like a rabbit today, myself!
Ellen, Woops! Guess Chris can't resist the good stuff- didn't ya make him one? Don't worry, I have enough lettuce to last me awhile here. The delay is perfectly alright n understandable. Thanks!
LOL! No I don't make too much for him anymore, as it usually gets rejected. I gave up over a year ago. Mainly because he is on this health kick, and really looks at the side of boxes for calorie and fat counts. If he only knew the amount in a banana bread.... Funny thing is, though, he has a sweet tooth a mile wide (just like me), and can consume vast amounts of the sweet stuff and never gain an ounce. He is so skinny, I wish I had his matabolism again.
Ellen, ya I read nutrition labels too (but they don't stop me often!).
I always figure I won't gain weight if I work after eating high calorie. I really do alot of quick, physical movement, n will get shakes if I don't eat enough-
A small piece of your special bread does last the body-energy many hours! (also it's very yummy!)
Guess your son knows the good stuff when he smells it...
Snag - Check your email. ;)
Neo, I kinda did that backwards... got off line, answered the machine, n went back to em after work again! that's ok- it worked!
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