Thursday, March 29, 2018


Image by SnaggleTooth March 2018

We're at the end of March this week, n April Fools is due to be on Easter Sunday. 

Image by SnaggleTooth March 2018

The joke may be on me, because again I will have to work thru the holiday, n skip all festivities. I did get myself jelly beans n Peeps to munch on, at least.

Image by SnaggleTooth March 2018

I did watch "Guardians of the Galaxy 1"  this week. It really helps to figure out how #2 got where it did. It too wasn't easy to follow so I split the action-packed  film to wait a few times. I like the walkman oldie tunes in the soundtrack.  Have to return it today to ship back to the Freetown Branch after watching it twice.

Image by SnaggleTooth March 2018

Image by SnaggleTooth March 2018

Until my State taxes are finished I will be shurking most other activities, now that the pressure is on with 2 weeks of Days Off left. I got the first 3 HC pages n worksheets done last week. Now read, read, read, double check, n making paper copies before putting it in the mail.

Image by SnaggleTooth March 2018

Image by SnaggleTooth March 2018

Image by SnaggleTooth March 2018

Image by SnaggleTooth March 2018

I probably shouldn't have played with this cut-up tree pic so long, but here you go. Your weird color n shape designs for the week.

Image by SnaggleTooth March 2018

Photo by SnaggleTooth March 2018

Enjoy your Holy n fun week!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Four for 4

Image by SnaggleTooth March 22 2018

Another big storm at midweek for the 4th time this month! looks like we are lucking out with rain instead of snow so far Weds- yay. The power is still on, big YAY.

Image by SnaggleTooth March 22 2018

Image by SnaggleTooth March 22 2018

Maybe I'll get to the library this week, but I'm not counting on it. If the sidewalks are bad from over-night snow, it will wait. I put "Guardians of the Galaxy 1" on hold there to pick up.

Image by SnaggleTooth March 22 2018

Someone gave me the second one, but it was tough to follow. "Groot" seems to be the funniest, most original character in it. It was fun watching old Kurt Russel for awhile, until he turned into an effects monster.

Image by SnaggleTooth March 22 2018

 During errands this week, I got some tomato seeds, n scored 4/$1 at Dollar Tree seeds. The Cheapest groceries in town aren't grown yet. Spring may need a jump-start at this rate... 

Image by SnaggleTooth March 22 2018

Image by SnaggleTooth March 22 2018

All week, in honor of the sale prices I have more corned beef n boiled dinner, which was also my Dad's Fave B-day dinner. His B-day was this past week. He would have been 88. On FB I found out my sisters in FL did the exact same thing!
Image by SnaggleTooth March 22 2018

Image by SnaggleTooth March 22 2018

This week, I'm attempting to begin the State income tax form, which is tons of reading. Dry. Material. I hate that HC worksheet nightmare. I'm doing paper forms. 
Image by SnaggleTooth March 22 2018

Last week I got the Federal form done in only 4 hours! It only took a month to collect forms n instructions needed. As soon as that next form is done, I hope to get to more fun projects.

Image by SnaggleTooth March 22 2018

Today's almost Easter-y-colored images are from a walk a couple days ago, after alot of the snow had melted. I'm  ready for my Easter candy, but trying to wait to open the jelly beans!

Photo by SnaggleTooth March 2018

Friday, March 16, 2018

Home Camp 313

Image by SnaggleTooth March 15 2018

Three weeks, three bad storms. Much strong wind, some sloppy, heavy, wet snow. Maybe 4 for 4 next week. Power out, cell tower out, network out.

Image by SnaggleTooth March 15 2018

Warmer at work, hot water, hot drinks. Very few people to do alot of work. At least I didn't have to take an unpaid day, but exhausting.

Image by SnaggleTooth March 15 2018

I shoveled some foot n a half deep stuff off the garbage dock n front walkway.

Image by SnaggleTooth March 15 2018

On the way in I'd spotted two wires down on different roads causing a double detour, plus a tree on top of a truck length-wise in it's driveway. Unable to stop for pics tho.
Image by SnaggleTooth March 15 2018

Work parking lot had a tree down in it, but before folks arrived. So many local trees down now it's crazy! The ones around this house are still up amazingly.

Image by SnaggleTooth March 15 2018

Photo by SnaggleTooth March 8 2018
Stormy clouds, Sun, Power lines
Back home after work - returning to dead quiet. No cooking, no shower,  no tv. I hooked up a Dollar Tree speaker to my little pocket radio for a little, civilized, background noise. 

Image by SnaggleTooth March 15 2018

Power finally came back up here, a day later (Yay not 3 days again),but some folks in town will have to wait a bit longer.

Image by SnaggleTooth March 15 2018

I always feel like I'm camping here, anyhow. TG for battery devices!

The power out drill is getting so old...

Image by SnaggleTooth March 15 2018

To the Irish, a Happy St Patricks Day. 
Green pics here for you.

Photo by SnaggleTooth March 13 2018
Porch view during this week's Blizzard
Green dreams of spring for me...

Thursday, March 08, 2018

TV Camping

I so missed power...

 I didn't miss any work tho!

Glad my game of playing "Human Wind-Sock" didn't last too long. It must have been at least 50 mph gusts that had me clinging to huge rocks  before work Friday.

Not a good walk day! 

They had a Generator waiting in the parking lot, n took about an hour to reboot all the equipment when the power quit. It wasn't bad working that way, until a bumper huge order for Sunday came in, because they were serving the power crews all over the region.

The tough part was definitely going home in pitch dark n eating with no way to cook for days, plus sleeping without heat. A generator at the house powered lights n the frig , but tripped it's breaker off when trying to power the heat! The furnace did keep it just above freezing at least. We were luckier than others...

I suffered from News deprivation, n had no clue what the weather was going to do. 
I totally love my portable, battery powered dvd player! I watched some movies. "Warcraft" was interesting with the effects, as was "The Gods of Egypt". Plus I'm still going thru the "Twilight" series again.

 No tv, no internet, no phone networks.
TG for battery operated devices! (Yes, I was able to charge those).
I ate cereal,  cold, canned veggies, peanut butter, n lots of work-bread. I wore 4 layers to bed. Almost an entire pack of baby wipes was used up staying clean. I had to go to work to get hot tea... but at least i got some, n brought it home to drink cold the next day.

Same pic below as above with color changed. (Text placement is fighting with me again)

The stores are still out of milk n decent bread, so many shelves are bare. Everyone was trying to decide what else alternate thing they will eat.
My joke used with fellow shoppers today was:
"I need a hunting dog! I think the deer is getting away!
(I got a few laughs)

It is Weds after the late news as I write now, n another storm is Thunder-snow storming thru. The power is flickering again. I have this post scheduled for Thursday about this time in case I don't get to the Library. I am a bit paranoid...
Yep, today's designs were created using a photo taken of the little TV weather-map in my room before the storm, Friday very early a.m., I think. Nice colors. 

Hey, this is cropped down so far it is pixel-ated,  but maybe is a good green one for St Pats Day...

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Sunday Sight on Main Street

Photo by SnaggleTooth March 4 2018

Photo by SnaggleTooth March 4 2018
This is the chimney

We had quite a storm. Power came back on, but the ATM still wouldn't let me deposit my paycheck or get cash. Saw this while on that in-completed errand, on the way into work.

Photo by SnaggleTooth March 4 2018
The building Had previously housed businesses. It was currently unoccupied, luckily.
Alot of tree n power damage to the whole town.

Some local things made it into the national news!
Yay all is okay at my place now. We didn't get flooded badly here on the south side of the Cape.