ESR is loaded with current local scenery, many made into strange n colorful altered images. Words describe some of SnaggleTooth's life n opinions. Most poems on ESR are spontaniously written into the editor. Enjoy the sights n whimsey.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Park n Ride

The most annoying part of my trek north last week was due to the road construction on Route 95, driving on the rumble strip was required part of the way. My oldest front tire complained n started dropping air pressure fast. I got off the exit n right there was an open service station where I stopped to check the almost flat tire. They were able to put a new GoodYear on cheap. From that point I was only a short distance from where I was headed, n a couple hours early. I'd just finished the 400 mile haul.
The last thing I'd wanted to hear was I needed to drive another 25 miles n get the lugnuts re-torqued. If I didn't do it before 5 pm, they'd be closed n it wouldn't be safe for the 400 miles back. The service I was going to attend would run past that closing time deadline, so I decided to drive the 25 immediately, n still get back here in time to get dressed n ready.
On my improvised tour of Bangor during a crowded good, spring weather lunch-time, I found this little park. It's located on Route 2 across from the Penobscot River. The artifical pond with fountain was still waterless awaiting help from the maintanance Department.

This red Tulip made a good accent color against the bright yellowy-green shrubs. Of course it may've been good in front of the water too...
I didn't stop there long, n continued to waste time n miles thru stop n go traffic with more intown road work. They still employ folks to hold those round red signs on a pole. One side says "Stop," the other says "Slow." It was slow alright! It took a whole hour to put that needed mileage on Little Truck's odometer!
Finally, I got the tire torqued again, dressed, n to the place I needed to be on time. After, at the home of the departed I took a pic of her large frogs sitting on the wall, who usually accompany a small water garden with little waterfall.
No one will be setting up that classic water feature this season. There's an empty hole for the pond plastic, n a space for all the beautiful plants she knew how to set in n care for. No one else knows how she managed to make such a beautiful spot near the entryway into the home. Luckily I got to see it a few times in years past. It's rough walking by the spot now empty of her talent.
Amazing what water can do...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Mem Wknd

Normally, I'd get to posting more, but this week Day Off was cancelled until today. Memorial week-end is different on the Cape, because it kicks off the summer tourist season. Still, it's the least crowded holiday week-end of the warm season here. Townees get out n about to enjoy the spaces before the flocks of city folks crowd into them.
Many folks get tied up with veteran services, parades, n BBQs in their hometowns, so don't get down here yet. My Dad was a veteran. I used to attend Memorial events each year. Hats off to those who paid the price for our freedom. I won't salute n hear trumpets this year.
It's time for the local businesses to start raking in enough bux to last thru the next empty winter.
Work orders were humungus for work this week. This year we went from two down to one truck distribution per day to save on fuel bux. Then another small distibutor closed, n we took their routes last week, adding to production quantities n adding trucks. Now we're adding in seasonal population, then holiday week-end is the gumdrop ontop.
I began the week missing two days of sleep to drive north, then working ten hour days until today. At this point I can't contemplate doubling production at the Fourth of July... yikes, I'm burnt already!
TG the downstairs loud folks have been away for the past two days, so I've been able to get some sleep finally! I didn't get up until four today, then went out to errands.
The air temp was warm about 62F, n I took a detour to the resident beach again. These are todays pics. The water n winds were very calm at high tide. The great visibility enabled picking out the trees, n lighthouse towers every direction across the waters of the bay. I'll prob post more of these later.
There were about ten cars parked in the lot, but again, I was the only one out there walking the beach....

Gotta make hay while the sun shines as the wise saying goes-
Friday, May 22, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Angels n Lillypads

TG I made it back! All is well after 800 miles, one new tire, tons of road construction the entire way out n home, a nasty allergy eye attack, n no sleep yet now 2 am Tues , since Sunday am...

The angels were watching n helping, I know- n thanks for adding in all the well wishes to see me thru.
More later, now zzz... before collapsing...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Revealing Hearts

These look like little hearts lifting up their skirts to let Bloomers hang down.
Today I went down the hill for a nice day BBQ. I had some fun with the little ones. These were in BBM's garden next to the festivities.
After my next work shift, I'm going on an excursion North. It's a long drive, n my stay will only be a few hours before heading back.
Hearts will gather in memorial before despersing once more as these blossoms seem to illustrate.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
All are Both

Taken out the kitchen window this evening, you can see the maples filling out. The oaks are pollinating profusely, in pre-leaf mode. The wind's been gusty, n I snapped this in the only two minutes of sun-peeking through the cloud cover of the day I witnessed.
I'm lucky to've made it thru errand-run dry, judging by the weather radar showing drenching rains hit everywhere else.
This small, old dingy may look like hell, but is holding alot of water, indicating it's sea-worthiness. Despite it's "who-would-ever-steal-this" appearance, the boat's function is perfect.
"All days are good n bad, depending on the angle you look from."
-Quote SnaggleTooth, previous comments section
Today has been both, high to low. It's my worst allergy time of the year, but my symptoms not as severe as years past. I had time to sleep later, altho strange dreams. There were no urgent "must-do" time-eaters, but I did some extra laundry. The rain missed my village, but much greyness again. I didn't get to visit anyone, tho I spoke with a few on the phone.
I've been quite moody lately. Less than a week ago I'd heard of an older family member's dire illness. I'd just dreamt of walking past her huge garden. I've always wanted one like it, with enough room n many rows for corn, beans, n sunflowers. Soon after waking, I got a call that She's gone already, today-
I have much empathy for the grown children, as I re-live what happened when I lost my parents to illness. I go from ignoring that happened today with distractions, to not being able to when talking about it to folks. I even chose not to tell some folks bumped into at errand time, because it's easier not to. I almost didn't post, either...
I have much empathy for the grown children, as I re-live what happened when I lost my parents to illness. I go from ignoring that happened today with distractions, to not being able to when talking about it to folks. I even chose not to tell some folks bumped into at errand time, because it's easier not to. I almost didn't post, either...

Too bad special people we lose can't come back too...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Good Grey

Yet another grey day, n a new collection of "Grey Pics" from today's travels to the center of town n then a side trip to my fav beach.
Enjoy your Mother's, n make them laugh if you can! That's the best gift. I really miss my Mom's company, gone almost a decade now. Remember some folks are sad missing mothers... My Mom used to mention missing hers to me, n now I get it- all too well.

Too bad I have to work Mother's Day, n all the plans down the hill for a BBQ have been cancelled due to a stomache flu. That present is better off avoided! Luckily I received some early things from one, n I don't mind getting late things from the other ill folks.

Day Off today, the day before, tho, I enjoyed. I spoke to loved ones. I visited my best place on Earth. I walked the beach n appreciated the gifts of the Creator. I ate some goodies like ice cream. My feet are up, n I've got some videos to watch. The truck drives, the TV works, the neighbors are out, n I have needed sanity time.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Wednesday afternoon as I left for work, the sun came out for about a half hour. It was great! My neighbor went out on the Harley, n the puddles had a chance to recede.
Day Off today tho, was grey n raining to beat the band. I managed to get out for errands n a couple pics close to home inbetween the thunderstorms.
After work last shift, I encountered strangeness upon returning home about 2 am. First, pulling into the driveway, I spied the downstairs neighbor's car in my headlight beams, parked again on the lawn, with the driver's door wide open. As I went to go to the outdoor stairs it started pouring. There were no signs of life from their place. "Hello MacFly-it's pouring into your car." I thought out loud. "Should I be nice, or not?" Yep, I walked over n shut their car door.
I got up the stairs, unloaded all the stuff from my arms, then went to turn on the TV. White noise! Snow! Grabbed the remote, sometimes the VCR is turned off from a power out. No response, no power to the VCR. No power from the manual buttons on the unit, or after checking the power cord. My cable runs through that box, along with the DVD player. Without it's digital circuits, there's nothing to watch at all! Just grey, unsightly absence of signal...
So after feeding Mischief, I spent awhile digging in the backroom. Good thing I'd stashed a cheap, bargain VCR away back in 2001, n could find it, still in the unopened box! I read the booklet, n hooked it up to the cable n DVD player. Went to run the auto-set-up, but it didn't find any channels! I manually activated the main ones I watch, thinking, well at least I can watch a DVD until the cable comes back on.
Then I had that other suspicious thought... Maybe they finally shut me off after not paying the bill for four months now! Ack! It's only about ten bux a month for my basic channels plus nothing, so I wait n pay every few months- it's easier. Last month tho, I put off paying longer due to electric needing all my bux.
I was getting all pysched to deal without my regular routine. After work I like the "Poker after Dark" while I eat n unwind. I usually watch alot of news n weather, which I'd really miss. I find it easy to fall asleep to low-volume TV sound also, especially with the downstairs noise going on. It helps my ears not start ringing.
Finally about 5 am, I checked the manually programmed channels, n yay! The news was on! The cable had just been interrupted with a service issue- not shut-off while I was at work-Yay! The neighbor got up (noise) , n left, oblivious of his wide open door problem! I stayed in bed later than usual to catch up a bit, while it was still raining. When I got up, I quickly paid that cable bill...
Enough grey already...
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Bluff Blossoms

I'm sure once this long rainy spell is finally past in a few days, the front beach will be loaded with sun-worshipers. We've been under clouds n raindrops all week, as the leaves n pollen have been sprouting like crazy. I found these colorful Rhododendrons on the bluff last day off, before the rains began. At least the rain has helped knock the pollen out of the air, n my allergy head-aches haven't been too bad.
Off to zzz-land before another work shift...
Update Note: folks don't be afraid to speak up n correct my plant names. I'm not always right, n admit it.
The plant shown could possibly be an azalea. I thought because of the color n size it wasn't tho- I'll go back n check the leaves some day.
The plant shown could possibly be an azalea. I thought because of the color n size it wasn't tho- I'll go back n check the leaves some day.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Time Warp

You really can't predict how you'll think as a middle-aged adult while still a young child under a decade old. Jannie asked commenters this week to come up with interview questions for her 7-year-old.
Here are the questions I came up with off the top of my head, n my answers to them young n older.
If you could be an animal for one day, which kind would you be?
when young I would've answered, a Horse
As an adult, a Bird
When you grow up, what kind of hat will you wear?
when young I would've answered, cowboy hat
As an adult, I have a brown leather wide-brim, somewhat like Indiana Jones'
What’s your favorite movie of all time?
when young I would've answered, Heidi
As an adult, Star Wars
Children asked today would have such different answers, due to the increased array of choices n encouraged creative thinking. I was non-conformist before it was popular, n didn't let gender sway my preferences. I wanted to be a cowboy, even after everyone made fun of me because they claimed girls couldn't be. I never believed them.
Today I watched the Kentucky Derby. Still, I want to have a farm n train horses. It's a dream I will not give up, no matter about how people say I won't because of where my life is at this point.
People change. Desires can change. Unpredictable luck changes circumstances in an instant! Even in statistics of 1 to a million, you could be that one. When you think you can't or won't, you'll stop trying n sabotage your own wishes.
A 50 to 1 shot which cost less than $10k won the derby! No one could've predicted it. I still want my cowboy hat, but am willing to modify the plan. When I hit it big n get the farm, I'd like ponies for the kids, n would like a try at miniature horses too. I may or may not win the Derby, but I still plan to win this dream.
No one can pop that bubble...