Friday, June 15, 2018


Photo by SnaggleTooth Summer 2014 (2014ssmcC)

No time to play on the other old pc this week for altered pics. I've had this pic stored in drafts for awhile. A sunset pic from 2014. It looks surreal, but that's actual. I so miss Day Off quiet / pretty time at the bridge over the cove.

Due to a work bbq thing I missed a day of sleep on the past work week-end, so started out too tired.

Then someone , probably a teen-ager, where I live n share a frig - got into my food.  They left it ripped open, so I threw it out n skipped 3 meals after work as a result. I had cooked it on the previous Days Off to make after the busier work days easier. So much for that!

I won't eat opened things from the refrigerator due to a mold allergy n illness it causes. I seal all my things, but have been double-sealing to discourage folks, so they ripped it instead. Yep, it seems they are trying hard to get me angry...

Of course I left a note out plus the ripped wrapper out, so other folks could maybe get who-ever it is to knock it off. I only get to the store once a week n can't afford this waste to keep up.

Now I'm resorting to leaving food decoys for them to mess with that I really want to throw out. Like the almost empty ketchup they used up, n the old whipped cream they keep playing with. Somewhere in storage I have my cute , little, carved, wooden ducks this reminds me of.  I miss their expressions n hope I get to use them again someday.

No, they are not for hunting, but for fun art-thinking.
I miss play-time too! Day Off is over again... Hope my food stays how I seal it this time...


At 5:45 AM, Blogger Lynn said...

I know it would be an expense, but could you put one of those dorm-sized refrigerators in your room? I would hate having to share a fridge with strangers and it's deplorable that someone got into your food.

That used to happen when I worked at my corporate job. I used to keep frozen dinners with my name written on them with a sharpie and someone would still eat them. So it forced me to stop bringing things like that. I can't stand a thief.

At 5:48 AM, Blogger Lynn said...

Forgot to say that I love that sunset pic!

At 10:38 AM, Blogger Tabor said...

I hope that you can find a new place to live hard as it may be. Leases change hands, so keep your eyes open.

At 5:26 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Lynn, I would have to pay extra for the electric bill, plus there is no space for a small frig in my room. I see you know the feeling -

Lynn, Thanks!

Tabor,There is nothing cheaper than here in my town. Most places here have a waiting list due to a housing shortage, especially in the summertime due to the tourist season. I've been looking for 3 years now. But yeah, I will, Thanks

At 11:06 PM, Blogger desk49 said...

Will yuu take cair of yourself.
and it is a good pic.

At 2:58 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Ellis, I'm doing what I can. Starting to get warm here now ! Thanks n Happy Summer!

At 11:08 AM, Blogger Small City Scenes said...

Nice shot and as for some people---GGGrrrrr!

At 1:57 AM, Blogger Neo said...

Worldly Notes: In some countries, people that steal lose a hand as punishment for being a thief.


At 1:13 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

MB, Thank you, n I have had better luck with that lately.

Neo, I have actually used those words at work this week! (July 21)


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