Oh (rein)deer! Little Fuzzy Santa is pooped trying to get it all done!

But the Eve is my time to celebrate, I'm going to make a few calls, play some tunes, n cook stuff. It could be worse, I could still feel ikky, n as wiped out as the one-bux Magnetic Santa I've been playing with this week...
Stuff got to the house down the hill early before work yesterday, n now I just have a bunch of late cards to send out, now that the post office is closed until Friday.

Aquinas the Native maiden statue doesn't mind the snow. She never has to shovel, n has a permanent tan! The pier in the BG looked nifty in the snowy twilight last week the day after the big snowstorm. I may post more of those pics later.
This Xmas Eve, it's rainy, warm in the 47F (4C) temp range, n the snow is melting down looking nasty, but it's much safer driving at least.
Hope you all get in a Jolly Holly Day!
(I'll be working again, my Holiday is now)
You are working now, God love ya. And I'm sitting on my expanding "ass"sets.
She does look much snowier than the last time you posted her.
JanF, Thanks! Ya I'd like more assets to afford sitting around, but someone has to keep paying rent in the Off-Season- darn!
btw, that little Santa n stuff is really small-
Merry Xmas to U2!
nice pic of pier and statue
frame able!
David, Thanks. I have another good one with the beach in the BG too- I had to stand shin-deep in snow to get it.
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