Thursday, September 28, 2017


Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

Normally, I would keep my political opinions off of ESR. But today I decided to publish a small slice of what is going thru my brain this week.

Some things seem more important than others. It reminds me of work, where I am trapped in position at a machine, unable to do anything about other urgent problems I see arising around me, n all I can do is talk about it, hoping some one hears what I'm bringing attention to, n decides to alieviate the issue becoming more acute.

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

Sometimes I wish I was really rich person so I could blow money on helping folks who really need it in a sustainable way which makes sense. I can think of things to do n work out operational details because I am focused on the immediate problem solving.

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

I am convinced that people with alot of power really don't care about solving big humanitarian problems, unless they can make tons of cash. 

Because if I can think of ways to fix some  current needs of Puerto Rico or other ocean storm disaster sites, why are the people who can - being so apathetic about it?

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

Perhaps we are stormed out (desensitized) between all these hurricane problems one after the next in rapid succession, Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico. Scientists have warned us to expect increasingly severe n more frequent events, so why is nothing pro-active done to head off predictable shortages? 

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

When Texas had shelter, transportation, n power problems, they sent a cruise ship for aid. Great idea! Puerto Rico is a part of the USA, so why doesn't that happen there?  Why do those citizens get such different treatment?

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

My big "If I were a billionaire" idea is:

to create a NP volunteer flotilla of larger boats to deal with ocean storm aftermath, who travel to affected places. For instance, some could be for a shelter/ food/ water aid, one could be a power-generating platform with turbines (wind n wave power) plus have solar panels. One could have ocean water desalination  equipment. All could have back-up sail power if fuel becomes unavailable. Others could provide transport until airports are back in operation. The problems going on can be better dealt with, n are currently becoming worse for the folks in PR. 

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

I heard on tv news there is a Dept of Homeland Security shipping law, the Jones Act,  standing in the way of recieving some of the aid needed there. Waved for Texas, but not Puerto Rico?

Today the waiver was finally issued, over a week later.   

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

Meanwhile, an attention "Bait n Switch" is going on all over the country, taking focus off of acute issues. It reminds me of George H.W. Bushes war against Flag Burning... same emotionally charged patriotism thing.

All of FB n politics beginning with the Prez are focusing on a flag disrespect theme with the Anthem / kneeling folks who don't even intend to inflict veteran disrepect felt by others. 

They just want to protest in a very noticeable way which they have achieved - but they also raised the patriotism hackles on many Americans. 

Photo by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

For that argument, both sides have good points to make, so I am trying to remain neutral, even as I sense more racial inequality being inflicted on Puerto Ricans who ARE American ...

What a way to compound issues... NOT solve them! 

Friday, September 22, 2017

Wet Behind the Dunes

After writing my post n playing with pics to put on, I got up just in time to make it to the Library. But when I arrived there, it was closed due to a power outage. I don't want to wait another week, so I am again attempting the slow way to blog post on my little tablet... Here it it:

I hope to get to comment on your blogs next library visit, tho I am reading it! 

The  Jose rains we are enduring on the Cape this week pale in comparison to what the other storm folks have dealt with recently.

There was a huge puddle in the supermarket parking lot when I was there. Plenty more rain to deal with the rest of the week, n then the Maria storm is a crap shoot up the Eastern seaboard of the USA after that.

Nantucket Island plus the outer Cape are losing eroding dunes into the sea today.

The powers of Nature are taking over the news n ruining lives. The only comfort about the overwhelming losses are the many stories of folks helping others out.

Still, since 9/11 I watch all the news in an effort not to feel clueless. I plug along to continue working when so many have lost it all already.  
So many were cheated out of income between Texas n Florida storm damages , flooding, n long-term power outages from Harvey n Irma.

This week the Mexico City Earthquake shook me up too. It was heart-breaking  watching the school rescue attempt there, knowing so many children didn't make it.

Hurricane Maria cruelly took whatever was ok after the last Irma hurricane path- away from those in Puerto Rico. I work with friends who moved here from there. They have no way to check on families n friends. Cell batteries there have no way to be recharged, n aren't near working cell towers anymore.  

My worries seem petty n my dangers insignificant. I have a roof over my head, water, food, n stuff in my room to do. I can see my family on FB, or call. These are luxuries.
I pray all these survivors find a way to recover from this stormy season, n reconnect with loved ones. May we all find ways to help n not take what we do have for granted.

Nothing is placed exactly where I wanted it today, but at least I got a text doc to copy n paste in here for the first time. Way better than no post too!... Way better than being disconnected. I feel lucky ...

Storm Debris

Left overs from the last stormy post which wouldn't upload for some reason...

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Purple n Gold Meandering

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

After vaca it was so tough returning to work, n dealing with all the stress associated with it. My schedule was switched to a bit earlier to accomodate added on Fall products. Now I have no time before work to get to the store for supplies, so what I can't get on Days Off will run out. Also, I was immediately tired out the first day back working extra late, plus the night just before Days Off this week, due to machine repair delays. If I wasn't so worn out it would have been a good beach day, but I needed sleep more.

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017
 Keeping up with news on the hurricane Irma impact on family folks in Florida took up most of my free time on FB n phone the past few days. Everyone is ok, but there is still an uncle's Fort Myers home that hasn't been checked for damage, as they evacuated to another state. One of my sister's near Clearwater got the power back on yesterday at least. The other got back home, but is awaiting water service at her house closer to St Petersburg.

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

For a day before it got there, it looked in reports like the storm would hit there full force, but it hit further south n weakened quickly. After listening to some panicky moments for them feeling helpless, prayers were answered n they were all very lucky.
Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

That's like the relief I felt after making it thru cat. 5 Hurricane Bob in '91 at the other house. So I could relate well to how they were thinking.

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

I'm glad I could get updates on FB after work to find out they were ok.

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

We can only hope major storms will spare us for a while as recovery efforts repair some recent damage from both of those storms, Harvey n Irma. -

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

That whole storm issue was truelly a mind-bender in the complacency most FL residents had again after Hurricane Andrew. Now I think, all are well aware that we can't ignore the danger weather forces upon us.

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

On the way to work this week I spied these purplish berries against the Golden Rod flowers n stopped to capture the combo. I also like how the other textures add to the altered versions.

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

There were alot of bees in there too, but they hide so well from my cam, They are invisible.

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

Here's to a storm-free week ahead, with any luck... OK Jose`?

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

One thing, Leads to Another

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

I interrupt my usual weekly schedule of when to do the ToDo List, to do it when ever I want, without outside pressures except from my own self.

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

It took four days in to even feel like I could think without a cloud of brainfog, n I have slept n then slept even more every time sleep was interrupted by loud house noise.

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

There are 2 foster dogs here besides the owners 4, plus 2 that live in the room under me now. We are due to get 2 Texas dogs this week adding to it. yeah. I love animals, but this is crazier than I'd ever choose to do! I have spent all week at home visiting with the 4 cats outdoors, taking pics, n giving them treats. Wonder what they will do when it snows. The front of the house yard, 10 feet from the road, is the only "no dogs-loose free" zone here now.

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

All week I've been feeling especially lucky. While out walking I found paper cash on the ground on two occassions, n both rounds of the instant tix I bought were winners. Both started small, then got bigger. All the money I spent shopping this week has been returned! Now I feel rewarded for splurging...

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017
(Do not know how I put the last paragraph in 2ce n didn' t notice til now -just deleted it -woops!  )

That does alot to improve my mood, n this is the first I've mentioned it.

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

Been munching on my fave foods at my leisure every day. Strawberry shortcake, blueberries. watermelon, homemade pizza, Chinese  take-out, n cupcakes that were half price. I got a couple T-shirts n a new hoodie. I finally got a new fluffy allergy pillow to replace the flat ones.

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

I began to reorganize parts of my room n hopefully will get to more, like finding software cds packed from the old house to install n process pics on the faster machine. Got a few more make this easier things to get, but am avoiding Walmart until on the way to work later.

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017
Watched  the dvd "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" with Ben Stiller, n I liked it, especially the skateboarding in Iceland Part. It's about what may have happened to some employees when "Life" magazine was going online digital, n leads up to the last printing. 

Image interruption here: 

Photo by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017Tough to get a shot of these fast felines! We were playing with a little, fuzzy, green cat tail.  

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

Finally found some watercolor paper n cheap colors to just play around with - haven't tried it in way too long. Not yet - I aspire to feel like it soon. A couple more free days to see what more I get to.

Photo by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

All the altered here were produced using versions of this shot taken next to the salt marsh, most from the second crop below.

Photo by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

Sleep is way under-rated... If that's all I do, it's enough!

Photo by SnaggleTooth Sept 2017

Back to leisurely wandering n finding gold on the sidewalks...