
The good news is it was 62 degrees F today!
The bad news is it was so foggy n drizzly out there. This is the fourth week in a row all my Days Off have been wet. I decided it couldn't wait any more, so I put on vinyl gloves n picked up most of the bottle-caps, broken glass, n stuff in the backyard.
Mischief wouldn't come outside with me, or even on the deck. Maybe it was the smell of the bee-repellant I put on the deck under-boards earlier. There's part of a small, paper-wasp hive under there from last year I'm hoping to stop.

The lawn grass is just beginning to get new, green shoots. Some of the shrubs are beginning to sprout leaves. I still need to clear leaves from the periwinkle area, which should bloom soon. Lillies of the valley on that side are sprouting buds already.

I made stick piles to pick-up when it's drier out. I saw the tulips coming up again, after being absent last year. I'd moved stuff from the folks downstairs off of them last week. I hope I can get to the rest of the yard clean-up before the tree pollen comes out. I'm sure those head-aches will be severe...

I'd wanted all of it done at the beginning of the month, n here we are on the last week of the month already- My ambition has been far ahead of my energy level after an increased workload.