Despite the soggy weather last week for Day Off 1 was a complete washout. I did a bare minimum shopping trip, n My clothes were drenched. The air was 50 F degrees, but the falling water with wind felt about 40 F.
Day Off 2 was crammed with too much to get done, including a couple B-day present searches.
I didn't make it to the Library computer, so I apologize for not commenting on some blogs this week. I did read most from home, tho.
Thanks for asking that question,
Granny Annie. Everyone had a
"no way" response to that one !
I also didn't get to see the Dafodils to take a pic on the way home, because I went to other stores. I bet they were pretty.
These pics used to alter today are from the past 3 weeks walks. Early buds, fatter buds, then worn but open blossoms with heads down in the rainy n cool conditions last week.
We have finally reached that Spring point here, yay!
I didn't alternate natural color images with color changed images for this photo. Plus, I seem to have lost the crop version used for the altered here, so this is the pre-crop one.
This week's Days Off are toasty n nice, making up for the last one. I will walk by those Daffies this week. I like these 2-tone ones best, n easier to photograph too.
Same image as above, different colors.
I believe I'll have some free vaca days next week, n have so much to do. Hopefully I'll get some fun plus visits in. I haven't had a week off the work grind since the beginning of September!
I've been very achy the past few weeks, but so have the 20-something folks at work, so maybe it is a flu thing. Hopefully I'll be alot better after more rest.
Here comes summertime, n I'm ready!