Wow, I made it through another Birthday- whew! I tend to get upset on this occassion more the older I become! It gets aggrivating to me wanting so much more progress than's been achieved in one year, n comparing against your life-time thus far. I don't like the life-scale of measurement faced each year.
Although It's good I've made it thru another year of time, I don't enjoy the actual day.
It didn't help that I didn't sleep n took the truck to the station where I'll need a state required safety-sticker by the end of the month, n finding out I need 2c's more cash than I have available for the required repairs just before rent n Xmas time, or have no legal wheels. So all my other plans for day were way scaled back. That was no fun.
After my Lil' Sis called the other day, I realized the different approaches we have to our impending age-adding-up day. She announces hers well in advance, talks about what she wants, n makes sure no one will forget her on that day. I don't devulge the date, n pretend it isin't a special day at all. I expect nothing, so I won't get dissappointed. I'd prefer no one even is aware of it, until it's all over with. I'm not big on being a glutton.
Actually, I just want me to do all my projects, but people can't give me that furfillment.
Without time, money is meaningless! Without Money, time is useless!
Unless I have it to give, I don't prefer receiving- that's my personality.
It helps to be this way, while everyone is in strapped mode...

I'll be sure to get another belated card or two on Turkey Day, which is my bro's B-day this year.
The early Thanksgiving list:
getting ready cause we go around before dinner n each say our piece- I need to pick one (1)...
... ... ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thankfully I made it through another year of life on my own in my town, despite the difficult economic atmosphere in this area recently.
I'm very greatful my Children, spouses, n their children are all healthy, doing well, n keep in touch.
I'm still praying for my old-home-pal "A.T." who this year has successfully made it through all her Chemo treatment and surgery. Our kin's all very greatful for Thy Almighty's help, n also for our ability to do what we mortals can to help her.
Once her current situation clears, she's onto her final, third-round of treatment: Radiation.
May she get to finish her marathon, God willing.
I'm Greatful I have a place to go eat the Turkey Feast, n that they moved dinner-time from 1 up to 3, after hearing my work hours.
(Yay, another 2 hours to get stuck in traffic!)
I'm Greatful for all my Blog-Buddies, helping me thru my day keeping me company here when everyone else is asleep.
The technology allowing me this n the ability to use it is much appreciated!
I'm thankful for the sacrifices made to allow this country to still exist in a free state where I'm allowed to be unique me.
This is the best priceless gift, living in this time-frame of history in this country.
... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
May Everyone enjoy the company of loved-ones at their chosen feast!
... ... ... ... ... Gratius Ago!
i hope you don't get stuck in too much traffic! by the time you leave for d&j's won't the football games ahve already started? i would hope so.. it'll cut back on the traffic on the way into town!
say hi to everyone for us... i put some pictures up on my blog, if people want to see my gut :)
gobble gobble
A very Happy Birthday to you.... and my card would have said so as well, if I had mailed it earlier. So sorry to be late... but hey, I consider you able to celebrate for a whole week anyway.... so it's on the way! Also sorry I wasn't able to send some bread along with it... but you are earmarked for a new batch coming up Friday.
Have a wonderful Turkey Day... and eat like there's no tomorrow!
MB, thanks, I hope it's not too bad. I just hope I'm awake enough to drive- Look at the time because I haven't slept yet!
I'll be sure to say Hi 4u n see the pics. Remember to bring the tums! Happy Tanx-Day
Ellen, Thankyou, Better late than never (It's not like I gave u a heads-up or that you have lots of time) It's OK with me- A week? That's a long party excuse! I'd settle for 6 whole hours of sleep...
Happy Tanx-day for you n your family!
'keeping me company here when everyone else is asleep.'
what are friends for?
Happy belated birthday... the check is in the mail. hehe
David, Thanks! I'm glad the time-zone diff works out for my Sunny CA buddies!
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