The Good, Bad, n Beautiful
Finnally, I finished a long workweek of high work order numbers sustaining blistered parts n aching, bruised regions. I didn't have to drive anyone n got to head right home- feeling so weary.
I was rattling big plans for my free time around in head-lists of all I might soon accomplish, after some sleep. Most of these ideas n errands would of course require time, a little bux, n transportation. Yard work was getting post-poned due to a partly rainy, n cool weather forecast.
As I turned onto my road to head up the hill I heard something metal under Little Truck clunking loose. I slowly parked, n then I noticed all the pressure dissappeared from the brake pedal. To the floor! Ugh! Not again... Alot of dripping was going on under there too- n didn't look like the plentiful rain water.
There go all the to-dos, n the time, n bux to do them- Never mind the dump run, the store errands, n beginning a few side projects. I wouldn't get to sleep more than a few hours in order to make calls to get repairs in progress. A total shift of energy had to take place.
The day wasn't all bad, if de-railed. I woke up before I wanted to, n made calls. The rain held off. Waiting around outside with BBM for the tow guy, I got in some pic taking. The wait suddenly got alot longer before Little Truck could get up on the arrived free ride machine. The tow truck broke down! Anti-freeze poured out onto the road...

Now that guy was waiting for a tow, n we had to wait for another! Little Truck would arrive for service too late to be worked on that day.
An entire afternoon until almost five was spent outside while we all chatted it up. The tow guys Mom lives nearby, so he knows the folks here. He has a preschool boy so could relate to BBM's family fun. A friendly neighbor stopped on her way home n added in. Another neighbors kids rode little bikes around us in circles.
My downstairs neighbors came home n left again- we ignored them except to mention the beer extravaganzas going on. I spotted two more empty beer bottles on the trailer hitch on the corner. There seems no end to the glass pick up.
All the action subsided just in time for me to walk uptown n get the mail before the box lobby closed. Along my foot travels I found alot of flora petals to share. (I'm about to add those in another post). Luckily, I don't need to drive around all tired out now. I got a ton of posts all at once with these pics I want to use in April posts, n the month's almost over! So here comes a glut of 'em, a rare occurrence on ESR, due to todays tribulations.
Tomorrow's another day... (thanks Scarlet)
Now that's funny...a tow truck waiting for a tow.
At least you were able to pass the time in pleasant company.
G, we did think it all rather ironic- n the company was good!
Sucks!! Except for the pictures.
JanF, I got nothing done at all- no sleep, no errands!
But I am alive! Yippee!
That does sound like a complete waste of time!
Glad you are ok though. :)
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