I gave myself an award! Well,
Joey said I could...
N he got the idea from
Jeannie. Plus I could think of answers when I was reading the questions on Joey's new list, saving time...
What is a Liebster Award? What does it mean?
"German To English - Liebster
(der) n. sweetheart, beloved person, darling"
N then There's a foundation:
Arnold Liebster Foundation "Purpose of this foundation is to promote peace, tolerance, human rights and religious freedom through education.
That's a noble cause...
I had to look it up, because I didn't know what it meant, even with the heart after the title...
What rules? Everybody makes their own here- We're artsy folks in Blogland! I was gonna use Jeannie's questions, but actually came up with a few during this refreshing T-storm we're having, cutting off my connection...
There are 11 info things about you or make up more questions. Pick n choose, mix n match! Whatever!
"Do or Do Not, There is No Try..." (Thanks Yoda)
(I Kinda altered the award picture... The larger one is what I love doing, finding faces in sunsets again)
11 questions Joey thought up Plus my answers:
1. Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
Of course I never feel the same about them again. I don't get revenge, but don't tend to like or speak to those folks again.
2. If your blog had a theme song, what would it be? Why?
Gilligan's Island- So much water, boats, n dinghy pics here. Plus
the lyrics were posted on ESR ages ago-
I'd put an original tune up but am afraid of steal-age...
3. What is the most daring thing you've done recently?
I drove 830 miles in two days without sleeping. Then later I involuntarily drove home from work without having a brake pedal to use. All chronicled previously on ESR. I haven't swum with the sharks yet, maybe tomorrow...
4. Do you like your life right now?
Some things I like: Where I live, my cat Mischief, eating ice cream, my curly hair, local folks
Somethings I don't : my stressful job, when the truck needs fixing, when folks don't let me sleep, I need more free time, ...
I'm not sure which wins-
5. What was the last lie you told?
I didn't swear out loud at a work peson who really got me mad making me do extra things because they were lazy. More of an omission-
6. Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror?
A dangley, pewter, Betty Boop sitting on a carroussel horse my Big Sis gave me when I drove the truck to Florida in '01. "Boop, boop, de doop!"
7. Do you consider yourself successful?
I'm successful at taking sunset pics usually. But the geese came out all blurry! I was a successful single parent for decades.
I could use alot more play time n money tho...
I'd like to get some books out, art out, songs recorded, games developed, n movies made. Then I might feel a little more furfilled.
8. What was the first music album that you bought?
- "Revolver" - Beatles in '73
9. Do you feel you express your "true self" on your blog?
Sometimes it's a journal for me. But I do make an effort not to rant about all the stuff really ticking me off every day. The list is long! Then there's the protecting identity thing. I leave alot out- but explain enough I think to begin to understand me.
10. Would you ever give a hitch-hiker a ride somewhere?
When I was a teen I hitched a few rides with unknown people, n all turned out well, TG! If I saw a car breakdown n someone needing help far away from other help- probably. I used to walk everywhere around here, so don't feel too sorry for local folks who just don't wanna walk- but I have picked up a few people I knew in the rain before-
11. Have you ever acted like you understood something when you didn't have a clue?
I work with alot of people who speak almost zero English. Mostly they speak Creole n Portuguese. I believe in non-verbal communication. When I speak a bit in their language sometimes they say alot quickly that I don't get- but nod, yep!
11 more questions I thought up:
(Plus my quick answers)
1. What's your idea of a good birthday activity? (singing)
2. Do you have a Favorite movie? (Star Wars)
3. Do you have a favorite Movie song? ("Twisting the Night Away" in "Inner Space")
4. Do you dance at weddings? (Yes)
5. When you don't know an answer do you guess anyway or leave it blank?
(Always guess)
6. Do thunder n Lightning storms frighten or fascinate you?
(fascinated since a child)
7. Is there anything on your kitchen table which doesn't really belong there? (Two rocks from Marshfield Beach last year, used to hold my book pages down to read hands free while munching- One looks like a tongue)
8. What's the last thing you impulse bought not on the shopping list? (5- 11 x 15 " bins to organize stuff from the Dollar Tree)
9. When faced with a, b, c, d, multible answer choices, do you always choose "e- none of the above"? (Yes, n once wrote a song with that title)
10. Do you like doing Memes or is it too stressful? (sometimes, but I do like to read them!)
11. Do you have a favorite number? (mine is 11)
Here's the M-cove sunset yesterday. Today was rain, good day to meme!
Feel free to do it or not...