Slightly Green


ESR is loaded with current local scenery, many made into strange n colorful altered images. Words describe some of SnaggleTooth's life n opinions. Most poems on ESR are spontaniously written into the editor. Enjoy the sights n whimsey.
That shot of the swans is a keeper - lovely.
Leaves are slowly unfurling here. Down by the river yesterday, it was nice to see the willows leafed out and the dogwoods slowly opening. Some of the maples are in full leaf. It's nice to have the greens again.
The swan photo is glorious! I wish I had a view like that when I was buying gas :)
oh my goodniss grayshis, i kant beleeve those swans. so lovly! and pretty! and nise! and good to see!! thanks yoo for sharing agin yor fotos.
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"Gas station before sundown"
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
i back!!
good nites.
Lynn, Glad you enjoyed it- So many of the other tries were fuzzy.
Talon, Glad to hear you are at least getting leaves, if not warmth up north there-
I do have to hop a rail fence n cross railroad tracks to get down there for pics. I could see the birds while crossing the narrows bridge on the way there. Thanks
BB, Glad you like the swannies- I took about ten pics of their butts in the air n heads underwater before I timed it right- thanks
Cloudia, I do rush around like crazy to make the most of daylight being awake in the dark all night. I'd wanted a more colorful sunset, but it was too cloudy. Aloha!
BB, Thanks for the repeat performance. Bon Martin aussi!
hi! my jannie givved me a karrit!!
i hops yoo wil not mind if i taeks a brake from my andie warhall look for a wile? i do love my andie warhall look, and i thanks yoo sooo mutch for it! is was one of my best gifts evir.
yoo kno how us bunnies lieks to change up our styl. :)
I love the swans,but I have never ben able to chach them,my human get's mad at me but I can't help it.....
And the tree's well I can't say for (But I do love them.)
BB, Ya I saw your new over the big eye BG look with your friend the carrot over at Jannies yesterday. Very cute, but very tame...
Buddy, swans can be very hard to catch, even if you swim fast, 'cus
they can fly away!
There are so many swans in town now- Watch out- they bite too!
the swans are gorgeous! thanks
oh BTW we had 6 inches of snow in the last two days, freezing daffodils
hmmn, maybe i needs to git wilde agin?? meybe i too mutch of a house bunny now. hmmn, good foods for thot.
David, Thanks- as you know I've been very bird pic challenged compared to you!
Sorry to hear your daffodils got crystalized in white fluff- Awww
We're lucky with the lack of snow this spring so far! (It's unusual)- Better luck for May!
BB, Hey babe- take a walk on the Wild Side, n All the blue Bunnies sing
Dit, dit, dit, da dit da dit dit
dit da dit...
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