ESR is loaded with current local scenery, many made into strange n colorful altered images. Words describe some of SnaggleTooth's life n opinions. Most poems on ESR are spontaniously written into the editor. Enjoy the sights n whimsey.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Nothing quite says Merry Xmas like the Tazmanian Devil! This year's addition to the neighborhood over-achiever's holiday display took me by surprise. Altho some children may resemble the imaginary, cartoon creature after receiving all their presents n candy, Taz's violent demeanor is contrary to the theme of the holiday.
We're supposed to be giving, relaxing, finding some peace, n celebrating the birthday of the Christian messiah figure-head. Even anti-Christians find some family togetherness time n festivities according to their own traditions, religions, or atheist inventions.
I resent not getting to follow the family traditions set in place by my parents, because I'm forced to work in order to survive. It's also quite a let-down for me not to be able to duplicate the extravaganza my parents managed to pull off year after year. They are such a tough act to follow! The economy has taken much of my holiday ability hostage.
This year the out-of-place, maniacal character has taken on augmented meaning in conjunction with the Peace celebration. First, a maniacal dressed-up as Santa, crazy guy enters a Xmas Eve party, shooting down his ex, inlaws, n party guests before setting the place on fire, n committing suicide.
How would you then deal with being a family survivor of the "Xmas Eve Massacre," on subsequent holidays?
Not well, certainly-
You're supposed to be celebrating birth n life, not death. What a contradiction, mourning with celebration... How confusing this must be for all those who lose loved ones on the holiday.
I thought I'd had a depressing time until I heard today from a friend, who's a young mother. She suffered the monumental loss of her mother on Xmas Day this year. This news hits home hard for me- I've known the deceased woman since my girls were in brownie Scouts decades ago. She was about my age, part of my peer group, a smart, wonderful, giving person, who spent many years hard at work teaching Special Ed kids. Only two years ago she retired on a pension, n was able to enjoy spending more time with her young grandchildren.
Not even two weeks ago she went to the ER with a digestive problem, then was transferred up to Boston when a mass was discovered. They'd all thought treatment would follow, n never suspected such a quick decline, n death, due to a perforation n ensuing sepsis causing systemic break-down. This is so depressing!
How do you wish some one going thru this tough situation to have a Merry Christmas in subsequent years? From now on for her family, the memory will stir-up a storm of negative feelings associated with the date. I'm always depressed about missing my parents on Xmas. The holidays are stressfull already, now add on more...

The Tasmanian Devil has reared his inappropriate face in a happy n peaceful scene...
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Oh (rein)deer! Little Fuzzy Santa is pooped trying to get it all done!

But the Eve is my time to celebrate, I'm going to make a few calls, play some tunes, n cook stuff. It could be worse, I could still feel ikky, n as wiped out as the one-bux Magnetic Santa I've been playing with this week...
Stuff got to the house down the hill early before work yesterday, n now I just have a bunch of late cards to send out, now that the post office is closed until Friday.

Aquinas the Native maiden statue doesn't mind the snow. She never has to shovel, n has a permanent tan! The pier in the BG looked nifty in the snowy twilight last week the day after the big snowstorm. I may post more of those pics later.
This Xmas Eve, it's rainy, warm in the 47F (4C) temp range, n the snow is melting down looking nasty, but it's much safer driving at least.
Hope you all get in a Jolly Holly Day!
(I'll be working again, my Holiday is now)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Alright, who wished for a white Pre-Xmas?

Oh sure, it looks pretty, until you get out of work very sore already, in the early am, n have to spend several hours shoveling in the dark... Heavy snow removal required just to get out of the parking spot, n another pletora of plow droppings to contend with just in order to pull into the not-so-formidable driveway drift after the white-knuckled, icy road trip home at the speed of a snail.
Finally, we got nailed with tons of frozen fluff.
I'd left for work a couple hours early Friday, at the start of the strong flake action to head 'em off at the pass. I made several stops, cleaning off the truck each step of the way. Adding to my merriment were long waiting lines everywhere I went. The combination of six days 'til Xmas, Friday, n snowstorm, is lethal to the meaning "Express Lane" at the market. They should rename it the "Depress Lane"- because it's totally unaffordable, wasted time-
The one item I couldn't live without while snowbound was dry cat food... Gotta keep Mischief happy so she doesn't torture me.
There were only a few inches to contend with at that point. By the time work was over, a good foot covered the truck with ice underneath for that won't-come-off effect. I'm amazed my little 2-bux travel-shovel from years ago was able to move the two-foot deep plow pile behind Little Truck. How many times did I want 4-wheel-drive while fishtailing home?
Last year this happened to New England on a Friday, n folks got stuck in snow-jams around Beantown for twelve hours! This time, the authorities cancelled non-essential state work n closed all the schools. They also requested other businesses not to open, n to use public transit to avoid that problem.
Of course, that's not an option for my job in the food industry- because all those plow drivers have to munch on something while they're drinking coffee...
Turns out work is closing down for Xmas Eve, because all the stores are closed for Xmas Day- so I got that day off. But I couldn't take the Holiday off without giving up a day's pay, n can't afford that. We don't get benefits like a holiday bonus or sick pay. The employer knows they have workers over a barrel, n are taking full advantage by exercising tyranical power.
Of course, some people n hours have been recently cut, n more is expected of everyone. There's no more OT allowed. Production has been condensed. Everyone leaves earlier, n the factory is closed down more hours to save on utility overhead.
All the local stores are beginning to lay-off the holiday temps in the next week. I've bumped into alot of folks looking for work, but Job-hunting this week is an exercise in futility here. Every one's got a hiring freeze on.
A friend who's been working Part-Time at the post Office for over a dozen years, finally was about to be made Full-Time Permanent, when the freeze went into effect locking her out from the pay raise n benefits. Even fast food has a squeeze on.
Winter income has always been tough on the Cape. Now the work climate is turning a frozen shoulder, n survival the next few months until spring-time picks up tourism a bit, will mean sacrifice. I don't enjoy my job, the blisters, or the sore muscles it gives me. But I'll do what I can to keep the place in business by doing my best, even as I grumble.
Now all this frozen fluff is taking over. Stray flakes are still falling from ocean effect out there. Another similar timed snowstorm is reported to be on the way for Sunday.
Oh great! I get to do all that nail-biting to go to work n home again! (ibid above) Never mind trying to get holiday presents together for the little ones by the Wednesday deadline. I've just been shoveling instead of resting to recover from that bug still hanging on, altho now more in-chest n less in head, still in residence. If I could turn nose-blowing into cash, I wouldn't need to work the holiday...
You may be dreaming of a white Xmas, but I'm living a working, white, pre-Xmas while crossing my fingers (n toes)...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wishy Washy

All my plans are washed up this week. I'm so out of it! I was going to make some holiday related stuff, but decided not to hand out unnecessary germs. Between the sinus infection, allergic reaction, n the cold my head feels like some one hit it with a couple of bricks, repeatedly...
Concentration on anything is near impossible.
Never mind burning (I mean, cooking) planned goodies. Maybe stuff'll get in the mail by New Years... maybe not. If this doesn't clear up soon I may not get in any holiday visits- Bah Humbug!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Water Color

On the impending evening of August 16 down at the "Boat Ramp Beach," M-cove wasn't feeling it's usual self. The water turned pink n purple reflecting the sunset lit clouds. Here's another one of the strange n colorful shots taken that day.
I'm not feeling myself today. A nasty bug has taken my health hostage, so all my plans got side-lined for a bit. Hopefully, it doesn't last too long, or get worse. Other folks at work admitted to having an illness, who I suspect as my infectors.
I had a pretty bad allergic reaction this week also, which'll take a few weeks to clear up, so it's stacked up against me with the bug on top. My voice is harsh n unreliable. My sinuses are shot, even with Benedryl n Mucinex. I'm achy n grouchy. Wish I had a week to sleep thru the worst of it, but with the holiday approaching quickly, I can't afford to waste any time now. My one day off isin't cutting it.
... I'm a bit off-color n flushed, but still functioning.
Friday, December 12, 2008

A Pika Chu I made for last weeks festivities ended up with many strangely placed tails with the assistance from tiny hands.
Playing 'Possum
December 4 2008
I only had two barrels until I went n got a new one today. The tall one was full. There's a hole in the lid of the cheaper, smaller one, where a critter chewed thru it to get out the stale goodies I'd tossed a few months back. I usually don't put food garbage in that one, but I didn't make the dump last week, so did reluctantly put one bag in it, thinking I might have to pick up stuff off the lawn again.
I went to put more in that barrel the other day in the waning daylight before work. I noticed the hole was bigger, about five inches wide now. When I lifted the lid I was caught by surprize to find a curled up oppossum looking up at me. I had to go to work quick, n didn't have time to play around.
"Okay," I told him, "I'll leave you alone today." I put the lid back down, went off to work so I wouldn't be late.
Gotta hand it to the critter, he found a perfect den. Warm against the house, out of the wind n rain, away from dogs reach. He had a soft bed on the garbage bag, through which to dig for stale goodies for snack time. I don't think these critters are as dumb as I previously believed. They are surviving New England winters, n are supposed to be southerners. Those who don't adapt, don't live, Professor Darwin.
December 6 2008
I want to take the trash to the dump. It's Freakin' Frio n I don't want to kick the critter out into the cold with nowhere to go- because that's mean. I like animals too much. A co-worker thinks Possum should be erradicated n exterminated, because it's not a sanitary creature, never mind it has sharp teeth. But ya know, Possums are cowards, n Critter believes now if he just sits still there, I'll leave him be, n put the warm cover back again.
Couldn't think of another good pic subject on my errand run. So Digi-Cam in hand in the "on" position, I wonder if Possum is still in the can...

Bright Light, bright light! Oh- one more shot, from too close, about two foot range with the flash, but the pics came out. Critter sat still, dazed. "Maybe if I play Possum, that large creature won't see me n put the cover back... yep, works every time!"
I went to the store n bought another garbage can, so I'd have a place to put the next bag of food trash. A trip to the dump will wait.
December 11 2008
I'd thought when it gets warmer out would be a good time to oust the critter from his cozy spot to go find a new one. The weather has warmed up, but it hasn't stopped raining in days.
I finally made a trip to the refuse disposal station. Sans the cheap plastic barrel with the hole in the cover! I couldn't do it yet- We're getting a huge storm all the way from Texas to New England dropping inches of rain with flood warnings issued here. Some parts of the south got snow n tornadoes. It's fairly nasty out there.
Some people dislike possums because they look like large rats, n remind them of rodents. Altho they do seem to reproduce profusely, they are marsupials with pouches, who climb trees n have very poor eyesight. I happen to have had pet mice in my teens, n pet hamsters for my children. I'm pretty animal savy. The proper time for the barrel cleaning is key.
Not today, Possum. I'll play a little longer-
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The temp display on the bank sign read 15F on the way back home from work this am. The chill moved in over the past week-end. Our first snowfall of the season fell on Sunday. Just enough to need to clean the car off for each cruise, but not enough to require shoveling.
The frozen crusties were still hanging tough in the artic air late in the Monday afternoon for this shot. It's the "Boat Ramp Beach" just a couple hundred feet away from my house. I walked to the corner with my digi-cam while I was waiting for Little Truck to warm up in the driveway. The long shadows almost make the snow appear more blue than the water...
Hace Frio!
Thursday, December 04, 2008

Life can be an open scallop shell.
I saw one in the late afternoon sunlight down on the D-bridge beach at low tide, way back in October, shown captured here. It was whole, perfectly upright, n reminding me of cupped hands. In the brown, rocky sand it was a glowing bright accent among the gloomy, damp, ground.
Some creature had plucked it dry of it's occupant, leaving it to rest just this way in my path as I approached the water's edge. A testament to an invertebrate life lost being such an artifact of beauty, instantly drawing my attention from among the other ground clutter.
The low tide world is very different n revealing. Water is lower, land becomes larger. Space feels different standing at a lower elevation. The large rocks which hide under the saltwater twice each day look strange n mishappen from hydro-erosion. It could be an off-world landscape...
The strong, low-angle, solar rays penetrated the shell resembling a lampshade. The simple occassion made such an impression on me as yet one more unique perk of my surroundings. One of the many memories to pull from my bag of tricks to lift me thru the gloom of impending low-light, freezing winter, on my doorstep as I write.
Remember the brightness, the delicate, unbroken shape. A moment was created just for me to appreciate as no one else does. I hope the discarded shell I leave behind makes an impression on those who happen by after I've moved on. Perhaps my shell was openned enough for some to glimpse the inside of my natural essence.
Maybe even some who don't understand the world I gather light from can find beauty a refreshing surprize in their day...