Thursday, November 16, 2006

Blowin in the Wind

November is flyin by- literally, as the winds pick-up n a wicked storm blows toward the NorthEast USA. After hearing about the mess this system left in North Carolina n the southern States earlier today, taking lives n homes, I feel fortunate not to live in a tornado-prone zone! My prayers go out to those affected. It goes to show you can't predict the weather or when death or disaster will take you by surprise.
I hope the several folks I know who just moved to NC this year are all doing alright...
We're just comin out of a two-week bout of 60 degree Indian Summer that was great for this time of year. I've been spoiled with the heat off n windows open. I do wonder if this is a "Global Warming" featurette of late Autumns to come...
Of course, now that I have time off it'll get nasty out... I must've raked the storm drain next to the woods a good ten times already because although warm, it's been raining about every-other day. There was thick, pea-soup fog on the way home last am., then I slept through the brightest part of today again.
I'm sure an Artic blast will soon catch-up here n claim winter for awhile, but I'm enjoying the balmy above 50's as long as possible this round, even as the winds herald the incoming turbulance.
The leaves are now mostly down n everywhere.
Folks are preparing their Turkey Day feast parties. Me n My Bro Celebrate B-days. My Big Sis from Florida n her two (now so grown-up) kids will be up for the first time in years. My days off are separated, so even to get to dinner by 1 pm means no sleep for the day after a work-shift. I probably won't even be hungry by the time I make it to the 50-person festivities in Metro-West. Likely the day will be an exercise in trying to stay awake enough to get back home, then facing a busy holiday rush at work all week-end. It will be a test of endurance!
Thanks, all who've been here recently. I notice few people available to blog n comment lately, cause everyone is runnin to keep up. It's a busy time of year-
N here comes a storm...


At 6:57 PM, Blogger X said...

Today's our last day of warm-ish weather until we go back to coldness. Brrrrrr. Hope all is well! :)

At 12:04 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Thanks OilF, I'm doing OK... but it's still 50 degrees...
There's alot to be said for staying warm at heart!

At 7:06 PM, Blogger Ellen said...

I've been hearing how your weather has been chilly up there a bit... but I guess you got caught with the storm remnants of what we had last week. Nasty storm. It did a lot of damage in North Carolina, but we were spared devestation here. How did your friends make out?

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Ellen, I'm glad you avoided those damaging tempest winds n flooding rains there! Some of my deck things got knocked over (trees) but damage was minimal.
I haven't heard from the friends, n relatives since that storm yet. I'd probably get news if things were not well... maybe I'll find out Thursday


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