
Are we there yet? Folks of the USA are on a new ride this winter, n the main attraction is staying warm.
The ice gremlins have invaded almost every state, n here on the Cape, we're lucky it just arrived this week. Last week I was raking in a t-shirt. At the store this week I replenished my ear-warmers, gloves, n thermal pants supply.
I am in line with all the relieved folks to have decided not to live near Buffalo NY this year. I have cousins who grew up there, n have lost contact with them over the years. I remember old tales one time of them leaping out the upstairs windows to clear the front door, which was iced up under a huge drift n wouldn't open.
In the old days my Mother had been so good at calling everyone n planning cousin dinners. Now I can't ever get holiday time with extended family. I'm happy just to get anyone at a dinner anytime... But only at weddings n funerals really cuts down visiting.
I've had so little time for the computer the past few weeks, n keep falling asleep at it. I would be posting more, normally. Our town has shut down library hours with a deficit in funds. Also I haven't been visiting other the folks machine because they have different work hours now. Tomorrow I'm finally going to have a chance,

Well, with the new Congress you can also expect in the coming years that Post Offices will close and condense, driving license offices will be fewer calling government offices will take much longer to reach someone, Some libraries will close completely leaving those who cannot afford the expensive Internet and a PC no place to go for job searches and communication. Kansas state is already $267 mil in debt so who knows how they will clear any streets of snow. Austere times ahead and just to cheer you up even more climate change will cause even more of these dramatic storms. Wow! Am I on a rant!
We are still having very mild weather here in the UK, but more rain is expected with possible flooding again. We haven't even recovered from last years flooding yet! I just hope we don't get the damage we did again.
I know all about falling asleep at the computer! My problem is then I go to bed and feel wide awake!
You will always be a Snaggle Youth to me.
So, I guess your first commenter would like me -- Canadian. Maybe that's a spammer-dude there?
Anyhoo, back to this post...
The last week of July/First of Aug. next year I hope to attend the big Family Reunion, will see hopefully some lost-contact-with cousins too, some I've not seen in maybe 25, some 30 years!!
FB I am locked out of until I get a magnifying glass to look at my cable modem i.d. # It's always something, eh?
And did you say once, some time ago you like Martin medium strings? Bronzes? 20 to 80 gauge?
And now I am thinking about hot cocoa, and hoping the hubby will make some of his excellent (i taught him all his cooking skills) :) popcorn when he gets home, which should be any minute...
We got about another half foot of snow here...nothing like poor Buffalo (or my friends in Fort Erie, ON which is just across the Peace Bridge from Buffalo). Too soon for this stuff! We've had white-out conditions off/on all feels more like late January than November! If this is what autumn looks like now, I'm scared about the coming winter!
I hear you on the tiredness...don't know if it's the shorter daylight hours, the time change or I'm just getting old (probably getting old!), but I struggle to stay awake past 10!
The boycott guy is back at it wildly. Why can't blogger stop him?
So far our library is keeping same hours and we are thankful for our contributors.
Was there an extra link at the close of your post? I could not open it if there was.
That boycotting guy wasn't caught by spam for any one of us. :)
We were in the 20s in Atlanta in the early part of the week here. I broke out the down coat that I bought for my trip to New York City that time. :)
Hope you are staying warm, my friend.
Stupid Spam! Go away, n Don't come back...
Tabor, I feel bad for folks who still refuse to use computers- I know some. Of course I expect services to dwindle on funding with Republicans making laws. The weather is having way too many first-time events to ever feel safe no matter where you live! Scary by any stretch- Really, life is becoming a coin toss!
LLcoolJ, Glad you've been spared the freeze so far, n hope the flooding doesn't become a normal event there. Good to live on a hill sometimes- Vitamin D or melatonin supplements may help with the sleep.
Jannie, Thanks. Reading that spam the first time years ago was enough. That's for guys who don't want partners but slaves! Sorry i=t wasn't deleted faster. Have fun at that reunion! Yep those are good strings! Only use light if you change them every month.
Hope that was good.
Talon, The weather is definitely keeping us on our toes. All bets are off. Warm ]60's F today. Buffalo folks may flood out!
I think it's the constant sleep loss, for myself.
Gran Annie, Well at least he's keeping us on guard, n we'll never agree! Our Library is de-certified after working to get that back last year. People volunteered time n funds, but our town accountant lost almost a million dollars somehow. Folks died n left funding, but it didn't help! The Auxiliary Library nearby was closed down after years to open too. I'm grateful for the book swap shelf in the post Office lobby, n reluctant to give away my best books so a pile is forming.
Not a link. I use that color change often for under my breath explanation thoughts.
Lynn, Hmmm- he should really stop complaining about us USA women n complain about spam! Lucky you had a coat! A sweater just isin't enough in that chill! Bet the fireplace was good too- Thanks
What if you only change strings once ever 48 months?!! :) :) I swear I've been so lax in that. One good thing about dead strings, tho -- I find they stay in tune. :)
Jannie, Then they tend to hurt your fingertips more, I think. Mine are really old now too. I always try to keep a spare set for when they sometimes snap. I loosen mine when not in play to help the guitar neck.
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