Thursday, November 30, 2006

Where's the Train?

You'd never guess this scene exists behind Main street in my Town's Center unless you choose the rear Parking lot which allows you to bypass the traffic. The saltmarsh estuary is home to swans n many other migratory sea-birds. By the train tracks is a great place to hang out on a warm afternoon.
In my sidebar surfing links "Carmi" posted a railroad tracks pic also. This is where his tracks took me, to posting the one I shot Thanksgiving week, myself. He shoots near, I shoot far. I like to play with space, color, n shape composition in the frame. Where's the train? Here at Mike's too!
Great minds with cams n eyes think kinda alike, n almost at the same time...
or something like that...
We just had a record-breaking warm day on the last day of November here. It hasn't been 68 F degrees in Boston since the 1800's! This month there've only been 8 days in the 40's (Thank local CH7-TV News for the stats). This has been a wonderfully long Indian Summer.
Coming attractions of autumns to come or just an isolated blip in record-keeping...?
Only time will tell.
The news also reported that Shamu the killer whale took a fit during show-time by dragging the trainer under by the foot. That's scary- Think he'll quit? (I would)
Even whales need vacation once in awhile, or they get grumpy like everyone else!
I'm greatful at work I'm not required to smile, although people keep telling me to. Only sarcastic humor seems to make me laugh lately. No vacations in sight, either. Looks like I'm workin the Xmas, too. Bah, Humbug!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Down the Drain

Photo by SnaggleTooth ...
The famous drain across from my house which I've mentioned raking out fifty times on my blog already, is surrounded by a sea of fallen leaves.
Periodically the wind tosses these leaves to n fro, back on the drain, onto the narrow road, in my yard.
If I don't rake it before heavy rains, a huge, deep puddle floods the road n my driveway, making it's way to the previously shifted foundation of my house.
Have you ever tried to rake the forest?
It's a lesson of persistance n futility.
I'm reminded of an old folk-song, "The House-wife's Lament," which I learned from the guy who taught me guitar finger-picking techniques as a teen-ager...
"Oh Life is a toil n love is a trouble,
Beauties they fade n riches they flee.
Pleasures they dwindle, n prices they double,
N nothing is what I could wish it to be.
Verse 1:
There's too much worriment goes to a bonnet,
There's too much ironing goes to a shirt.
There's nothing that lasts for the time ya waste on it.
Nothing that lasts but the trouble n dirt! ..."
Well, the tune goes on to decribe horrible messes ("...the wall-paper rots n the candle-sticks Rust...") n at the end of the verses, the poor maid is trying to sweep waves back into the ocean! Then
"... She lays down her broom n her apron she folded.
She lays down n dies n is buried in dirt!...
So much energy, down the drain!
It reminds me of all the stuff I've been through n how far it was to get here, but ending up right back to the original struggle (having to rake the umpteenth time) of how to pay for everything without getting paid enough to cover it.
Here we are at the Holiday shopping season, n I'm present-challenged now that the truck repairs n rent have funding priority. Normally when I have no spare money I have more time, but not this season. No money, and no time. So how to do what I'd like is out the window. It'd be nice to hit big in the lottery about now, then I could save so much energy n stress!
Sleep, maybe at the end of the week- I hope...
Gotta keep trying anyhow!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Wow, I made it through another Birthday- whew! I tend to get upset on this occassion more the older I become! It gets aggrivating to me wanting so much more progress than's been achieved in one year, n comparing against your life-time thus far. I don't like the life-scale of measurement faced each year.
Although It's good I've made it thru another year of time, I don't enjoy the actual day.
It didn't help that I didn't sleep n took the truck to the station where I'll need a state required safety-sticker by the end of the month, n finding out I need 2c's more cash than I have available for the required repairs just before rent n Xmas time, or have no legal wheels. So all my other plans for day were way scaled back. That was no fun.
After my Lil' Sis called the other day, I realized the different approaches we have to our impending age-adding-up day. She announces hers well in advance, talks about what she wants, n makes sure no one will forget her on that day. I don't devulge the date, n pretend it isin't a special day at all. I expect nothing, so I won't get dissappointed. I'd prefer no one even is aware of it, until it's all over with. I'm not big on being a glutton.
Actually, I just want me to do all my projects, but people can't give me that furfillment.
Without time, money is meaningless! Without Money, time is useless!
Unless I have it to give, I don't prefer receiving- that's my personality.
It helps to be this way, while everyone is in strapped mode...

I'll be sure to get another belated card or two on Turkey Day, which is my bro's B-day this year.


The early Thanksgiving list:
getting ready cause we go around before dinner n each say our piece- I need to pick one (1)...
... ... ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thankfully I made it through another year of life on my own in my town, despite the difficult economic atmosphere in this area recently.
I'm very greatful my Children, spouses, n their children are all healthy, doing well, n keep in touch.
I'm still praying for my old-home-pal "A.T." who this year has successfully made it through all her Chemo treatment and surgery. Our kin's all very greatful for Thy Almighty's help, n also for our ability to do what we mortals can to help her.
Once her current situation clears, she's onto her final, third-round of treatment: Radiation.
May she get to finish her marathon, God willing.
I'm Greatful I have a place to go eat the Turkey Feast, n that they moved dinner-time from 1 up to 3, after hearing my work hours.
(Yay, another 2 hours to get stuck in traffic!)
I'm Greatful for all my Blog-Buddies, helping me thru my day keeping me company here when everyone else is asleep.
The technology allowing me this n the ability to use it is much appreciated!
I'm thankful for the sacrifices made to allow this country to still exist in a free state where I'm allowed to be unique me.
This is the best priceless gift, living in this time-frame of history in this country.
... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
May Everyone enjoy the company of loved-ones at their chosen feast!
... ... ... ... ... Gratius Ago!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Fall Colors

Photo by SnaggleTooth

Posted here are a few of my fav pics from my walk across the street on the same day as I posted the Leaf Sample scan.
I feel very fortunate to have this small patch of woods right across from my apartment in this cottage-crowded village.

Photo by SnaggleTooth

Photo by SnaggleTooth

All the leaves shown are down now-
The cold is moving back in. There'll be a few more up from that session a bit later on...
It's off for my week-end overnight work-shift again.
Have more fun than I will!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Blowin in the Wind

November is flyin by- literally, as the winds pick-up n a wicked storm blows toward the NorthEast USA. After hearing about the mess this system left in North Carolina n the southern States earlier today, taking lives n homes, I feel fortunate not to live in a tornado-prone zone! My prayers go out to those affected. It goes to show you can't predict the weather or when death or disaster will take you by surprise.
I hope the several folks I know who just moved to NC this year are all doing alright...
We're just comin out of a two-week bout of 60 degree Indian Summer that was great for this time of year. I've been spoiled with the heat off n windows open. I do wonder if this is a "Global Warming" featurette of late Autumns to come...
Of course, now that I have time off it'll get nasty out... I must've raked the storm drain next to the woods a good ten times already because although warm, it's been raining about every-other day. There was thick, pea-soup fog on the way home last am., then I slept through the brightest part of today again.
I'm sure an Artic blast will soon catch-up here n claim winter for awhile, but I'm enjoying the balmy above 50's as long as possible this round, even as the winds herald the incoming turbulance.
The leaves are now mostly down n everywhere.
Folks are preparing their Turkey Day feast parties. Me n My Bro Celebrate B-days. My Big Sis from Florida n her two (now so grown-up) kids will be up for the first time in years. My days off are separated, so even to get to dinner by 1 pm means no sleep for the day after a work-shift. I probably won't even be hungry by the time I make it to the 50-person festivities in Metro-West. Likely the day will be an exercise in trying to stay awake enough to get back home, then facing a busy holiday rush at work all week-end. It will be a test of endurance!
Thanks, all who've been here recently. I notice few people available to blog n comment lately, cause everyone is runnin to keep up. It's a busy time of year-
N here comes a storm...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Pour l'Art

Photo by SnaggleTooth

Another view from the same Town-Center wharf, directly opposite the pic of the cloudy bridges in the previous "Daylight Dwindles " post, (from that same day).

Sometimes it's difficult around here to find blue sky. I like the color of it in this particular water reflection. (Perhaps it's a ploy to get folks to check out more of the blog n Archives... U-decide!) The particular village of the Town I live in has many hazy, foggy, n misty times not present in other sections simply because of the almost completely surrounding ocean waterways. This pic spot is a few miles down the road from my village.


I live in a place where scenery easily leads you into reflection n contemplation. I've become used to the natural surroundings n how they make me feel good about belonging here. There's so little time for me to "hang out," but when I get the moments they are quality minutes.


In my blog-speak I don't dwell alot on my worst challenges (There are NO "problems"- only "challenging situations") It's amazing I can find the motovation to write here, to find excuses to take pics just for show here. But all these moments are treasures of building quality time and inspiration for myself as a by-product, because when I do anything thinking of entertaining others here, I feel purpose.


Work has got me comin n goin so fast that I'm way out of it in my free-time. I barely have time to reflect on much besides chores n getting the bills paid. Silly me can't stop thinking of new projects I want to begin before the backlog list has anything crossed off! It's so difficult to work on old boring ideas when new ones steal the enthusiasum... I wish I had tons more hours to devote to the project-production list.


So, my thoughts lately lead to the force of folks I'd need to employ to accomplish everything I want done... quite an extensive plan- especially if I include the film-making ideas. Such grand schemes I can conjure, just looking at a pic like this, remembering how the place made me feel...


Even tho currently I'm but a force of one, scraping to earn the rent money, stealing little quiet minutes of days trying to escape me before running off to work n exhausting myself yet again.

My mind doesn't stay in that spot. It moves ahead to when projects sell, pay above my overhead, allow bigger projects to get off the ground, then snow-ball into the grand scheme of getting my life's work accomplished. All with the very same by-product, motovation, n purpose. (Pour l'Art).

N I may need to rent that crane...


............ letalis vita tempus turbo

Friday, November 03, 2006


Scan of actual leaves by SnaggleTooth

Here's the part of the vegetation rainbow I found on my walk across the street today.
I actually made it out the door before dusk n shot a few, then picked a few for the scanner project. Soon all these leaves will wither n brown, but the scans will live on forever in vivid color...
The photos won't get done to use right away, though, (Maybe next week). The Maples are all bare, so the red, orange, n brown Oak, Ash, birch, n Sassafrass are providing the current show by still hanging onto a few bits of color spared by the storm.
The surge from that storm last week-end actually flooded a few roads right down the hill from me, damaged some floating piers, n beached some craft off moorings around the bay according to the local weekly.
Then there's the bright pink n orange tube-flower berries from my yard I like to add for contrast.
Very few were spared from the Tent-caterpillars n the landlord's landscape-weed-whacker-pruning, non-skills. It's amazing any plants make it through his crash n burn visits. In two summers he's managed to kill all the mature shrubs in the yard, including the Lilacs and Bramble-roses, which he always trimmed off next years flowering branches, the Forsynthias, n a pretty white-flowering mystery bush just after it blossomed this year. I liked the yard much better before this guy took over for his dad...
If it were up to me, the plants would still be abundant in this yard as they were when I moved in.
Well lucky for me, the woods are still allowed to live across the way for all of our Autumn enjoyment.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Daylight Dwindles

Photo by SnaggleTooth

I miss the sunshine. Now when I leave for work it's very dark outside. When the sky's not cloudy I've seen dawn's light through the window before crashing out, n catch some brief glimpses in my half-sleep. The Sun's always dimmed n on it's way down before I can get up to catch it- the casualty of Daylight-Savings-Time for me. If only I wasn't so exhausted n didn't need sleep to function...
The NorthEast US had a heck of a Wind-Rain storm with 50 mph gusts for two days last week-end before the balmy Halloween weather moved in, all while I had to work crazy, long hours. Now that I have time off, it's been cold, foggy, n cloudy out again!
Those leaves I've been waiting weeks to explore were in peak color during the wind-storm n lots got knocked down. I did get a couple pics just from the deck before work on Monday, (still un-processed for blogication).
I got to see BBM n Baby J for about five minutes before Candy Raids, I mean trick or treats... Otherwise, I missed the whole thing! I didn't even prepare a costume. At least I have some chocolate to snack on. No one stopped by early before I left for work. I like answering the door n saying high to all the kids. I really missed doing it this year.
Today I slept through all the daylight hours! (Guess I needed it. You know you're too tired when --). Hopefully I've caught up enough to handle more awake in daylight hours tomorrow. There may be no leaves left by now...
Here comes the cold, below freezing weather predicted here tonight. I finally broke down n turned the expensive, electric heat on, cause I'll be home. One perk of work is it's very warm (sweatin') in there, so saves on the colder over-night heating bill at home.
The above pic was taken a couple weeks ago in the town Center from a new fishing wharf at Besse Park they installed during the recon of these bridges last year. It's a nice spot to hang out,
if you're awake during the day...