Daylight Dwindles

I miss the sunshine. Now when I leave for work it's very dark outside. When the sky's not cloudy I've seen dawn's light through the window before crashing out, n catch some brief glimpses in my half-sleep. The Sun's always dimmed n on it's way down before I can get up to catch it- the casualty of Daylight-Savings-Time for me. If only I wasn't so exhausted n didn't need sleep to function...
The NorthEast US had a heck of a Wind-Rain storm with 50 mph gusts for two days last week-end before the balmy Halloween weather moved in, all while I had to work crazy, long hours. Now that I have time off, it's been cold, foggy, n cloudy out again!
Those leaves I've been waiting weeks to explore were in peak color during the wind-storm n lots got knocked down. I did get a couple pics just from the deck before work on Monday, (still un-processed for blogication).
I got to see BBM n Baby J for about five minutes before Candy Raids, I mean trick or treats... Otherwise, I missed the whole thing! I didn't even prepare a costume. At least I have some chocolate to snack on. No one stopped by early before I left for work. I like answering the door n saying high to all the kids. I really missed doing it this year.
Today I slept through all the daylight hours! (Guess I needed it. You know you're too tired when --). Hopefully I've caught up enough to handle more awake in daylight hours tomorrow. There may be no leaves left by now...
Here comes the cold, below freezing weather predicted here tonight. I finally broke down n turned the expensive, electric heat on, cause I'll be home. One perk of work is it's very warm (sweatin') in there, so saves on the colder over-night heating bill at home.
The above pic was taken a couple weeks ago in the town Center from a new fishing wharf at Besse Park they installed during the recon of these bridges last year. It's a nice spot to hang out,
if you're awake during the day...
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