I'm a bit off my normal Schedule since working 6 days in a row last week.
No, I won't get any extra paid time because the days are split over 2 pay periods.

All that happens is I work too hard, sleep too little, n get as much done as possible in the one Day Off, for errands.
I had to skip the library n renew my borrowed stuff early so I am here on the wrong day this week, n after this I need to do shopping, n laundry.
I'm making an effort to cut back more on groceries n extras like lottery tix now, to get more saved up for other things.
For Memorial Day week-end I went on a overnight trip to visit my younger daughter's for a B-day BBQ. It was fun, even tho it was pretty soggy n we stayed inside most of the time.
It's a Pot Luck event, where everyone brings food to offer for the crowd. Hot dogs n Hamburgers were provided by the hosts.
I brought chips, a bunch of drinks, pickles, pasta salad, a whole watermelon, n fresh pineapple. 2 other folks also got watermelon, so I am still eating some I got to bring back with me.
Lime-flavored Nacho chips n plenty of dips were in the huge display of goodies also. I don't like dip, but it was very popular with other folks.
All the kids pigged out on the tons of watermelon to their hearts content.
I always like watermelon to eat in the heat, myself. The weather has been very cool this week. Summer was here for only a couple of days over a week ago. Hopefully it returns soon...
These are just a few quick altered pics. You can tell this group is natural colors.
Again I read blogs, but never got to comment. I am out of time again today, perhaps tomorrow. I
Blogland seems to be sleeping this year- getting so slow! I have slowed mine way down too.
I'm not done yet tho.
But I did get pretty full!
Back to errands-