Melting Snowman
Sunday was rainy, n then later snowy outsidethe door at work. I took out my garbage at clean-up time, n squished some slushy snow together. It was highly sculptable, so I quickly plunked a small snow-figure with arms together on a tray, n brought it in to cheer me through the rest of clean-up. Someone else put a food-glove on his head.
I placed it so it was visable all the way down the building as drivers were checking, covering, n loading large racks into delivery trucks. An hour after as I left, it still hadn't melted yet. I've done that every winter I've worked there so far.
Other times I blow-up n tie-off a glove n draw with marker a happy face on it. Then put it near where I am, n talk to it calling it Wilson, my best friend. At least a few folks there realize I'm parodying Wilson from the film, "Castaway" with Tom Hanks. I'm sure most others are mystified by this...
We just had two warm-ish n very foggy days. It was record breaking north n west, but cooler here (44 F) by the cold ocean water. Now comes sleet n snow again for today's walk.