* * *
We were in the kitchen. My white-collared, grey-bearded, tall Husband was puttering about the cupboard, putting away groceries. Giggling near the table stood my pre-teen daughter, arm extended, playing string chase with her half-grown kitten skittering about the floor.
I'd been cleaning some dishes, almost done, but the sink was clogged n filling high with water. I reached over the counter n hit the garbage disposal switch, instigating a loud roar of grinding, while all else seemed to momentarily dissappear.
From my peripheral view I sensed more clamour, turned n saw the kitten legs splayed wide, landing in the sink from a huge leap. The sink was still full of water beginning to funnel down into the steel blades. She desperately clawed at the side of the sink. I scrambled to the switch, but not fast enough- through the rushing water I saw Kitty's rear feet descend into the large drainhole.
The noise lowered quickly, but far too slow. I grabbed Kitty up under her armpits, then wrapped her hanging legs in one hand n turned her to inspect the feet. One paw was missing a clean slice off it's center pad. I swiveled, holding the dripping wet, in shock, n submissive Kitty, knowing she needed a quick bandage, n I couldn't let go.
"Please Hon, Grab me the Bacitracin, Then some cotton n tape-"
Hon began searching in all the first aid storage zones, the drawer, the medicin bin, The bathroom cabinet, the travel Bag...
"I can't Find the Bacitracin!"
I stood with both hands securing kitty from further injury, n waited, n waited, with a growing sense of dread n dispair that without the Bacitracin, the wound would get infected, n the bandage would stick to the open wound. The almost empty tube had to be there somewhere, but my hands were tied!
I felt helpless, n guilty for turning on the sink disposal...
N Then I awoke.
* * *
I'd woken up several times, too groggy n unmotovated to get up yet. Some sleep study experts previously reported that folks only enter REM after 4 hours, but it's common for me to dream within minutes of falling asleep.
It was one of those quick, fall back into sleep dreams that left me with so many questions today.
Where did this one come from?
First of all, I wish my kitchen was large, bright, n shiny like that one, but it isin't. I don't have a sink garbage disposal. That's ok, I don't like them. I'm single now, my children are grown, moved out many years ago, n my last kitty left since '07 is over a dozen years old.
That wasn't really me there. But the core of the story- grabbing the kitty to take care of her, n the Bacitracin importance to do that- is.
Awhile back in High School, I raised generations of lab mice for intelligence experienents, (I attended the State Science Fair at MIT). My first old mouse, Ben, (named from the original "Willard" film), got picked on by an aggressive son. I heard them fighting n broke it up, getting him out of there. Poor Ben's ear pinae had been totally bitten off!
I gave Ben his own little cage from then on, n applied Bacitracin ointment several times per day to his ear until his wound healed. But- I kid you not- His ear didn't just heal...It grew back!
The new pinae wasn't uniformly round, as a regular mouse ear, but wavy, n larger than the non-altered one. Bacitracin's ability to heal skin made a very large impression on me.
Just last week I used Bacitracin on two wounds from work, the back of a heel with skin scrapped off by a malfunctioanal heavy, metal, food rack, n a large, openned blister on my right thumb knuckle. Both healed quickly with out infection.
My tube of good stuff is getting low... so guess what I bought at the store today...
..............................................................Maybe I missed some sublimital meaning... What does the dream dictionary tell me?
Kitchen- Nourishment. Productivity. New developments in life. Husband- Partner. Commitment. Daughter - Youthful feminine self. Ready to express youthful receptivity. Child or children - Innocence. The new self seeking to develop. Part of self nature is childlike Floor - Foundation. Need to create some stability.
Young/Youth - Vigor. Freshness. Need for experience and understanding. Cat - A feminine aspect. Cats attacking you represent the enemies; if you succeed banishing them you will overcome great obstacles and rise in fortune and fame. Water - Cleansing. Life. Emotions. Ask yourself about your current feelings. loud noise- not foundMachinery - Convenience. Richness and happiness. Hard work ahead. Good profits. Prosperity. Injury - Damage ready to be repair. Work on old wounds Skin - This dream is related with sensitivity. Keep calm and think carefully before you make any major decisions. Foot - Basic beliefs. Direction in life. You should mend your ways in life otherwise you will suffer from your foolishness. medicine missingMedicine - Healing. Antidote. Big joy without profits. unresoved problem - not foundRepairing - Damage or injury. Making amends. Ready to fix a situation. hands tied upHand - Capacity and competence. Expect big work ahead, meanwhile must take better care of own affairs.Guilt or Guilty - Endurance. Tribulation. Treason. Judgement. Ready to forgive or be forgiven. ..............................................................Hmmm.... alot to think about there with the negative states of them in the dream applied...
Such as: water going down into the chopper hurting the cat's foot with no way to fix = Emotions churning about beliefs of female society aspects like being stuck in low-paid work, n unable to get power over the sitation... Perhaps!