Life can be an open scallop shell.
I saw one in the late afternoon sunlight down on the D-bridge beach at low tide, way back in October, shown captured here. It was whole, perfectly upright, n reminding me of cupped hands. In the brown, rocky sand it was a glowing bright accent among the gloomy, damp, ground.
Some creature had plucked it dry of it's occupant, leaving it to rest just this way in my path as I approached the water's edge. A testament to an invertebrate life lost being such an artifact of beauty, instantly drawing my attention from among the other ground clutter.
The low tide world is very different n revealing. Water is lower, land becomes larger. Space feels different standing at a lower elevation. The large rocks which hide under the saltwater twice each day look strange n mishappen from hydro-erosion. It could be an off-world landscape...
The strong, low-angle, solar rays penetrated the shell resembling a lampshade. The simple occassion made such an impression on me as yet one more unique perk of my surroundings. One of the many memories to pull from my bag of tricks to lift me thru the gloom of impending low-light, freezing winter, on my doorstep as I write.
Remember the brightness, the delicate, unbroken shape. A moment was created just for me to appreciate as no one else does. I hope the discarded shell I leave behind makes an impression on those who happen by after I've moved on. Perhaps my shell was openned enough for some to glimpse the inside of my natural essence.
Maybe even some who don't understand the world I gather light from can find beauty a refreshing surprize in their day...
And you, my dear, are the pearl!
JanF, Thanks! I have have oyster shells in my shell gargen out front.
: )
i love your mind
and enjoy your words
JanF, woops Have Have- is that like I can can?
David, Thanks for reading. Some times I get these weird metaphoric ideas just looking at something. The pic is a bonus.
he wants you for your mind! Cool.
JanF, I just saw Gargen, too... (Garden) sad! What mind? It's a bit scrambled lately...
I like the open scallop. How beautiful. I have never seen one.
Wade, Seeing a scallop in person, especially while it's alive swimming- is always a treat. I have tons of half-shells in all sizes around this place. The hinges disinegrate over time, so one still with both halves attached is rare to have for long. I didn't pick that one up, because I liked where it was-
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