Daffies go Crazy

In the center of town at the Wharf park earlier in the week, I found alot of assorted Daffodils blooming in a large section.
The other patch was totally fried on my normal walk, so I took advantage of these, n had time to play with them a bit.
I've been having a way less stressful week, not working. I ended up doing less than I'd planned, due to getting very sore digging the garden. I had waited too long so the weeds already took it over. Usually I do it in early April to beat the growth.
Heavy rains had gotten in the way of Days Off garden work last month. Really tho, I need all the rest I can catch up on. I just hope I don't get super tired right away when going back to work this week-end.
This is The original Photo
This crop was used for altering.
Now I feel like doing more, but time is up, n I'm choosing to take it easy my last free-feeling Vaca Day. I've been eating alot of my fave foods n feel fat from ice cream almost every day too!
I did a few marker fill-in pics , but didn't get to other fun stuff, or get up n out early, My body is stuck in the night schedule still.
Now I'll go nuts cramming tomorrow with things to do before the grind at work gets me too sore for fun again.This week, sleeping n shopping were the most fun I could manage. I did spent alot more time on facebook. I probably should have cleaned more.
Now I need to gear up to have little un-pressured time again. It definitely helps to decompress once in awhile. Without time to be creative I just don't feel like myself.
One more day...
When we have free time we seem to do more then when we had to work.
We also feel bad if we don't do something to keep busy.
AS for my where am I post. I only got you as a taker.
I'm guessing no one wounted to send me a email.
I took it down. I thought I'd try something different.
Oh well life is like that. I guess that is why I seem
to write more about the bad then the good.
Have a great not working last few days.
Ellis, I generally need a new email addr because my in box constantly has more than 700 new to go thru n delete, I only do it at the library, way faster; Always miss messages. This week loans to pay first, so no time to do it. Library is only 1 hour per week. I had only 6 minutes to blog there this week. My post was a mess after uploading some from home this week n took awhile to fix up. Never got to read the rest of your riddles.
Time slips away...
Time off is done
I want glasses that change the world like that. I guess it's called LSD.
Colleen, we can only change a little at a time. The world is so complicated! You don't need LSD, just to remember the infinite possibilities! Creativity can be tough as life beats you up. You do a wonderful job being a creative blogger over there! Thanks
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