Just Sittin'

Back in my mid-teens a close friend wrote a tune we'd sing in two-part harmony ad-nauseum for months. The title n main lyric theme was "Just Sittin'." It was written while sittin on a sea wall by the rocky shore (a few miles from here) with guitars with the pounding waves n gulls in the backdrop. I can still picture that scene... I can still hear the music... and the wave rhythm...
I've again thought of the theme "Just Sittin" as I seek a way to describe the week I've just had. Believe that I'm so exhausted I need to just sit! My feet are very sore from lotsa extra walkin n standin around, due to trouble-shooting a tough situation this week.
Every person who's ever owned their own vehicle knows that gut-wrenching, sunken, belly-knot which forms the moment ya realize your car is "dead" and needs lotsa money ya can't afford in order to be to be resurrected, which ya can't even earn without the car in the first place! Just the knowledge of knowing you suddenly are out of hundreds of needed dollars for other essentials, n the knowledge ya are no longer free to spend, do errands, go where ya wanna when ya wanna- Just the knowledge sinks your soul!
The good news is I am alive. I made it through my week.
I haven't yet resorted to dealing with my stress by turning back to the old Bad Habits (Wanna smoke? -Hell Yeah!). I didn't miss a day of work at a location 25 miles away. With some help (Whew!) I'll somehow, survive my main expenses to get through the next couple weeks n live to fight bill-paying again.
Now- No gasping!
The bad news is the brakes died on my truck. No exciting crash or other damage to report. I'd just arrived in my work's parking lot n was able to stop in neutral before the pedal dropped to nothing. I'm very lucky, I know! I'll attribute my good fortune n timing of brake failure to the prayers I say every time I'm driving, n all the prayers said for me by you blog-buddies. Thanks all!
- The angels must've helped me out, doing the three stops needed just before I'd gotten there. They got me to the job, n no one got hurt...
I've had to spend lotsa time making co-ordination calls, then waiting around for rides home, to work, at the drop-off location to be picked up by the next guy on the next journey-leg. Plans B, C, n D all come into play as the game of life progresses down the board.
Alotta cement was involved.
Really though, after moving on my feet over 9 hours a day at work, then not getting to sit down when I'm used to has aggrivated my poor achin' peds! Wanna off the shoes n put 'em up on the pillow, but walkin's not done for the day-off yet. Waiting around now for another shuttle to go get the truck back, after a week of this belly-knot.
I would've preferred the bux from my tax-refund back before I wanted to pay for this, ya see... Now all the other fix n order things plans are never-mind again-
Sorry to report I thought that I was sleep deprived before this week, but now I'm operating in "Zombie Land!" I've had to awaken early every day to make or answer needed calls while businesses n other people are up for it. Rides had to all go around other folkz schedules. I'm such an independent person, not used to relying on anyone else to get things done, n this depending is quite difficult for me. I can't wait to get back to the "I can do it, myself" planet I was on before my vehicle's malfunction-warp beamed me here.
Today's post pic's are of a bronze-cast, life-sized statue of a Wampanoag Indian maiden, sitting up on the bluff enjoying the Sun.

There was a heated arguement in the local paper for years (late '80's) as it was debated if she'd be allowed to be displayed there, due to the fact she's getting a full upper-body tan- (in case ya didn't notice). I don't think there's anything wrong with public, nude statuary. I fought for the placement. I was doing figure sculpture in college when she finally got to sit there in her present spot, (circa 1990).
I looked up the artist, met, n interviewed him in his studio, n discussed his many work pieces. I asked him to visit my sculpture class and give a lecture / slideshow. Then they came up with the "Visiting Artist Series" for the college.
I'd gotten busy workin hard n lost touch with the man awhile back. At least he'll never be forgotten here.
Just sittin'... Listenin' to the waves roll in,
Listenin' to the gulls, across the bay-
This is the beauty of the world...