ESR is loaded with current local scenery, many made into strange n colorful altered images. Words describe some of SnaggleTooth's life n opinions. Most poems on ESR are spontaniously written into the editor. Enjoy the sights n whimsey.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The Good, Bad, n Beautiful
Finnally, I finished a long workweek of high work order numbers sustaining blistered parts n aching, bruised regions. I didn't have to drive anyone n got to head right home- feeling so weary.
I was rattling big plans for my free time around in head-lists of all I might soon accomplish, after some sleep. Most of these ideas n errands would of course require time, a little bux, n transportation. Yard work was getting post-poned due to a partly rainy, n cool weather forecast.
As I turned onto my road to head up the hill I heard something metal under Little Truck clunking loose. I slowly parked, n then I noticed all the pressure dissappeared from the brake pedal. To the floor! Ugh! Not again... Alot of dripping was going on under there too- n didn't look like the plentiful rain water.
There go all the to-dos, n the time, n bux to do them- Never mind the dump run, the store errands, n beginning a few side projects. I wouldn't get to sleep more than a few hours in order to make calls to get repairs in progress. A total shift of energy had to take place.
The day wasn't all bad, if de-railed. I woke up before I wanted to, n made calls. The rain held off. Waiting around outside with BBM for the tow guy, I got in some pic taking. The wait suddenly got alot longer before Little Truck could get up on the arrived free ride machine. The tow truck broke down! Anti-freeze poured out onto the road...

Now that guy was waiting for a tow, n we had to wait for another! Little Truck would arrive for service too late to be worked on that day.
An entire afternoon until almost five was spent outside while we all chatted it up. The tow guys Mom lives nearby, so he knows the folks here. He has a preschool boy so could relate to BBM's family fun. A friendly neighbor stopped on her way home n added in. Another neighbors kids rode little bikes around us in circles.
My downstairs neighbors came home n left again- we ignored them except to mention the beer extravaganzas going on. I spotted two more empty beer bottles on the trailer hitch on the corner. There seems no end to the glass pick up.
All the action subsided just in time for me to walk uptown n get the mail before the box lobby closed. Along my foot travels I found alot of flora petals to share. (I'm about to add those in another post). Luckily, I don't need to drive around all tired out now. I got a ton of posts all at once with these pics I want to use in April posts, n the month's almost over! So here comes a glut of 'em, a rare occurrence on ESR, due to todays tribulations.
Tomorrow's another day... (thanks Scarlet)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

At the beginning of the week, I tried to get a pic of some delicate, pretty sunrise clouds out the front window. The clouds washed out in the bright spot of sunlight, n aren't visible in the pic, but still I like the serene ambience of the nature deckview...

On the downstairs porch, the kids downstairs have a different method of decor. With the shades down to hide within, they are apparently unconcerned of the view out their window...
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Twisty Twig

Hear the sky calling leaves
Reaching up to breathe
Wind sculpts twisting shape
Cools tempo drawing late
So thin sleep becomes now
Stirring back to life
New beginnings rise
Waited so long to try
Longing to soar over
Shade sitting under
Green shoots pushing through
Seek purchase finding truth
.................poem....by SnaggleTooth today
Friday, April 23, 2010
String o Dinghy

I have a pathetically large number of Dinghy pics in my collection, n here's another. The altered pic is better than the actual in this particular case, I think. On the water side of the little playground at the back beach is this long line of rowboats- no two exactly alike, chained to the fence links. On average these small craft (some are sail boats) go for about $800. If I had that much disposable bux, I'd prob spend it on a new puter first tho...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Slightly Green

MapleBeards leaf buds haven't opened yet, but the small maple outside the window has.
The woods across the road are still awaiting most of the green leaf exsplosion. Bamboo, vines, Tiger lillies, n shrubs are getting a jump tho.

Alot of swans behind Main Street in the town Center were near the shore when I was at the gas station before sundown.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
What To Watch

I'm really gonna miss talking with a nice, enthusiastic, thirty-something man I get to see on errand run every few weeks. What I enjoy most about our conversations, is I feel regarded as intelligent by him. I do like hearing his voice n experiencing his personality. He's very open n engaging, n has often given me good info n sound advice.
Mostly we discuss films. (Have I mentioned often enough on ESR that I really enjoy Sci-Fi?) The man's business is closing down on the corporate level. In less than one months time, the doors of that local branch will shut for good.

Even tho I pass by those bright red machines near the market doors every trip in, I've managed to avoid the automated version of that errand. I haven't used the automated market check-out lines either. I spend too much free time without human contact since I've had my night job. So many errand experiences tend to be unpleasant when you can't even get any eye contact or acknowledgement from folks while in the process of being rushed thru lines.
I welcome seeing the same familiar faces who recognize me n will banter a bit as I go thru checkout. Once I perceive one of these register folks being rude enough to ignore my presence I tend to avoid their line forever more...
The business that's closing is the last hold-out of it's kind in town- the video store. No longer will I get that short browsing trip into my schedule. The experience of instant movie gratification plan for Day Off is over, unless I buy new dvds at the department store, or succumb to the redbox.

If I knew what I was ordering n what I might like, I could order or buy videos online but that requires reseach, postage, n alot of waiting. Time for that is not a luxury I have much of. My home movie choices for the early am hours are about to be severely limited until further notice. I'm bumming out on missing that familiar n kind face, n conversation in my future. Think I'll miss that person more than having new films to watch at 3 am.
Maybe he'll even miss seeing me... At least I got to say hi this week. He'll be heading back to college classes as plan B. n prob be on unemployment awhile.
The Video store goes the way of the dinosaur...
(n I'm unhappy about it!)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Pre-Tourist Season

Here's a pic of the bluff over the main front beach from the empty village pier last week. There's a few folks up there admiring the view, but believe me, this scene will crowd in fiercely by July, n not just the tree leaves...
I love this time of year because it's still sparcely populated, n other town folks won't crowd in on you when you're out for a bit of fresh air.
This week-end brings a Massachusetts Fave holiday, "Patriots Day" on monday. It's the re-enactment of "the shot heard around the world" at the beginning of the American Revolution (Battle of Lexington) in Concord n Lexington. As if that's not enough fun, watching Colonial guys in three-cornered hats fire muskets at the red-coats, it's also school vacation week for the kids.
The gumdrop on top is the Boston Marathon also making it Marathon Monday. I used to go watch the race from a mid-point location with family folks every year, n clap all day for the thousands of runners, most of whom are running to raise bux for charities, (like the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute). This year- (you've guessed it)- I'm working every day until after all this major state hoopla is over... Again I miss the big party!
But with so many folks from around the globe visiting Eastern MA for these popular events, work orders are up, n I'm exhausted trying to keep up with the big numbers. The folks downstairs have been away n I'm hoping it's their break too, n they'll be away all week- Sleep may be too much to ask for... Feels like I'm in a marathon already!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Hello Blooms

(N hello pollen!)
Finally yellow Forcynthias are prolifferating thru the village. Cherry n other flowering trees are revving up their pink n white offerings. My nose is feeling it too.
Willow tree pollen is starting. I've officially tested positive for that allergy. I'm taking allergy pills daily, plus Benedryl caps nightly. Feeling rather lethargic all day long. Just ate some spinach in hopes the iron helps a bit. I was so dragging at work- the workweek is just beginning for me.
On Day Off I went into Home Depot for a new clamp, n came out with an addtional Coral-eye Phlox as seen above. It was so cute n unique, I couldn't resist... (not expensive). Had to put a new memory card in Digi-Cam after the swans the other day. Missed alot of other photo ops in my travels tho. At least some errands got done, n quite a bit of flower pot puttering on the deck. I can't believe a squirrel picked all the new growth off the one good Hyacinth which was coming up out on the deck- Urgh! I covered it with hardware wire- but don't know if it'll recover n bloom or not. I think I'm going to make some chickenwire hoods n see if it slows them down a bit out there-

Eight years ago I had all these 5-gallon buckets, n decided to transplant some periwinkle growth in the side lawn into a bucket on the deck. It's been sitting in the corner against the house season after season, acting merely as a wind-barrier. After all this time, for the first time, the small, blue petals are finally blooming! That's one long wait for a spring welcome...
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Do Not Adjust your set

I've been experiencing alot of technical difficulties recently.
I've dumped application after application in order to free up space for windows to run (200 megs) n security updates. I've cleaned n compressed. All docs n pics are on a separate drive from windows n virus protection.
This machines ancient nine-year-old C: drive is about at the bare bones of what is needed to perform the basics.
Sometimes while blog surfing I have to repeatedly keep deleting temporary internet files n cookies to even load the page I'm trying to visit. When the space runs out, windows simply doesn't respond.
Crash test** n I am the dummy...
If you noticed I'm not getting to your blog as often, believe me, I'd like to. On many occassions, I've been there n read it, then get bumped off line before commenting, as just happened to me again five minutes ago. Never mind the slow dial-up modem I'm still using.
Other times, all those nifty, new add-ons you may have on your blog crash me out before I can even load most of the stuff. I've noticed that some blogs plant tracking cookies taking up many megs of precious running space as soon as I click over. Unfortunately, it isin't your fault this is slowing me down on my quest to read your stuff.
This Puter is slow, n I'm jealous of all that wifi n hi-speed internet instant loading you all take for granted. My online time is unfortunately very limited due to work n needing sleep. I only have an hour or two to spare most days, n often it takes all that time just to visit one site under my current condition of "windows out of space" issue.
I'm trying to take turns with visits that take longer to load, so many wait until a Day Off when I don't have other pressing missions. TG I finally got the state tax forms completed! Making copies of it is still needed before sending tho- n once again I'm taking it down too close to the wire! I find that trying to fit in errands on the way to work is difficult without making me run late with the uncontrollable slow lines.
Next I'm in a daytime hurry to rake out the yard before the growing grass n incoming tree pollen make the job more difficult. Alot more woods trash needs to get picked up while still visible without the foliage too. I also have to make several dump runs to clear the barrels which are all full. Now all I need is time, dry weather, n the neighbors to stay out of my way.
After dark n after work this computer is totally frustrating me. I'd like to hurry up n solve the problem, but until the economy perks up n allows me more income I'm stuck.
So folks, please forgive my current sporadic online activity. I hope that explains why it may seem I haven't commented in awhile some spots- (sorry!)
(Note: I was gonna post this yesterday, but was again bumped offline in the middle of uploading the pic... sigh!)
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

What a beautiful, sunny, warm, Day Off I just had!
A bit breezy, tho. The water was choppy, but after errands it felt good to get out for a walk around the village pier. Alot of folks were around during my travels, but the front beach was empty when I was there.
Seems like I got alot accomplished. I got to recycling before they closed at 3pm, freeing up alot of backroom space after accumulating plastic, tin, n glass all winter. .
After shopping I went to get Little Truck's leaky tire fixed, n got in an oil change too.
I would've done the yard work awhile, but couldn't, due to the folks downstairs having seven cars parked all over the lawn, n a crowd sitting in lawn chairs in the road to sunbathe n drink beer. They didn't pick-up well, either. Now there's bottles n broken glass all over the place! (I'm not looking forward to picking that up- but don't want to leave it to be grassed over as a summer surprize...)
I did clean-up some more planters out on the deck, n planted some seed flats indoors n out. I've tons of years old seeds, n am curious to see how many will sprout from the generous amounts I put in. I need to buy more soil n repot everything, especially the trees one of these days.
Of course, it's back to work for a week again now. Colder air is predicted to move back in for awhile, n I'll be hard pressed to make progress around home again until more time off.

But I'm grateful I got out n enjoyed the weather a bit. Now it's late n I'm about to sit down with those state tax worksheets again- It had been waiting on a health cost form from work. I probably should've done that first, instead of getting away from the annoying crowd in the yard today- but would've felt I'd missed the sunshine again.
N I got more pics to play with, even tho my batteries were running out, then I ran out of replacements. I don't feel my travels were wasted tho- Alot was done, in the sun, for fun-
Really tho I need those forms done- Back to work...
Hope your day was good too!
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Bunny Day

May your eggs be found,
Your hop be springy,
Your peeps be sweet,
Your beans be jelly,
Your basket full,
N your Heart content
After the candy rush
In honor of ressurrection...
This "Sharpie" marker scetch on a piece of bond was on the kitchen wall all last year since Easter time. This week I took a photo of it, applied effects in Paintshop Pro, n here is it's altered cousin in a pastel hue.
Happy Easter Everyone !
(You guessed it, I have to work...) poem artwork