Pour l'Art

Another view from the same Town-Center wharf, directly opposite the pic of the cloudy bridges in the previous "Daylight Dwindles " post, (from that same day).
Sometimes it's difficult around here to find blue sky. I like the color of it in this particular water reflection. (Perhaps it's a ploy to get folks to check out more of the blog n Archives... U-decide!) The particular village of the Town I live in has many hazy, foggy, n misty times not present in other sections simply because of the almost completely surrounding ocean waterways. This pic spot is a few miles down the road from my village.
I live in a place where scenery easily leads you into reflection n contemplation. I've become used to the natural surroundings n how they make me feel good about belonging here. There's so little time for me to "hang out," but when I get the moments they are quality minutes.
In my blog-speak I don't dwell alot on my worst challenges (There are NO "problems"- only "challenging situations") It's amazing I can find the motovation to write here, to find excuses to take pics just for show here. But all these moments are treasures of building quality time and inspiration for myself as a by-product, because when I do anything thinking of entertaining others here, I feel purpose.
Work has got me comin n goin so fast that I'm way out of it in my free-time. I barely have time to reflect on much besides chores n getting the bills paid. Silly me can't stop thinking of new projects I want to begin before the backlog list has anything crossed off! It's so difficult to work on old boring ideas when new ones steal the enthusiasum... I wish I had tons more hours to devote to the project-production list.
So, my thoughts lately lead to the force of folks I'd need to employ to accomplish everything I want done... quite an extensive plan- especially if I include the film-making ideas. Such grand schemes I can conjure, just looking at a pic like this, remembering how the place made me feel...
Even tho currently I'm but a force of one, scraping to earn the rent money, stealing little quiet minutes of days trying to escape me before running off to work n exhausting myself yet again.
My mind doesn't stay in that spot. It moves ahead to when projects sell, pay above my overhead, allow bigger projects to get off the ground, then snow-ball into the grand scheme of getting my life's work accomplished. All with the very same by-product, motovation, n purpose. (Pour l'Art).
N I may need to rent that crane...
............ letalis vita tempus turbo
I do the very same thing. It's not enough that I can't accomplish the actual things on my to-do list... I have to add other projects that I know will never come to fruition. Looking around the livingroom last week, I knew I had to make space for the plants to come inside, yet, I had visions of painting the walls, and perhaps adding a little crown molding around the ceiling.
I really need to get my car into the shop to have the brakes checked, oil changed, and tires rotated... but decided that a nap sounded better this afternoon. Since I've been up since 3 AM, I'm beginning to feel the weight of my eyes and think a power nap (or two) should raise the second wind.
Geez..... if only chores got done by themselves so that we could laze the day away with a fishing pole off the end of the new wharf in your lovely town.....
Ellen, I do take steps to make project progress, it's just too darn slow! Around the house = is last on the list... I need to do some minor repairs by myself on the truck for a sticker this month = priority.
I'm planning to get accomplished writing n art projects which could help get me ahead- ($$) very important!
A maid, dish-washer, n clothes washer would really help alot, tho- along with the nicer interior...
So you saw the fishing dude... I promised his young son to leave him out of the shot...
I really, really like where you live. Really!
Thanks Mike, this is a place where many like to visit n few stay year-round. I'm not really trying to recruit new townies... but maybe my pics are having that effect!
We still reach for the stars despite the fact that we'll never actually touch them. But the mere act of trying ensures we end up higher than we would have otherwise.
Your images and thoughts are equally captivating. Have I ever told you that Cape Cod is one of my most favorite places on the planet? We went there a few times when we were kids - we lived in Montreal - and I was always mesmerized with its scenery and spirit.
Carmi, I believe I CAN touch the stars, If I get the correct stuff together here- the magic is in the positive belief...
Glad you're enjoying my pics here, n I didn't realize you've been one of those visitors to the Cape! It may now be a bit more built-up than you remember...
I went to Expo 67 in Montreal with my family when I was a child.
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