Are we there yet? Folks of the USA are on a new ride this winter, n the main attraction is staying warm.
The ice gremlins have invaded almost every state, n here on the Cape, we're lucky it just arrived this week. Last week I was raking in a t-shirt. At the store this week I replenished my ear-warmers, gloves, n thermal pants supply.
I am in line with all the relieved folks to have decided not to live near Buffalo NY this year. I have cousins who grew up there, n have lost contact with them over the years. I remember old tales one time of them leaping out the upstairs windows to clear the front door, which was iced up under a huge drift n wouldn't open.
In the old days my Mother had been so good at calling everyone n planning cousin dinners. Now I can't ever get holiday time with extended family. I'm happy just to get anyone at a dinner anytime... But only at weddings n funerals really cuts down visiting.
Bet FB would make catching up easier these days, if only I had Hi-Speed Internet, plus was willing to divulge my real name, n B-date,
(Not happening- I'm far too paranoid!).
I've had so little time for the computer the past few weeks, n keep falling asleep at it. I would be posting more, normally. Our town has shut down library hours with a deficit in funds. Also I haven't been visiting other the folks machine because they have different work hours now. Tomorrow I'm finally going to have a chance,

This pic is from the boat ramp beach last winter sometime. Seems to fit the weather. Luckily we're not shoveling yet-
OMG- Look what I Keyed yesterday:
Image by SnaggleYooth
- There, I feel younger now!
Back to keeping warm... n trying not to pass out before I post-