Alright, who wished for a white Pre-Xmas?

Oh sure, it looks pretty, until you get out of work very sore already, in the early am, n have to spend several hours shoveling in the dark... Heavy snow removal required just to get out of the parking spot, n another pletora of plow droppings to contend with just in order to pull into the not-so-formidable driveway drift after the white-knuckled, icy road trip home at the speed of a snail.
Finally, we got nailed with tons of frozen fluff.
I'd left for work a couple hours early Friday, at the start of the strong flake action to head 'em off at the pass. I made several stops, cleaning off the truck each step of the way. Adding to my merriment were long waiting lines everywhere I went. The combination of six days 'til Xmas, Friday, n snowstorm, is lethal to the meaning "Express Lane" at the market. They should rename it the "Depress Lane"- because it's totally unaffordable, wasted time-
The one item I couldn't live without while snowbound was dry cat food... Gotta keep Mischief happy so she doesn't torture me.
There were only a few inches to contend with at that point. By the time work was over, a good foot covered the truck with ice underneath for that won't-come-off effect. I'm amazed my little 2-bux travel-shovel from years ago was able to move the two-foot deep plow pile behind Little Truck. How many times did I want 4-wheel-drive while fishtailing home?
Last year this happened to New England on a Friday, n folks got stuck in snow-jams around Beantown for twelve hours! This time, the authorities cancelled non-essential state work n closed all the schools. They also requested other businesses not to open, n to use public transit to avoid that problem.
Of course, that's not an option for my job in the food industry- because all those plow drivers have to munch on something while they're drinking coffee...
Turns out work is closing down for Xmas Eve, because all the stores are closed for Xmas Day- so I got that day off. But I couldn't take the Holiday off without giving up a day's pay, n can't afford that. We don't get benefits like a holiday bonus or sick pay. The employer knows they have workers over a barrel, n are taking full advantage by exercising tyranical power.
Of course, some people n hours have been recently cut, n more is expected of everyone. There's no more OT allowed. Production has been condensed. Everyone leaves earlier, n the factory is closed down more hours to save on utility overhead.
All the local stores are beginning to lay-off the holiday temps in the next week. I've bumped into alot of folks looking for work, but Job-hunting this week is an exercise in futility here. Every one's got a hiring freeze on.
A friend who's been working Part-Time at the post Office for over a dozen years, finally was about to be made Full-Time Permanent, when the freeze went into effect locking her out from the pay raise n benefits. Even fast food has a squeeze on.
Winter income has always been tough on the Cape. Now the work climate is turning a frozen shoulder, n survival the next few months until spring-time picks up tourism a bit, will mean sacrifice. I don't enjoy my job, the blisters, or the sore muscles it gives me. But I'll do what I can to keep the place in business by doing my best, even as I grumble.
Now all this frozen fluff is taking over. Stray flakes are still falling from ocean effect out there. Another similar timed snowstorm is reported to be on the way for Sunday.
Oh great! I get to do all that nail-biting to go to work n home again! (ibid above) Never mind trying to get holiday presents together for the little ones by the Wednesday deadline. I've just been shoveling instead of resting to recover from that bug still hanging on, altho now more in-chest n less in head, still in residence. If I could turn nose-blowing into cash, I wouldn't need to work the holiday...
You may be dreaming of a white Xmas, but I'm living a working, white, pre-Xmas while crossing my fingers (n toes)...
how much did you get?? we got about 10 inches by saturday am, then it snowed literally all day another 3 inches, and now we're destined for another 6-10 inches today!! Many towns out here are still trying to recover from the Ice storm, over a week ago, and several are still with out power. I drove through one this past week in the berkshires- one that got hit pretty bad according to the news- and I swear it looked like a tornado blew through. it was crazy!! The regional schools around here have been closed all this past week due to the weather, and technically it's not even winter yet- they still don't have any electricity.
I don't know who was wishing for a White Christmas, but I think they were wishing a bt too hard this year! hahaha.. seriously when people wish for a white christmas they asking 2 inches, not 2 feet!!!
not to mention we're supposed to be getting more on Christmas Eve.. relentless.
Hang in there! drink plenty of liquor to help keep you warm while the temps drop.
I'll prob be mailing out presents after the holiday. I've got to wait until we have money. I think we got $5 in the bank account this week after finishing shopping.
oh.. and if you have the bronchitis-like bug, I had that a couple months back. it sucked. and lasted over 3 weeks.
MB, Where I work had more than here, a good 14 inches. Today all the new snowfall slushed two inches deep, then froze solid after sundown! I could've ice-skated home. The power out at home ate my answering machine greeting- first time that's happened.
My cards will be late, but put your package in the mail Friday on the drive described in this post.
ya it may be that bug- I wonder what I did with the peppermint schapps from years ago... Think it's still in my old fender guitar's case!
I didn't realize your job is so physically demanding - what you doing? Hoisting 50 lb bags of icing?
As to the little ones and the Wednesday deadline, I'm sure Santa will find them fine and they will still have your pressies to look forward to later.
Beautiful writing about snow.
And gorgeous pic of the frozen fluff.
Stay warm and God bless.
Jannie, I get paid to be in constant motion. Lots of lifting, moving, walking, n sometimes climbing depending on the machine section. 50 lb bags, 40 lb buckets, trays full of done goods to move n rack, all while counting...
I could've just said it snowed alot, but that wouldn't be any fun- Thanks
join the "sore back from shoveling" society that I am an honorary member of here in Big Bear lake.
one LONG week and more coming Christmas day
please include pic of crossed toes from now on
Merry Christmas, I have to go to Santa Monica tomorrow, dear me!
David, The shoveling was adding insult to previous work injury! I thought I'd never get out of that work lot. Now it's just a lumpy ice pile... Which I sanded with my own supply just to avoid breaking my butt...
Oh- Santa Monica sounds like vacation to me! Safe Trails for you-
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