Smooth Sailing

I'm taking off in the truck for the White Mountains of New Hamphire for a wedding Saturday evening. It's at a resort up near Lake Winnepesaki, across from where Laconia is. Only about a 5-hour or so drive from here.
Thank Goodness the price of fuel began dropping again this week- what timing!
It'll be good to see all the old friends and kids again, should be a fun family party. Looks like the weather will be fair n warm for this one. I'll either sleep in the truck or at the cycle shop they got nearby. Just an over-nighter this time.
I'm still fighting with after-effects this flu-bug that knocked me for a loop this past week, but it's not going to keep me from my first field trip since last fall. The challenging part will be falling asleep early then waking up n driving during my normal sleep-time!
Have a good week-end in blogland without me!
Happy trails ...
you haven't been eating spinach have you? i hope not!
have a great time at the wedding!
I hope you had a good trip. Sounds like fun.
Oh ya, the price of gas is starting to drop around here too. It's down to about $2.80 - not bad for sunny Cali.
MB, I usually do get home from work n eat some raw leaves, but I haven't had any for two weeks. Just didn't feel like buying it just before this ecoli out-break! Pretty scary!
Just got home, was a good-time- thanks
Mike, I'm exhausted after days of very few sleep hours n much driving, but it was worth the trip, Thanks! Saw tons of bikes in the warm, sunny weather up there, n was also speedway (NASCAR) week-end, saw race-cars in trailers all over. Helmets aren't required in that state.
I paid $2.49 for fuel in NH (no sales taxes) Wow! MA is about $2.69 - that's a big percentage of change CA takes there...
Well Well I thought that was you how's my 3 "Cats" doing hope ok..
My "pal" went to sleep and left the com on.... So have the cat's learnd to type????
OK I have to go so I'll bark at you later... Buddy
Hey Buddy, I hope you enjoyed our great weather this week-end, The kitties are fine. I'll try to call Pal soon, say "Hi" for me!
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